

中文摘要 本計畫截至111年12月20日止,已完成100%工作項目,包含:監測井巡查維護、地下水枯水期監測採樣、加油站測漏管調查及新增儲槽法規符合度確認,以下說明。 針對至12月20日止已完成之工作項目進行說明: 一、監測井巡查及維護修復作業 巡查針對井況評估呈現異常之監測井4口,執行再完井及異物排除4口等,完成3口廢井作業及1口監測井外觀修繕及2口簡易維護。 二、地下水監測作業 枯水期監測結果6口監測井,於重金屬及揮發性有機物項目皆低於監測標準,其中一般項目超出第二類監測標準之情形,已由piper圖判釋,推論應受海水影響為主。另其中除統一精工加油站之2口監測井外,其餘4口井亦有腐蝕潛勢;豐水期監測結果6口監測井,於重金屬及揮發性有機物項目皆低於監測標準,其中一般項目超出第二類監測標準之情形,建議持續監測。 三、加油站稽查及調查 於每月稽查均顯示無異常;於18站測漏管調查作業中,馬公汽車加油站及北辰加油站各有1口FID測值超出250 ppmV,馬公汽車加油站目前為整治場址故不執行GC,北辰加油站GC無異常,無須持續追蹤。 七美漁船加油站已完成土壤採樣作業及地下水監測井設置,檢測結果均無異常。 四、地下儲槽系統新增事業法規符合度作業 針對本年度法規修正進行查核作業,已執行18處名單內工廠查核,其中5處為非列管,10處無缺失,3處三級離島簡易發電廠因物料運送困難,截至111年11月20日已完成改善。 五、活動辦理 因應水污染防治法新修正事業分類及定義之貯存設施事業法規符合度作業,已於111年4月6日邀請環保署長官及其執行團隊完成法規說明會。及111年11月18日邀請貯存系統須申報廠商至現場針對申報及系統操作進行說明。完成10處校園說故事宣導作業。以及宣導影片拍攝。 六、污染場址稽查監督及緊急應變 本年度完成七美漁船加油站調查,無發現污染情形。另針對1處民眾陳情案件地下水檢測結果無異常。及馬公第二漁港進行地下水檢測及油紋分析比對,確認係由中油公司洩漏導致。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水污染、污染查證


專案計畫編號 EP111001 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5910 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 董仁
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 呂昆憲 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111澎湖土水期末_定稿.pdf 7MB 期末報告定稿

Plan of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work in Penghu County, 2022

英文摘要 As of December 20, 111, the project has completed 100% of the work items, including: monitoring well inspection and maintenance, groundwater dry period monitoring and sampling, gas station leak detection pipe investigation and new storage tank regulatory compliance confirmation, as described below. The following are descriptions of the work items completed up to December 20. 1、Monitoring well inspections and maintenance and repair operations Four monitoring wells with abnormal well conditions were inspected, four wells were re-completed and four wells were cleaned of foreign objects, three wells were abandoned, one monitoring well was repaired and two were simply maintained. 2、Groundwater Monitoring Operations During the dry season, the results of the six monitoring wells were below the monitoring standards for heavy metals and volatile organic compounds. In addition to the two monitoring wells at the Unity Precision Petrol Station, the other four wells also have corrosion potential. The six monitoring wells monitored during the period of abundant water were all below the monitoring standard for heavy metals and volatile organic substances, with the general items exceeding the Type II monitoring standard, and continuous monitoring is recommended. 3、Petrol station audits and investigations The monthly audit showed no abnormalities; in the 18 stations leak detection and tube investigation, the FID values of one gas station at Ma Kung and one gas station at Beichen each exceeded 250 ppmV. Soil sampling and groundwater monitoring wells have been set up at the Chimei Fishing Boat Petrol Station and the test results are not abnormal. 4、Compliance with regulations for the new business of underground storage tank system The inspection of 18 factories on the list has been carried out, of which 5 are non-regulated and 10 have no deficiencies. 3 simple power plants on the third outlying islands have been improved as of November 20, 2011 due to difficulties in material transportation. 5、Activities In response to the new amendment to the Water Pollution Control Act, the Director of the Environmental Protection Administration and his executive team were invited to a briefing session on April 6, 111 to explain the regulations of storage facilities. On 18 November 111, we invited the storage system reporting vendor to the site to explain the reporting and system operation. Completed storytelling presentations at 10 campuses. The film was also shot. 6、Site inspection and emergency response This year, we completed the investigation of the Chimei Fishing Boat Fuel Station and found no contamination. There was no abnormality in the groundwater test results for one case reported by the public. In addition, groundwater testing and oil pattern analysis were conducted at the second fishing port in Magong, and it was confirmed that the leak was caused by the Chinese oil company.
英文關鍵字 soil and groundwater pollution, Pollution verification