

中文摘要 (一) 空氣品質現況 1. 近年(103年~112年4月)之空氣品質指標(AQI>100)比例變化趨勢為由北往南遞增,指標污染物以細懸浮微粒及臭氧八小時為主,高雄市為六都中空品不良率最高,次之為臺南市,此與南二都地理位置均位於台灣下風處,長期受到盛行風向所帶來之污染物及累積影響有關。 2. 臺南市近五年(107年~111年)空氣品質指標(AQI)良好及普通(AQI<100)比率,呈現逐年上升趨勢,自107年76.4%逐年上升至111年90.0%,並連續兩年達到八成外,更首度於111年突破九成,且良好日數比率創歷年新高,達到43.7%;而空品不良(AQI>100)比率,呈現逐年改善趨勢,自107年23.6%下降至111年9.8%,改善比率達58.6%,其中以PM2.5不良比率改善最為顯著,自107年16.2%下降至111年5.5%;臭氧8小時不良率則呈現跳動趨勢,111年O3-8hr明顯改善且不良比率來到4.32%;不良站日數部分亦自107年345站日數減少至111年143站日數,大幅減少58.6%,達歷年新低。 3. 各項空氣污染物濃度大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10已連續4年(108~111年)符合新制空品標準(50µg/m3、100µg/m3)。近五年(107年~111年)改善率分別為40.8%及37.2%,112年至4月底PM10年平均值為52.1 µg/m3,日平均值為62.8 µg/m3; PM2.5自動測站年平均值及24小時值近五年(107年~111年)改善率分別為26.9%及26.5%;112年至4月底PM2.5自動年平均值為25.6 µg/m3,日平均值為47.9 µg/m3;手動測站年平均值及24小時值近五年(107年~111年)改善率分別為25.0%及17.7%;112年至3月底PM2.5手動年平均值為28.4 µg/m3,日平均值為59.0 µg/m3;臭氧(O3)之小時平均值及8小時平均值濃度呈現跳動情形,但整體仍是下降趨勢,近五年(107年~111年)改善率分別為5.4%及3.5%,臭氧(O3)112年至4月底小時平均值為92.1 ppb,八小時平均值為65.8 ppb。 (二) 修正臺南市空氣品質惡化防制計畫 1. 協助修正臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施計畫,因應環保署已於111年3月公告「空氣品質嚴重惡化警告發布及緊急防制辦法」,依修正期程規畫項目,如各局處應變措施及跨局處協商應變辦理、審核公私場所應變計畫書等,於111年12月19日公告臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施計畫。 2. 研擬臺南市空氣品質惡化時本市之應變通報流程,包含協助判斷應變小組及防制指揮中心開設時機與發布、空氣品質趨勢與氣象資訊掌握、污染源巡查作業及應變效益分析與成果提報。 3. 於111年9月22日召開一場跨局處會議「臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施權責分工協商會議」,邀集臺南市政府20局處以及37個區公所與會參加,針對環保署修正公告「空氣品質嚴重惡化警告發布及緊急防制辦法」重點說明,及研擬「臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施計畫」修正重點進行說明。 (三) 空氣品質不良執行污染源應變減量作業 1. 強化應變查核效益,計畫初期建置應變查核對象名單,包括60大核定「各級空氣品質惡化防制計畫」公私場所、微型感測器潛勢熱區名單及「預防空氣品質惡化之空氣污染行為」本市管制對象名單掌握(包括瀝青混凝土13家;港區水泥原料裝卸1處、鍋爐業28家;揮發性有機液體儲槽13家),並建立污染源完整通報機制,於空品不良期間進行執行通報作業。 2. 建立應變查核機制,減緩空氣品質惡化情形,計畫初期規劃依本市工業區IoT系統告警頻率及依據當下天氣型態(風速、風向等)通報應變測站作為中心,擇定應變巡查區域及依照當日指標污染物(懸浮微粒、揮發性有機氣體)來擇定應變巡查名單。 3. 計畫執行期間針對空品不良達惡化預警初級等級以上共計82天次,並依據當日不良測站、指標污染物指定應變查核區域,本計畫共巡查267家公私場所,其中14家查核有缺失,查核結果以紀錄表紀錄不確實佔57%、防制設備損壞故障或污損佔29%,以及防制設備超過許可規定值佔14%。臺南市此段期間共計減量TSP削減613.23公噸、PM10削減121.86公噸、PM2.5削減27.92公噸、氮氧化物削減50.59公斤。 4. 針對12家工廠應變計畫書內容與實質性現場查核,其多數工廠計畫書內未提供製程流程圖,部份工廠提出替代削減方案時,未提供佐證資料或計算方式有誤。 5. 配合參與雲嘉南相關會議及環保署空品不良季節空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組相關會議,共計參與15次應變小組會議及配合6次聯合稽查作業。 (四) 於空品不良期間執行重大污染源檢測與污染源追蹤及判定 1. 執行紅外線氣體顯像攝影機偵測高污染排放潛勢工廠洩漏12天次,其中2處公私場所所有洩漏情形,皆完成改善且複查已無洩漏情事。 2. 執行公私場所設備元件揮發性有機氣體稽查檢測,針對近年屢次超標開罰業者、難檢元件比率達10%以上之公私場所為檢測對象共計11家公私場所,完成8,000點次設備元件檢測,其中1,020點次為難以檢測元件(占12.8%),並搭配紅外線氣體顯像攝影機偵測16天次輔助設備元件稽查檢測;最終共5家公私場所計8點設備元件洩漏,其中2點次達法規標準之洩漏定義依法告發處分。 3. 執行UAV空拍查核作業共10次,其中6次為配合南區應變聯合稽查執行露天燃燒及營建工地法規符合度查核,查獲2處露天燃燒情形依法告發;另4次分別執行和順工業區及新營工業區,搭載紅外線熱顯儀及微型感測氣進行空拍監測,查獲4家異常污染源。 4. 執行異味污染源採樣檢測作業10次,其中1家異味檢測值大於標準值,依法告發。 (五) 111年環保署績效展現追蹤 協助環保局爭取111年度績效考核項目,包括強化污染源稽(巡)查量能、執行跨縣市合作協力應變、執行空污季空氣污染禁止管制行為、鼓勵固定污染源於空品不良期間降載減排等四項考核項目爭取滿分。 1. 強化污染源查核量能:秋冬季各項稽巡查作業量佔全年度作業量皆達55%以上,包括固定污染源稽查作業達88%、固定污染源設備元件檢測達80%、營建工地與逸散性固定污染源稽查作業達59%、露天燃燒稽巡查(UAV巡查)達97%。 2. 強化跨區域合作協力應變:雲嘉南與高屏空品區合作管制相當密切,在空品不良季節每月皆會有主題性的聯合稽查,111年跨縣市合作共計6次。 3. 鼓勵固定污染源於空品不良期間降載減排:針對轄內50家固定污染源,鼓勵其於空品不良期間降載減排,提出配合執行前述降載之成果資料。 (六) 強化各層面之空品惡化期間宣導工作 1. 履約日起一個月內協助在秋冬空品不良季節規劃環保局空噪科相關委辦計畫在這段期間預計發布之新聞稿題目及社群媒體圖卡,並送環保局備查,於月報管控發布情形。 2. 即時監控空氣品質監測資料,並協助機關發布即時性之新聞資訊及啟動應變作為,共完成刊登環保新聞6則;協助於環保局FB粉絲團等社群媒體,發布空污防制成果、空氣品質科普知識及空品嚴重惡化提醒等貼文資訊,共計發布69則空品訊息臉書發布。 3. 規劃毒性化學物質及懸浮微粒物質災害事件演練情境,環保局空噪科因應災害事件採取相關應變措施短片以及針對敏感族群(老人)辦理因應懸浮微粒物質災害應變實兵演練並拍攝宣導短片。 4. 於111年12月13日辦理1場次「敏感族群懸浮微粒物質災害應變實兵演練」,針對社會局所屬老人及身心障礙機構模擬達重度嚴重惡化,臺南市政府成立災害應變中心後社會局通報老人及身心障礙機構實際因應空氣品質嚴重惡化演練應變措施,後續剪輯製作宣導教學影片。 5. 分別於111年9月22日及111年10月19日邀集本市20局處及37區公所召開「臺南市空氣品質惡化防制措施權責分工暨空品惡化應變演練會議」,針對成立跨局處空氣污染防制應變小組及成立臺南市防制指揮中心等情境,通報市府相關單位以及區公所並以口頭報告方式進行應變演練。 6. 完成一部懸浮微粒物質災害應變演練宣導短片拍攝。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染事件、緊急應變、預防管理


