

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自111年9月20日起至112年11月30日止,相關成果包括: (一) 自94年公告之「限制產品過度包裝」法規,管制糕餅禮盒、化粧品禮盒、酒禮盒、加工食品禮盒及電腦程式著作光碟等,國際間先後修訂產品過度包裝相關法令,我國政府與民間亦積極呼應國際趨勢,以原有的基礎實力,深入產品包裝實務與技術層面議題,降低我國包裝廢棄物產出。 (二) 完成包裝檢驗相關工作,業者送驗共完成89件,1件不符盒層數規定,8件不符合包裝體積比值規定,其餘皆合格;主動性查核共199件,有85件產品未通過檢驗,其中不合格率最高為化粧品禮盒。 (三) 分析各國網購包裝減量管理措施,並完成韓國、新加坡、歐盟、德國等國家之包裝管理政策翻譯作業,研究整理國際網購包裝減量管理模式,提出我國網購包裝減量策略。 (四) 協助「網際網路購物包裝限制使用對象及實施方式」相關法制作業,並完成稽查執行手冊之編撰。於「網際網路購物包裝限制使用對象及實施方式」公告前完成抽查網購商品件數共305件,合格件數為224件,合格率為73.44%。 (五) 執行期間完成1場網購包裝減量聯盟會議,持續與聯盟成員互動檢討,針對112年2月16日公告訂定「網際網路購物包裝限制使用對象及實施方式」,了解各聯盟業者配合調整標準作業程序辦理情況。 (六) 執行期間會同地方環保局完成稽查大型業者100家,包裝材料稽查結果顯示大部分業者針對網際網路購物包裝限制使用公告皆因公告而調整包裝材料;包裝方式部分共有86家因公告而調整包裝作業流程,針對現場稽查共84件商品,全數皆符合規定。 (七) 辦理產品包裝減量創意設計活動,盤點國內產品包裝設計活動與考量傳達效益,搭配「金點新秀設計獎」辦理。其中雜貨類於包裝減量上還有更精進的部分,從設計生產源頭開始減量、包裝材質種類單一、使用可回收包裝材料之產品。 (八) 辦理8場次計畫相關政策研擬、法規修正與制訂進度或其他相關工作之公聽會、研商會、說明會、法令宣導會、稽查實務教育訓練。完成5式限制性產品過度包裝、網購包裝減量等政策圖文資料。辦理1場次網購包裝減量論壇、1場次行政院環境保護署(現環境部)源頭減量推動成果交流會。
中文關鍵字 包裝減量、限制產品過度包裝、網購減量推動


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9494.683 千元
專案開始日期 2022/09/20 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 王家祥
主辦單位 循環署永續消費回收組 承辦人 陳雅雯 執行單位 毅泰管理顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度推動包裝減量專案工作計畫成果報告(公開版).pdf 40MB 不含新南向環保合作培訓課程

2022 Project on Drive Packaging Reduction

英文摘要 The implementation period of this project is from February 17, 2022 to December 15, 2022. Relevant achievements during the reporting period on July 29, 2022 include: (1)Since the announcement of the "Regulations on Restricting Excessive Packaging of Products" in 2005, the regulation has controlled excessive packaging of products, including cake and pastry gift boxes, cosmetic gift boxes, wine gift boxes, processed food gift boxes, and computer program CD-ROMs. Internationally, various countries have subsequently amended their regulations related to excessive product packaging. The government of our country, in collaboration with the private sector, has actively responded to this international trend. Leveraging our existing expertise, we have delved into practical and technical aspects of product packaging to reduce the generation of packaging waste in our country. (2)The inspection related to packaging has been completed, with a total of 80 items submitted for inspection by the industry. Out of these, 1 item did not meet the box layer requirement, and 8 items did not comply with the packaging volume ratio requirement. The remaining items met the standards and were deemed acceptable. In the proactive audit, a total of 199 items were reviewed, and 85 of them did not pass the inspection. Among these, the highest non-compliance rate was observed in cosmetic gift boxes. (3)Analysis of packaging reduction management measures in various countries for online shopping has been completed. The translation of packaging management policies for countries such as South Korea, Singapore, the European Union, and Germany has also been carried out. Research and compilation of international online shopping packaging reduction management models have been conducted. Based on this research, a strategy for reducing online shopping packaging in our country can be formulated. (4)Assisting in the legislative work related to " Restrictions on the Use of Packaging in Internet Shopping and Implementation Methods " and completing the compilation of the inspection execution manual. Prior to the announcement of " Restrictions on the Use of Packaging in Internet Shopping and Implementation Methods," a total of 305 online shopping items were randomly inspected. Among them, 224 items were deemed qualified, resulting in a compliance rate of 73.44%. (5)During the execution period, one online shopping packaging reduction alliance meeting has been successfully conducted. Ongoing interaction and review with alliance members have taken place to address the announcement made on February 16, 112th year regarding the "Restrictions on the Use of Packaging in Internet Shopping and Implementation Methods. (6)During the implementation period, we conducted inspections in collaboration with the local environmental protection bureaus for 100 major enterprises. The results of the packaging material inspection showed that the majority of these enterprises adjusted their packaging materials in response to the announcement of restrictions on the use of internet shopping packaging. Regarding packaging methods, a total of 86 enterprises adjusted their packaging operations processes due to the announcement. We conducted on-site inspections of 84 products, and all of them complied with the regulations. (7)The implementation of creative design activities for product packaging reduction has been carried out. An inventory of domestic product packaging design activities has been conducted, taking into consideration communication effectiveness, and in collaboration with the "Golden Pin Design Award." In the case of general merchandise, there is room for further improvement in packaging reduction. This includes reducing packaging at the source of production, utilizing a single type of packaging material, and promoting the use of recyclable packaging materials in product design and manufacturing. (8)A total of 8 sessions have been organized for planning-related policy development, regulatory amendments, and progress in formulating policies. These sessions include public hearings, working group meetings, briefings, legal outreach meetings, and inspection practice and educational training. In addition, 5 sets of policy graphic and textual materials have been completed for restrictive product over-packaging, online shopping packaging reduction, and other related policies. One online shopping packaging reduction forum and one Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan source reduction promotion achievement exchange meeting have been organized.
英文關鍵字 packaging reduction, limit excessive product packaging, E-Commerce Packaging Restrictions