

中文摘要 金門縣環保局希冀藉由辦理「111年金門縣環境教育推動計畫勞務委託案」,配合111年主軸「推廣綠生活行動」,使環境教育推廣更具多元化,深入當地風俗民情,鼓勵民眾重視環境問題,提昇其參與意願,增進民眾環境教育知識、倫理與責任。 本計畫工作項目截至期末報告成果說明如後: (一) 辦理環境教育法規定地方政府應辦事項 1. 5月10日完成審查修正110年環境教育行動方案成果報告,備文提交(大立環字第 1110510186)。各單位110年關鍵績效成果指標達標,於循環經濟、新農業推動、綠能科技推廣、環境教育結合國民觀光旅遊具有豐碩成果。 2. 4月19日召開環境教育審議會第1場次,採書面審查會議。 3. 環境教育審議會滾動式檢討金門縣環境教育行動方案,與金門縣SDGs自願檢視報告(VLR)目標推動主軸一致,調整各行動方案對應目標。 (二) 世界森林日、地球日、世界環境日配合「推廣綠生活行動」,辦理環境節日及其他環境教育相關活動 1. 世界森林日,3月19日與3月20日辦理「世界森林日-太武森友會」,3場次共計97人參與,宣導物種多樣性與環境保護重要性,傳達環境知識,落實無痕山林。 2. 地球日,4月17日辦理2 場次「金育良食-減碳綠生活」,2場次共計59 人參與,鼓勵學員支持金門安全農業,體會人類與土地連結之關係, 強化民眾永續發展概念。 3. 世界環境日系列活動 (1) 辦理4場次「影爆·真相環境電影講座」活動,共計139人參與,透過環境電影與專家座談,促使參與者省思公害防治、氣候變遷等問題,在生活中察覺環境公害,發揮糾察隊精神。 (2) 辦理1場次網路活動「金門環教場所悠遊行」,6月1日~6月30日鼓勵民眾親近設施場所,實踐綠色旅遊,邀請民眾於網路表單回答問題,7月5日辦理直播抽獎,共4位民眾獲獎。 (三) 辦理環境教育創新及特色作為計畫 1. 辦理15場次社區環境教育巡迴宣導,共444人參與,因地制宜,設計多元化的環境教育課程內容,培養社區民眾綠生活態度。 2. 辦理28場次學校環境教育巡迴宣導,共3,480人參與,依年齡層推動環境教育繪本選讀,透過生動有趣的繪本說故事及遊戲方式,整合環境教育的重點與概念,引發孩子對環境保護議題的興趣。 3. 金門縣環境教育資訊網更新維護,依契約規定每季提送測試結果報表,已完成111年度4季報表提送。 4. 經營管理環保局Facebook粉絲專頁,截至11月21日粉絲頁按讚人數 10,144人,提升人數1,703人。(決標日期1月18 日:8,441 人)。 (四) 環境教育法輔導與查核作業 1. 4月27日辦理第1場次環境教育申報系統說明會,協助新任業務承辦人熟悉環境教育系統操作與提升單位人員實務規劃能力。 2. 11月15日辦理第2~3場次環境教育申報系統說明會,進行系統電腦實機操作練習與協助112年環境教育計畫提報作業。 3. 執行110年度執行成果及計畫查核,共抽查10個單位,抽查數11.5%。 (五) 環保志工特殊訓練及日常應用與管理 1. 輔導斗門社區、忠孝新村社區、夏墅社區成立環保志工隊,共計3隊。 2. 賡續管理與應用志工參與環境教育服務,累計運用出勤1,785人次,2,805小時。 3. 7月9日辦理環保志工特殊訓練8小時課程,共計4個社區65位夥伴參與,因應疫情採分流視訊課程辦理。課程安排金門食農教育、循環經濟、社區環境調查與全民綠生活議題,增進社區志工環境知識與內涵,並啟發在地環境行動。 4. 9月3日辦理環教志工增能訓練8小時課程,申請環教人員展延課程認證,共38位夥伴參與。設計連結「2050淨零綠生活」、「環境教育新媒體」2大主軸,引領學員思考產業與環境的平衡,認識未來時代的發展重要性。 5. 3月26日辦理第1場次環保志工聯繫會議;6月18日辦理第2場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議;11月6日辦理第3場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議暨志工大會;11月13日辦理第4場次志工隊幹部聯繫會議。 6. 志工時數每月依規定上傳衛福部志願服務資訊系統。 7. 協助環保局辦理目的事業主管機關評鑑,獲第2名佳績;111年度績優志願服務團隊選拔實施計畫獲績優志願服務團隊獎。 (六) 111年環境知識競賽地方初賽及赴台參加總決賽 1. 3月23日提送金門縣環境知識競賽地方初賽簡章。 2. 6月15日~9月23日開放網路報名。 3. 10月2日假金城國中藝文中心辦理金門縣環境知識競賽地方初賽,共422人報名參賽;實到參賽人數375人。題目融入環保署時事議題與生態保育影片等,考驗參賽者對環境知識的涉獵。 4. 各組參賽率,國小組:90%;國中組:100%;高中(職)組:100%;社會組:100%。 5. 10月22日辦理金門縣環境知識競賽赴台決賽行前說明會。 6. 11月18日~11月20日辦理金門縣環境知識競賽赴台決賽,由社會組洪曉欣榮獲全國第5名殊榮。 (七) 環保志(義)工群英會地方初賽及赴台參加全國賽作業 1. 6月1日提送金門縣環保志義工群英會地方初賽簡章。 2. 6月18日召開群英會地方初賽說明會。 3. 8月29日辦理金門縣環保志(義)工群英會地方初賽,過比賽的內容,寓教於樂,聯繫志工情誼,提升志工的環境知識。 4. 培訓金門縣代表團環保啦啦隊與相關行政作業。 5. 10月28日~10月30日辦理金門縣環保志(義)工群英會赴台決賽,榮獲環保啦啦隊團隊精神獎、環保金頭腦與環境保衛戰特優佳績。 (八) 第8屆國家環境教育獎複選、決選輔導及行政作業 1. 1月17日、1月19日、2月18日、2月24日環保署辦理國家環境教育獎複審作業,共計4組。 2. 金門縣林務所入圍決審,請委員進行書面資料輔導。 3. 5月4日環保署辦理國家環境教育獎決審作業。 4. 金門縣林務所榮獲國家環境教育獎優等。 (九) 環境教育繪本徵選及推廣事宜 1. 3月17日邀請專家學者,辦理環境教育繪本徵選辦法審查會議1場次。 2. 7月29日截止繪本收件,共計9件作品通過初選,邀請3位委員共同評選,選出5本繪本,由「阿嬤的海田路」脫穎而出,獲得特優,「夏日精靈尋金之旅」獲得優等以及3本佳作。 3. 印製環境教育繪本各款各50本與製作環境教育教案3式。 4. 培訓環境教育認證志工進行繪本說演,辦理4場次繪本到校推廣。 5. 10月15日~10月16日赴台參與環境教育繪本嘉年華,獲人氣繪本第3名佳績。 (十) 辦理環保夏令營 1. 6月16日提送環保夏令營工作規劃書。 2. 7月25日~7月27日、8月1日~8月3日,結合環境教育設施場所,規劃2場次環境教育夏令營活動,共計55位學童參與,透過營隊的活動能夠連結日常生活中的環境問題。 (十一) 輔導社區申請及執行環境相關補助計畫 1. 輔導1個社區執行環保小學堂計畫;4個社區執行社區環境調查及培力計畫,定期至社區進行輔導,瞭解執行進度與工作項目辦理情形,11月10日完成成果報告與核銷資料提送作業。 2. 10月20日輔導社區進行環保署計畫核銷作業;11月12日赴台參與社區成果展覽。 3. 11月13日辦理112年環保小學堂與社區環境調查及培力計畫提案說明會議,培育社區環境教育人才與盤點文史資源,保留珍貴文化資產與人文歷史,共計23人參與。
中文關鍵字 環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5161 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/18 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 謝孟宏
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 鄭永宗 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 金門環境教育期末報告(定稿本) 合併版.pdf 17MB

Project of Environmental Educational Promotion in 2022