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-111-AN-30520 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6311 千元
專案開始日期 2022/08/01 專案結束日期 2023/05/31 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳欣妤 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 111年度臺南市應變計畫期末定稿(全).pdf 19MB

2022 Tainan City Air Quality Deterioration Response Control and Protection Project

英文摘要 (I) Current Air Quality Status 1. In recent years (2014 to April 2023), the proportion of poor air quality days (AQI>100) increased from northern Taiwan to southern Taiwan. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone eight-hour averages were the primary indicator pollutants. Among six special municipalities, Kaohsiung City had the highest rate of poor air quality, while Tainan City had the second highest. This was due to the geographical location of the two cities, that is, the downwind end of Taiwan, making them subject to the pollutants brought by the prevailing winds and cumulative effects over a long period. 2. In the past five years (2018 to 2022), the proportion of good and moderate air quality days (AQI<100) in Tainan City showed a yearly upward trend, increasing from 76.4% in 2018 to 90.0% in 2022, and reaching 80% for two consecutive years. In 2022, the proportion was over 90% for the first time, and the proportion of good air days reached a record high of 43.7%. In the same period of time, the proportion of poor air quality days (AQI>100) showed a yearly trend of improvement, decreasing from 23.6% in 2018 to 9.8% in 2022, with an improvement rate of 58.6%. Among these, the improvement of the poor ratio of PM2.5 was the most significant, decreasing from 16.2% in 2018 to 5.5% in 2022. On the other hand, the ratio of poor ozone 8-h averages showed a fluctuating trend; in 2022, the O3-8 h significantly improved, and the ratio of poor days reached 4.32%. The number of poor station days also decreased from 345 in 2018 to 143 in 2022, which was a significant 58.6% decrease, reaching a record low of all years. 3. The concentrations of various air pollutants largely showed a trend of improvement, with PM10 meeting the new air quality standard (50µg/m3, 100µg/m3) for four consecutive years (2019 to 2022). In the past five years (2018 to 2022), the improvement rates were 40.8% and 37.2%, respectively. By the end of Apr. 2023, the annual mean PM10 was 52.1 µg/m3 and the daily mean was 62.8 µg/m3. The annual mean and 24-h values of PM2.5 from automatic stations in the past five years (2018 to 2022) improved by 26.9% and 26.5%, respectively. By the end of Apr. 2023, the annual mean PM2.5 from automatic stations was 25.6 µg/m3 and the daily mean was 47.9 µg/m3. The annual means and 24-h values from manual stations improved by 25.0% and 17.7%, respectively, in the past five years (2018 to 2022). By the end of Mar. 2023, the annual mean PM2.5 from manual stations was 28.4 µg/m3, and the daily mean was 59.0 µg/m3. The hourly average and 8-h average concentrations of ozone (O3) showed fluctuations, but there was still an overall downward trend. In the past five years (2018 to 2022), the improvement rates were 5.4% and 3.5%, respectively. By the end of Apr. 2023, the hourly average of ozone (O3) was 92.1 ppb, and the 8-h