

中文摘要 嘉義縣內最主要的河川(朴子溪、北港溪及八掌溪)屬於遭受事業、生活污水以及畜牧業污染的混合型污染河川。為推動河川流域之污染防治工作,嘉義縣環保局委託技佳公司執行「111年嘉義縣水污染源稽查管制暨水污費徵收查核計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),計畫執行期間針對轄境內重要河段及可能污染區域加強監測管理,極力推動污染消除、改善水質污染等工作。本計畫執行期程由111年01月01日至111年11月30日止,工作進度成果如下,計畫工作項目包含事業污染源許可管理、執行事業查核作業、廢水處理功能診斷及評鑑作業、水污染防治費徵收、飲用水相關業務、水環境巡守隊運作及輔導、生活污水污染減量宣導、辦理說明會及計畫人員教育訓練等配合事項。 一、 事業污染源許可管理 本計畫已完成556件次許可審查作業,包含排放許可121件次、水污染防治措施計畫219件次、逕流廢水削減計畫168件次、貯留許可48件次,依前述案件數統計結果,以水污染防治措施計畫及逕流廢水削減計畫為主要之申請類別。各類許可案件之審查日數分析,統計得每次送件至發文平均審查日數為14.6日(從環保局公文收件日至公文發文日),而本計畫完成交件之平均審查日數為8.8日(從簽收日至水系統建檔日)。 許可審查之現場查核作業(新申請或涉及功能性變更案件) 29件次,其中有19家經查核發現與申請文件內容不符,截至111年11月30日已完成改善並核准發證者有18家,餘1家於111年11月19日退件目前補正中,後續俟完成補正,再予以確認改善情形。 事業或污水下水道系統依定期檢測申報期別,已完成申報件數有301件,本計畫已完成審查認可301件。 完成定檢申報審查認可作業301件,依申報事業別區分,分別為事業294件及社區7件,已完成認可審查件數分別為事業294件及社區7件,達成率分別為事業100 %、社區100%。 已技師簽證案查核作業執行2家次,上半年度查核張文彥技師所簽證之「嘉惠電廠股份有限公司」許可申請文件,審查缺失基點總計為17.5點,屬2級缺失;另下半年度由吳美華技師所簽證之「東晟水產股份有限公司」,審查缺失基點總計為19.0點,屬2級缺失。 本年度許可申請完成電子化掃描556件次,其次為各類許可因新設、變更及展延等申請,經審查通過核准後進行水污染源資料管理系統資料庫維護工作有304家數,佔總計之20.7%;既有事業資料掃瞄為電子檔有53家數。 二、 事業廢污水排放查核 查核數計有611件次,其中事業470件次、污水下水道系統77件次及其他非(未)列管64件次。 污染源稽查共採樣305件,其中事業217件、污水下水道系統81件及其他非列管7件、專家學者深度查核12件及氨氮查驗130件次。 依上述稽查採樣結果,查獲非法排放或違反水污法案件計13件,其中為「放流水排放水質超過放流水標準限值」有7件、「未提送逕流廢水削減計畫」有5件及「未取得排放許可,逕行排放廢水」1件;目前已完成裁處12件,另1件陳述意見程序中,已完成裁處金額約55.6萬元。 委託專家學者執行12家深度查核輔導,其屬分級管制中第一級對象者有9家、另3家為其他重點及環保局視需輔導改善之對象。輔導結果除南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司新港廠及玨興食品實業有限公司計2家,未有明顯之缺失事項,其餘10家現場查核缺失事項皆已完成改善。 針對水質項目「氨氮」有予以管制的行業別且廢水排放方式為排放至地面水體之36家廠商,截至111年11月30日止共稽查168件次、放流水採樣130件次,其中2件氨氮水質超過放流水限值,依違反水污法第7條告發處分。另本年度執行「伸岱企業股份有限公司(電鍍業)」及「國偉有限公司(電鍍業)」等2家事業,邀請專家學者至現場進行氨氮削減輔導。 三、 浮動式水質感測器或科學工具作業 執行第一級對象已完成連續監測77家次計539件次、執行第二級對象已完成連續監測4家次計28件次、執行第三級對象已完成連續監測22家次計154件次,共計721件次。 監測結果查獲1家有異常排放之情形,該事業因未取得嘉義縣政府核准之排放許可證(文件),逕行產生廢水予以排放之情節,後續依法告發處分,並處以停工。 四、 沿海地區非列管事業放流水重金屬污染清查作業 針對縣轄內東石鄉、布袋鎮、義竹鄉等沿海地區,針對水污染未列管之事業,卻疑有產生事業廢水且含有重金屬者執行清查,已清查13家,結果皆非屬水污染防治法列管事業定義及分類。  五、 辦理委託工業區查證 於111年4月28日辦理第1場委託查證協談會議,另依110年10月12日「110年嘉義縣委託工業區查證協談會議」決議事項及會議結論,追蹤各工業區執行情形;111年10月26日辦理第2次委託查證協談會議,會議討論事項主要為與各工業區辦理聯合稽查、工業區污水下水道系統專用之廢(污)水收集溝渠或管線、雨水收集溝渠或管線進行總體檢,希冀藉由互協互通平台,有效提升工業區廢水管理成效,防止納管事業違法偷排廢水至雨水道。。 六、 列管事業之廢水處理單元功能診斷、評鑑、查核或輔導 本計畫依核定之6家事業單位進行功能診斷評鑑,於3月進行初評作業、4月辦理複評作業、5月26日提送功能評鑑初步成果報告、6月23日進行協談會議、7月18日完成查核結果之登錄。 七、 飲用水相關管理 執行936件(達成率達100%)相關飲用水水源水質稽查採樣,自來水水質採樣,未符合飲用水水質標準1件,於6月15日完成複採,已符合飲用水水質標準。淨水場水源水質採樣未符合標準有3件,已完成4次複採,目前皆符合飲用水水源水質標準。另完成257筆地號新設案件審查工作,其中有84筆位於飲用水保護區範圍內。 八、 協助辦理嘉義縣水環境巡守隊志工服務計畫 本年度3月及5月分別新增太保市舊埤水環境巡守隊及六腳鄉竹本水環境巡守隊,目前計有23隊,總人數為769人;4月15日辦理「111年度嘉義縣巡嘉河特色經營運作聯繫會報暨110年度優良隊伍頒獎」;5月19日及5月27日與南華大學、雲林縣環保局共同辦理「北港溪的文史與環境工作坊」及「北港溪環境共識討論會」;於6月22日辦理「水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會」,會議參與人數計50人;於2月19、20日辦理「111年嘉義縣水環境巡守隊志工基礎及特殊訓練」,本次完成訓練人數計基礎訓練18人及特殊訓練33人;於10月15、16日辦理「環境科普青銀少共進行動計畫志工訓練」,完成訓練人數計基礎訓練30人及特殊訓練32人;5月16日瓣理「水環境巡守隊環境種子教師培育訓練」,參與訓練人數計9人;於7月11日至28日期間自辦本縣河川巡守隊清淨河川考核工作,另於10月28日辦理水環境巡守隊清淨河川特色展現成果發表會;於10月1日舉辦「111年世界水質監測日系列活動~淨溪淨川暨歡慶水環境巡守隊20週年」,本次活動參與人數共計約450人;協助填報於地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統,截至11月30日共計填報垃圾攔除作業4件、巡檢作業139件及淨溪活動成果93件。 九、 辦理嘉義縣列管事業(含畜牧業)及下水道系統水污費徵收作業 111年1月及7月應申報分別計有351件次及353家,兩期皆全數如期完成申報,惟111年1月該期有1家未進行繳費,其因公司營運不佳,期間函文催辦2次及處分,後續於111年9月26日行政移送。 110年第2期及111年第1期,完成申報繳費分計為350家及352家,其繳費金額分別為4,269,974元及4,108,028元,本(111)年水污費總徵收金額為8,378,002元。 111年度未繳納水污費進入催辦程序有2家,皆為同一事業單位(天恩食品有限公司頂六廠),目前辦理情形為110年第1期及110年第2期皆已完成裁處及催繳,並於111年9月26日完成強制執行作業。 環保署交付共13家水污費申報查核作業,經現場查核結果為資料正確者有4家、申報有誤者為9家,本計畫已將查核成果提報。 十、 其它配合辦理事項 辦理法規說明會2場次、稽查人員教育訓練1場次,許可審查人員教育訓練1場次;另於4月21日完成生活污水污染減量宣導影片之拍攝,環保局並於6月14日提送影片拍攝成果。