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau of Kinmen County promotes “Service Project of Environmental Educational Promotion” in 2022. In order to promote environmental education in depth and diversity, this project organizes different genres of activities in environmental education, such as outdoor learning and experiential activities, profoundly enhancing the public’s mindset in environmental protection and policies. This service project displays the fruitful results as follows. 1. Handle matters required by the local government under the Environmental Education Law. (1) On May 10, the review and revision of the 110-year environmental education action plan results report was completed and submitted as a document. The 110-year key performance indicators of each unit have reached the standard, and they have achieved fruitful results in circular economy, new agriculture promotion, green energy technology promotion, environmental education combined with national tourism. (2) On April 19th, the first session of the environmental education review meeting was held, and a written review meeting was adopted. (3) The Environmental Education Review Committee will conduct a rolling review of the Kinmen County Environmental Education Action Plan, which is consistent with the goal promotion axis of the Kinmen County SDGs Voluntary Review Report (VLR), and adjust the corresponding goals of each action plan. 2. World Forest Day, Earth Day, and World Environment Day cooperate with the "Promotion of Green Life Action" to organize environmental festivals and other environmental education-related activities. (1) World Forest Day, "World Forest Day-Taiwu Forest Friends Association" will be held on March 19 and March 20. A total of 97 people participated in 3 sessions to promote the importance of species diversity and environmental protection, convey environmental knowledge, and implement No trace of mountains and forests. (2) On Earth Day, on April 17, 2 sessions of "Golden Food - Carbon Reduction and Green Life" were held. A total of 59 people participated in the 2 sessions. Students were encouraged to support Kinmen's safe agriculture, understand the relationship between humans and the land, and strengthen the sustainable development of the people concept. (3) World Environment Day series activities (a) Organized 4 sessions of "Movie Explosion·Truth Environmental Film Lectures", with a total of 139 participants. Through environmental film discussions with experts, participants were encouraged to reflect on issues such as pollution prevention and control, climate change, etc., to perceive environmental pollution in their lives, and to play Picket spirit. (b) Organize 1 online event "Kinmen Environmental Education Site Parade", from June 1st to June 30th to encourage the public to get close to the facilities and places, practice green tourism, and invite the public to answer questions on the online form, July 5th A live lucky draw was conducted, and a total of 4 people won the prize. 3. Handle environmental education innovation and characteristics as a plan (1) Handled 15 community environmental education tours, with a total of 444 participants, designed diversified environmental education courses according to local conditions, and cultivated the community's attitude towards green life. (2) Organized 28 school environmental education tours, with a total of 3,480 participants, and promoted the selection of environmental education picture books according to age groups. Through vivid and interesting picture book storytelling and game methods, the focus and concept of environmental education were integrated to arouse children's awareness of environmental protection. topic of interest. (3) The Kinmen County Environmental Education Information Network is updated and maintained, and the report of the test results is submitted quarterly according to the contract. The submission of the report for the fourth quarter of 2011 has been completed. (4) Operation and management of the Facebook fan page of the Environmental Protection Bureau, as of November 21, the number of likes on the fan page (5) 10,144 people, 1,703 people were promoted. (Date of award on January 18: 8,441 people). 