average was 65.8 ppb. (II) Revision of Tainan City's Air Quality Deterioration Control Measure Plan 1. We helped revise the Tainan City's Air Quality Deterioration Control Measure Plan in response to the "Severe Air Quality Deterioration Warning and Emergency Control Measures" promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration in Mar. 2022. Based on the revised schedule and planned items, such as emergency measures for various bureaus and cross-bureau emergency response, and reviews of the emergency plans for public and private premises, the Tainan City's Air Quality Deterioration Control Measure Plan was promulgated on Dec. 19, 2022. 2. We drew up the response notification process for Tainan City during the air quality deterioration, which included assisting in determining the timing and announcement of the establishment of the Response Team and Control Command Center, keeping track of air quality trends and meteorological data, performing pollution source inspection operations, analyzing response benefits and reporting the results. 3. On Sep. 22, 2022, we held a cross-bureau meeting on "Tainan City Air Quality Deterioration Control Measure Responsibility Division Coordination,” in which Tainan City Government’s 20 Bureaus and 37 District Offices were invited to participate to discuss key points of the Environmental Protection Administration's promulgated amendments to the "Severe Air Quality Deterioration Warning and Emergency Control Measures," and explain the revision of the key points of the proposed "Tainan City's Air Quality Deterioration Control Measure Plan." (III) Air Quality Deterioration Control Measures - Pollution Source Response Reduction Operations 1. To enhance the effectiveness of response inspections, at the initial stage of the project, we established a list of entities for response inspections, including 60 approved public and private premises under the "Control Plan for Various Levels of Air Quality Deterioration," a list of potential hotspots identified via microsensors, and a list of controlled entities under Tainan City's "Prevention of Air Pollution Behaviors Causing Air Quality Deterioration" (including 13 asphalt concrete companies; one cement raw material loading/unloading area in the port zone, 28 companies in the boiler industry; and 13 companies with volatile organic liquid storage facilities). We also set up a comprehensive reporting system for pollution sources to carry out reporting operations during periods of poor air quality. 2. We established a response inspection mechanism to mitigate the situation of air quality deterioration. In the early stages of the project, we planned to determine the response inspection area based on the alarm frequency of the IoT system in the City's industrial parks and according to the current weather pattern (e.g., wind speed and wind direction), using the reported response stations as the centers, and decide the list of entities for response inspection based on the indicator pollutants of the day (particulate matters and volatile organic gases). 3. During the project execution period, a total of 82 days reached the initial warning level of air quality deterioration or worse. The response inspection areas were decided according to the poor monitoring stations and indicator pollutants of the day. This project inspected a total of 264 public and private premises, among which 14 premises were found to have deficiencies. Inspection results showed that inaccurate records accounted for 57%, damaged, faulty or soiled control equipment accounted for 29%, and control equipment exceeding permitted values accounted for 14%. During this period, Tainan City reduced TSP by 613.23 metric tons, PM10 by 121.86 metric tons, PM2.5 by 27.92 metric tons, and NOx by 50.59 kilograms. 