中文關鍵字 許可管理、事業廢污水排放查核、浮動式水質感測器、飲用水、水環境巡守隊志工、水污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 11000 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 張瓊敏 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年嘉義縣水污染源稽查管制暨水污費徵收查核計畫-期末報告.pdf 43MB

2022 Chiayi County Water Pollution Source Inspection Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Review Plan

英文摘要 The major rivers in Chiayi County (Puzi Creek, Beigang Creek, and Bajia Creek) are mixed polluted rivers that are polluted by business, domestic sewage, and animal husbandry. In order to promote the prevention and control of pollution in the river basins, Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau has commissioned TGI to implement the "111 Year Chiayi County Water Pollution Source Audit and Control and Water Pollution Fee Collection Checking Plan" (hereinafter referred to as this plan). The implementation period of this project is from January 01, 111 to November 30, 111, and the work progress results are as follows. The Ministry of Environment and Science is responsible for the following matters. I. Industrial pollution source permit management This project has completed 556 permit reviews, including 121 discharge permits, 219 water pollution prevention and control measures, 168 runoff wastewater reduction projects, and 48 storage permits. The average number of review days for each type of permit case was 14.6 days (from the date of receipt to the date of issuance), and the average number of review days for the completion of the project was 8.8 days (from the date of receipt to the date of filing of the water system). Of the 29 on-site inspection operations (new applications or cases involving functional changes), 19 were found to be inconsistent with the application documents after inspection. In accordance with the periodic inspection and reporting period, the number of completed reports for utility or sewerage systems is 301, and 301 reviews and approvals have been completed under this program. The number of completed inspections is 294 for the business and 7 for the community, and the rate of achievement is 100% for the business and 100% for the community. In the first half of the year, we checked the application documents of "Jiahui Electric Co., Ltd.", which was signed by technician Wen-Yen Chang, and the total number of missing bases was 17.5 points, which was a level 2 deficiency. This year, 556 applications for permits were scanned electronically, followed by 304 applications for new, changed and extended permits, and 304 applications for maintenance of the water pollution source information management system database after approval, accounting for 20.7% of the total; 53 applications were scanned for electronic files. 2. Business waste water discharge audit The number of audits was 611, including 470 for businesses, 77 for sewerage systems and 64 for other non-regulated sources. A total of 305 samples were collected from the source audits, including 217 from businesses, 81 from sewerage systems and 7 from other non-regulated sources, 12 from experts and 130 from ammonia nitrogen audits. According to the sampling results of the above audits, 13 cases of illegal discharge or violation of the Water Pollution Law were detected, including 7 cases of "discharge water quality exceeding the discharge water standard limit", 5 cases of "failure to submit a runoff wastewater reduction plan" and 1 case of "discharging wastewater without obtaining a discharge permit"; 