4. Counseling and assessment assignments on environmental education law (1) On April 27, hold the first briefing session on the environmental education declaration system to assist the new business contractor to get familiar with the operation of the environmental education system and improve the practical planning ability of the unit personnel. (2) On November 15, hold the 2nd to 3rd environmental education declaration system briefing, conduct system computer operation exercises and assist in the submission of 112-year environmental education plans. (3) Execute the 110 year implementation results and plan inspection, a total of 10 units were randomly inspected, and the number of random inspections was 11.5%. 5. Special training and daily application and management of environmental volunteers (1) Counseling Doumen Community, Zhongxiao Xincun Community, and Xiashu Community to set up environmental protection volunteer teams, a total of 3 teams. (2) Continuously manage and use volunteers to participate in environmental education services, with a total of 1,785 attendances and 2,805 hours. (3) On July 9th, an 8-hour special training course for environmental protection volunteers was held. A total of 65 partners from 4 communities participated. In response to the epidemic situation, the video-based course was conducted separately. Courses include Kinmen Food and Agriculture Education, Circular Economy, Community Environmental Survey and National Green Living Issues, to enhance community volunteers' environmental knowledge and connotation, and inspire local environmental actions. (4) Conducted an 8-hour training course for environmental education volunteers on September 3, and applied for an extension course certification for environmental education personnel. A total of 38 partners participated. The design connects the two main axes of "2050 net-zero green life" and "new media for environmental education", leading students to think about the balance between industry and environment, and understand the importance of development in the future era. (5) On March 26, the first environmental protection volunteer contact meeting was held; on June 18, the second volunteer team cadre contact meeting was held; on November 6, the third volunteer team cadre contact meeting and volunteer conference was held; On November 13th, the 4th volunteer team cadre contact meeting was held. (6) Volunteer hours are uploaded to the volunteer service information system of the Ministry of Health and Welfare according to regulations every month. (7) Assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau to handle the evaluation of the competent authority of the target industry, and won the second place; the 111 annual excellent volunteer service team selection and implementation plan won the excellent volunteer service team award. x 6. 111 Environmental Knowledge Contest Local Preliminaries and Taiwan to participate in the finals (1) On March 23, the brochure for the local preliminary competition of the Kinmen County Environmental Knowledge Contest will be submitted. (2) Online registration is open from June 15th to September 23rd. (3) On October 2, the Kinmen County Environmental Knowledge Competition local preliminary competition was held at the Jincheng Junior High School Art and Culture Center. A total of 422 people signed up for the competition; the actual number of participants was 375 people. The topic incorporates current issues of the Environmental Protection Agency and ecological conservation videos, etc., to test the contestants' knowledge of the environment. (4) Participation rate of each group, national group: 90%; junior high school group: 100%; high school (vocational) group: 100%; social group: 100%. (5) On October 22, the pre-departure briefing for the Kinmen County Environmental Knowledge Competition to Taiwan finals was held. (6) From November 18th to November 20th, the Kinmen County Environmental Knowledge Contest went to Taiwan for the final, and Hong Xiaoxin from the social group won the 5th national honor. 