4. For the contents of the response plans of 12 factories, substantial on-site inspections were conducted, in which most factories' plans did not provide a process flow chart, and some factories did not provide supporting data or gave incorrect calculation methods when proposing alternative reduction measures. 5. In cooperation with the Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan meetings and related meetings of the EPA's poor air quality seasonal air pollution cross-area prevention and response team, we attended a total of 15 response team meetings, and participated in 6 joint inspection operations. (IV) Performing major pollutant source detection, pollution source tracking, and determination during the periods of poor air quality 1. Infrared gas imaging cameras were used to detect leaks from factories with high pollution emission potential on 12 day-occasions. All leak situations at 2 public and private premises have been improved and no leaks were found upon reinspection. 2. We conducted inspections and detections of volatile organic gas from equipment components at public and private premises. A total of 11 public and private premises were targeted for testing, focusing on businesses that have been repeatedly fined for exceeding standards in recent years and where the ratio of difficult-to-inspect components reached 10% or more. We completed 8,000 point-times of equipment component inspections, among which 1,020 were difficult-to-inspect components (accounting for 12.8%). These inspections of equipment components were supplemented by 16 days of detention of infrared gas imaging cameras. Eventually, leaks were found in 8 equipment components at 5 public and private premises, in which 2 instances met the leak definition of the regulatory standards, and were reported and punished by law. 3. We performed UAV aerial inspection operations 10 times. Six of these were in collaboration with the Southern District Response Joint Inspection to conduct compliance checks on open burning and construction site regulations. Two instances of open burning were found and reported by law. The other four times, we performed inspections at Ho-shun Industrial Park and Sinying Industrial Park, supplemented by aerial photography and monitoring through infrared thermal imagers and micro sensors. Four factories with abnormal pollution sources were detected. 4. We carried out odor pollution source sampling and testing operations 10 times. One instance of odor test value exceeded the standard value, which was reported by law. (V) Performance tracking of the EPA in 2022 We assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in striving for full scores in the 4 performance assessment items of 2022, which included enhancing the capacity of pollution source inspection and patrolling, implementing cross-county/city cooperative responses, enforcing the prohibition and control measures of air pollution during air pollution seasons, and encouraging load shedding and emission reduction at stationary sources of pollution during periods of poor air quality. 