12 cases have been completed, and another case is under the process of presenting opinions, and the amount of sanctions has been completed at about NT$556,000. Experts and scholars were commissioned to conduct 12 in-depth audits and counseling, of which 9 are in the first tier of the tiered control, and 3 are in other key areas and are considered by the EPA as targets for improvement. The results of the counseling were that except for two companies, Nanya Plastic Industry Co. As of November 30, 111, a total of 168 inspections and 130 discharge water samples were conducted for 36 companies whose water quality item "ammonia nitrogen" is regulated and whose wastewater is discharged to surface water bodies, of which 2 cases of ammonia nitrogen exceeded the discharge water limit and were reported for punishment under Article 7 of the Water Pollution Law. In addition, we invited experts and scholars to conduct on-site counseling on the reduction of ammonia nitrogen at two companies, including "Shin Dai Enterprise Co. Floating water sensor or scientific tool operation The first level of monitoring was completed in 77 cases and 539 cases; the second level of monitoring was completed in 4 cases and 28 cases; the third level of monitoring was completed in 22 cases and 154 cases, totaling 721 cases. The monitoring results found that one company had abnormal discharge, and the company did not obtain the discharge permit (document) approved by Chiayi County Government and discharged wastewater without permission. 4. Non-regulated industries in the coastal area discharge water for heavy metal pollution inventory operations In the coastal areas of Dongshi Township, Bupu Township, and Yizhu Township within the county, an inventory has been conducted for those who are suspected of producing industrial wastewater and containing heavy metals, even though the water pollution is not listed as a regulated business. 13 companies have been inventoried, and the results are not classified as listed businesses under the Water Pollution Control Law. V. Commissioning of industrial areas for investigation The first meeting was held on April 28, 111, and the second meeting was held on October 26, 111, to discuss the issues of joint inspection with industrial zones, sewerage system in industrial zones, and the general inspection of industrial zones. The meeting was held on October 26, 2011 to discuss the joint inspection with industrial areas, the waste water collection ditches or pipelines dedicated to the sewerage system in industrial areas, and the storm water collection ditches or pipelines for general inspection, with the hope of effectively improving the efficacy of waste water management in industrial areas and preventing the unlawful discharge of waste water to storm water drains by means of the mutual cooperation and interoperability platform. Functional diagnosis, evaluation, inspection or counseling of wastewater treatment units of the listed companies This plan is based on the functional diagnosis and evaluation of the six approved business units. The initial evaluation will be conducted in March, the re-evaluation will be conducted in April, the preliminary results of the functional evaluation will be submitted on May 26, the consultation meeting will be held on June 23, and the registration of the inspection results will be completed on July 18. Drinking water related management The sampling of tap water quality did not meet the drinking water quality standard