

中文摘要 (1)辦理「環保早餐日活動」輔導110家業者響應。(2)輔導1處夜市或商圈業者於內用時不提供「一次性餐具」媒合20家。(3)輔導餐飲業者結合本縣政府機關(構)外帶或外送服務提供可重複清洗餐具媒合31家。(4)建置本縣環保杯租借系統,結合雲林幣扭一下App。(5)輔導30家飲料店業者加入「設置環保杯租借店家」行列,並設置20處歸還點。(6)於111年6月14日假雲林縣虎尾鎮北溪社區活動中心辦理【轉廢為寶、「餘」你共享】記者會;於111年10月01日假古坑綠色隧道舉辦「物換物 愛延續暨源頭減量記者會」宣導活動。(7)重大節日限制產品過度包裝查核,禮盒數量達1,748件。(8)輔導本縣轄內業者提供民眾自備餐具優惠100家業者響應。(9)持續建置並維護本縣「二手袋回收站」,共37處。(10)建置並持續維護「二手物愛分享交換站」共計3處。(11)辦理設攤宣導與二手物交換活動,共計辦理30場次。(12)於111年10月01日假古坑綠色隧道舉辦「物換物 愛延續」二手市集大型推廣活動。(13)結合北溪社區發展協會、八德社區發展協會及江厝社區發展協會,辦理惜食愛物推廣活動共計3場次。(14)辦理廢棄腳踏車回收再利用,共計修繕50輛。(15)使用環保餐具共計21,925組。(16)完成各鄉鎮市執行2次破袋共計4,000包垃圾。(17)辦理一次用產品業者稽查作業,共計稽查1,648家次。(18)協助辦理「一般廢棄物清除處理費停徵退費」審查作業,共計審查51家次。(19)輔導公所辦理「垃圾定時定點專區收運作業」共11條路線。
中文關鍵字 源頭減量、垃圾減量、資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/12 專案結束日期 2022/11/20 專案主持人 謝明傑
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 呂冬玫 執行單位 昇元工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB 期末報告摘要

Promotion Plan for General Waste Reduction and Resource Circulation in 2022

英文摘要 (1) Conducted "Eco-Breakfast Day," counseled 110 businesses to respond to the campaign. (2) Counseling one night market or shopping district operators not to provide "disposable utensils” when dining in, with 20 food establishments matched. (3) Counseled caterers combined with county government agencies for take away or delivery services to provide reusable tableware and utensils, with 31 businesses matched. (4) Set up the county's Reusable Cup Rental System, combined with the Yunlin Coin App. (5) Counseled 30 hand-shaken drink store owners to join the "Reusable Cup Rental System Shop" and set up 20 return points. (6) A press conference on "Turning Waste into Treasure and Sharing Proceeds" was held at the Beixi Community Activity Center in Huwei Township, Yunlin County on June 14, 2022. A press conference on "Goods Exchange - Love Continues with Source Reduction" was held at the Gukeng Green Tunnel on October 01, 2022. (7) Restrictions on over-packaging spot inspections during major festivals, with 1,748 gift boxes checked. (8) Counseled businesses within the county to provide the public with a discount for bringing their own utensils, with 100 businesses responding. (9) Continuously build and maintain the county's "Used Handbag Recycling Stations," with a total of 37 locations. (10) Built and continued to maintain three "Secondhand Goods Exchange Stations". (11) Set up awareness booths and second-hand goods exchange events, with a total of 30 sessions. (12) A second-hand market promotion event, "Exchange Goods, Love Continues" , was held on October 01, 2022 at Gukeng Green Tunnel. (13) In conjunction with the Beixi Community Development Association, Bade Community Development Association and Jiangcuo Community Development Association, a total of 3 sessions were held to promote zero food waste and goods reuse. (14) Launched campaign for recycling and reuse of abandoned bicycles, a total of 50 bicycles were repaired. (15) 21,925 sets of environmentally friendly tableware were used. (16) Completed the implementation of 2 times of garbage bag puncture checking in each township and city for a total of 4,000 bags of garbage. (17) Conducted inspections of disposable product sellers, with a total of 1,648 inspections. (18) Assisted in the examination of the "general waste removal and treatment fee suspension and refund" and examined a total of 51 businesses. (19) Counseled township offices to launch "garbage collection service at regular intervals” with a total of 11 routes.
英文關鍵字 Source Reduction, Waste Reduction, Recycling