

中文摘要 本計畫以「循環經濟」的思維為出發點,透過辦理及參與循環經濟國際會議,達到深化國際合作交流及精進上下游產業鏈結的效益。緣此,本計畫在9月至11月辦理2022「新加坡ISWA年會參展暨研商交流活動」及「第四屆臺灣循環經濟週」活動,於活動期間,邀請及媒合國內政府單位、企業廠商和公協會組織與國際循環經濟相關產業先進或專家,進行議題策略、技術知識、商業範疇等的交流,同時推廣國內當地循環經濟之努力成果促進轉型。針對「新加坡ISWA年會參展暨研商交流活動」,參與ISWA年會、展區設展、拜會駐新加坡台北代表處、新加坡國家環境局及辦理濱海灣金沙酒店(Marina Bay Sands)、亞洲水泥新加坡分公司、大士南焚化廠(Tuas South Incineration Plant)等3處廢棄物處理及循環設施參訪。而對於「第四屆臺灣循環經濟週」之系列活動「資源循環績優企業頒獎典禮暨企業高峰會」與「桃園永續資源館在地推廣與國際交流參訪」,則完成辦理績優企業頒獎典禮、績優企業亮點分享、循環產業特展佈展及導覽、3場主題式演講和正隆大園廠參訪。 此外,在參與國際會議部份,完成4項國際組織會議的相關循環經濟資料蒐集及重點彙整,分別為(1)經濟合作暨發展組織(Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,以下簡稱OECD)舉辦之「綠色成長與永續發展論壇」(Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum,以下簡稱GGSD)、(2)2022「第六屆世界循環經濟論壇」(World Circular Economy Forum 2022,以下簡稱WCEF2022) 、(3)第27屆聯合國氣候峰會(Conference of the Parties,以下簡稱COP)及(4)亞洲低碳發展策略夥伴(Asia LEDS Partnership,以下簡稱ALP),並聘請專任人員駐署協助行政事務,提升計畫執行效率與品質。全案藉由舉辦和參與循環經濟國際會議及活動,掌握國際循環經濟最新趨勢,加速轉型我國永續環境生活的打造。
中文關鍵字 循環經濟、國際合作、產業鏈結


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6020.450 千元
專案開始日期 2022/06/29 專案結束日期 2022/12/15 專案主持人 莊佳穎
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 詹宛真 執行單位 波希整合行銷有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA_111_國合案成果報告.pdf 15MB

The Project of International Network Connection and Collaboration for Circular Economy

英文摘要 The project conceived by the concept of the “Circular Economy”, which aimed to deepen international collaborations and exchange of ideas and improve the efficiency of the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry chain through organizing and participating in international conferences related to the circular economy. Therefore, as part of this project, we held the “Exhibition Attending and Idea Discussion and Exchanging at ISWA 2022 Singapore” and the “4th Taiwan Circular Economy Week” between September and November; we invited Taiwanese governmental agencies, enterprises and vendors, associations and pioneers and experts in circular economy in industry, organized matchmaking events, and conducted exchange of ideas regarding strategies for tackling issues, technical know-how and business scope. In the meantime, we promoted Taiwan’s efforts and achievements in the circular economy in order to drive transformation. Regarding the “Exhibition Attending and Idea Discussion and Exchanging at ISWA 2022 Singapore”, we attended the annual ISWA, set up the exhibition display, and visited the Taipei Representative Office in the Republic of Singapore, the National Environment Agency, and the three waste management and circulation facilities - Marina Bay Sands, the Asia Cement Corporation’s office in Singapore, and the Tuas South Incineration Plant. As for the “4th Taiwan Circular Economy Week”, we organized the “2022 Taiwan Circular Economy Outstanding Enterprises Award Ceremony and Enterprise Summit” and the “Visit to and International Exchanges of Ideas and the Promotion of Local Businesses at the Taoyuan Sustainable Resource Center”. More specifically, we held the award ceremony for outstanding enterprises, showcased these enterprises, arranged exhibitions and guided tours regarding the industry of circular economy, held three keynote speeches and organized a visit to the Cheng Loong Paper Mill factory in Da Yuan District, Taoyuan City. In addition, regarding participation in international conferences, we collected data and consolidated key messages relating to the circular economy from the conferences organized by four international organizations. These were: 1) the Green Growth and Sustainable Development Forum (GGSD) by the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); 2) the World Circular Economy Forum 2022 (WCEF2022); 3) the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP); and 4) the Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP). We assigned dedicated personnel to be stationed at the EPA and to assist in administrative affairs in order to enhance the efficiency and quality of the project’s execution. Through organizing and getting involved in international conferences and events relating to the circular economy for this project, we have become familiar with the latest trends around the circular economy; this has helped us to speed up the process of building a sustainable environment and lifestyle in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Circular Economy, International Cooperation, Industrial Linkage