in 1 case. There were three cases of water quality samples from water purification sites that did not meet the standards, and four times of re-sampling were completed, all of which now meet the drinking water quality standards. In addition, 257 new cases were completed, 84 of which were located within the drinking water protection zone. Assisting in the Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Team volunteer service program In March and May, the Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Team and the Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Team were added to Taibao City and Liusiu Township, respectively, with a total of 23 teams and 769 members. On May 19 and May 27, the "Workshop on the History of Beigang River and the Environment" and "Beigang River Environmental Consensus Discussion" were jointly held with South China University and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County; on June 22, the "Seminar on the Law Concerning Water Pollution Prevention and Control" was held with 50 participants; on February 19 and 20, the "111th Chiayi County Water Environment Patrol Team Volunteer Basic and Special Training" was held with 18 participants for basic training and 33 participants for special training; on October 15 and 16, the "Environmental Science and Technology Youth and Silver" was held. The "Environmental Science and Technology Youth and Silver Youth Project Volunteer Training" was held on October 15 and 16, and the number of participants was 30 for basic training and 32 for special training. On October 1, the "111th World Water Quality Monitoring Day Series - Clean Streams and Rivers and Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Water Environment Patrol Team" was held, with a total of 450 participants; the WEP team assisted in filling in the garbage removal management system for surface water bodies, and as of November 30, a total of 4 garbage removal operations, 139 inspection operations, and 93 results of stream cleaning activities were reported. 9. To handle the collection of water pollution fees from the listed businesses (including animal husbandry) and sewerage systems in Chiayi County In January and July, 111, 351 and 353 cases should have been reported respectively, and both periods were completed on schedule. However, in January, 111, one company did not make payment in that period, and because of the company's poor operation, two reminders and penalties were issued during the period. In the second period of FY110 and the first period of FY111, 350 and 352 companies completed the reporting of payment, and the amount of payment was $4,269,974 and $4,108,028, respectively, and the total amount of water pollution fee collected in FY111 was $8,378,002. There are 2 companies that have not paid the water pollution fee in FY111, both of them are the same business unit (Tienen Food Co., Ltd., Top 6 Plant). The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has delivered a total of 13 water pollution fee filing audits, and the results of the on-site audits are 4 correct data and 9 incorrect filings. X. Other Cooperation Projects In addition, the EPA completed the filming of a promotional video on domestic sewage pollution reduction on April 21, and submitted the results of the video filming on June 14.
英文關鍵字 Permit Management, Industrial waste water discharge verification, Floating water quality sensor, Drinking water, Water Environment Patrol Volunteers, Water Pollution Fee