7. Environmental protection (volunteer) Workers Heroes Association local preliminary competition and going to Taiwan to participate in the national competition homework (1) On June 1, submit the brochure for the local preliminary competition of the Kinmen County Environmental Protection Volunteer Heroes Association. (2) On June 18, a briefing session for the local preliminary competition of the Heroes Association will be held. (3) On August 29, the Kinmen County Environmental Protection Journal (Volunteer) Workers Heroes Association held the local preliminary competition. Through the content of the competition, it was entertaining and entertaining to connect with volunteers and improve their environmental knowledge. (4) Training the environmental protection cheerleading team of the Kinmen County delegation and related administrative operations. (5) From October 28th to October 30th, the Kinmen County Environmental Protection Chronicle (volunteer) Workers Heroes Meeting went to the finals in Taiwan, and won the Environmental Cheerleading Team Spirit Award, Environmental Protection Golden Brain and Environmental Protection Battle. 8. The 8th National Environmental Education Award re-selection, final selection counseling and administrative work (1) On January 17, January 19, February 18, and February 24, the Environmental Protection Agency will handle the review of the National Environmental Education Award, with a total of 4 groups. (2) Kinmen County Forestry Office is shortlisted for the final review, and the committee members are invited to provide written guidance. (3) On May 4, the Environmental Protection Agency handles the final review of the National Environmental Education Award. (4) Kinmen County Forestry Office won the National Environmental Education Award. 9. Selection and Promotion of Environmental Education Picture Books (1) On March 17, experts and scholars will be invited to conduct a review meeting on the selection methods for environmental education picture books. (2) The deadline for picture book submissions was July 29. A total of 9 works passed the preliminary selection. Three committee members were invited to jointly select 5 picture books. "Golden Journey" won the first prize and 3 masterpieces. (3) Print 50 environmental education picture books of each category and make 3 types of environmental education teaching plans. (4) Train environmental education certification volunteers to give picture book speeches, and handle 4 picture book promotions in schools. (5) Went to Taiwan to participate in the Environmental Education Picture Book Carnival from October 15th to October 16th, and won the third place in the most popular picture book. 10. Handling environmental protection summer camp (1) Submit the environmental protection summer camp work plan on June 16. (2) From July 25th to July 27th, and from August 1st to August 3rd, combined with environmental education facilities and places, planned 2 environmental education summer camp activities, a total of 55 students participated, and through the activities of the camp team, they can connect with daily life Environmental issues in life. 11. Counseling the community to apply for and implement environment-related subsidy programs (1) Counseling 1 community to implement the environmental protection primary school project; 4 communities to implement the community environmental survey and power-building plan, regularly visit the community for counseling, understand the implementation progress and work project handling situation, and complete the result report and verification on November 10 Sales data submission operation. (2) On October 20th, I counseled the community to carry out the write-off operation of the EPA plan; on November 12th, I went to Taiwan to participate in the community achievement exhibition. (3) On November 13, the 112-year Environmental Protection Elementary School and Community Environmental Investigation and Empowerment Plan Proposal Explanation Meeting was held to cultivate community environmental education talents and inventory cultural and historical resources, and preserve precious cultural assets and human history. A total of 23 people participated.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Educational