1. Strengthening the capacity of pollution source inspection: During the autumn and winter seasons, each item of inspection and patrolling operation reached over 55% of the annual workload, which included an 88% completion rate of inspection operations for stationary sources of pollution, 80% for equipment component of stationary sources of pollution, 59% for construction sites and fugitive stationary sources of pollution, and 97% for open burning inspections and patrols (UAV patrols). 2. Strengthening cross-region cooperative responses: The control cooperation between Yunlin/Chiayi/Tainan and Kaohsiung/Pingtung air quality zones has been very close. During the season of poor air quality, there were thematic joint inspections every month. In 2022, there were a total of 6 cross-county/city collaborations. 3. Encouraging load shedding and emission reduction at stationary sources of pollution during periods of poor air quality: For the 50 stationary pollution sources in the City’s jurisdiction, we encouraged them to reduce their load and emissions during periods of poor air quality and submitted the data on the results of implementing the aforementioned load and emission reductions. (VI) Strengthening advocacy work at all levels during periods of poor air quality 1. Within one month from the day of contract performance, we assisted in planning the press release titles and social media infographics to be released during the air quality deterioration seasons (i.e., autumn and winter) under the related entrusted projects of the Environmental Protection Bureau's Air and Noise Pollution Management Section, and submitted them to the Environmental Protection Bureau for future reference and controlling of the release situation in the monthly report. 2. We monitored air quality observation data in real-time, assisted the agency involved in releasing timely news information and initiating response actions. A total of 6 pieces of environmental protection news were published. We assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in posting air pollution control results, popular science knowledge of air quality, and reminders of severe air quality deterioration on social media platforms such as its Facebook fan page. A total of 69 air quality-related messages were posted on Facebook. 3. We planned disaster incident drill scenarios for toxic chemical substances and particulate matter, prepared the short videos of the Environmental Protection Bureau's Air and Noise Pollution Management Section taking relevant response measures in the event of a disaster, conducted live drills in response to particulate matter disasters for sensitive groups (the elderly) and shot promotional short videos. 4. On Dec. 13, 2022, we conducted one session of "Live Drill on Particulate Matter Disaster Response for Sensitive Groups." It simulated the situation in which the Social Affairs Bureau’s affiliated institutions for the elderly and disabled experienced severe deterioration conditions; after the establishment of the Disaster Response Center by Tainan City Government, the Social Affairs Bureau notified the institutions for the elderly and disabled to take actual measures in response to severe air quality deterioration in the drill, which was edited and made into a tutorial video afterwards for promotional purposes. 5. On Sep. 22 and Oct. 19 of 2022, we convened meetings of "Tainan City Air Quality Deterioration Control Measures and Responsibility Division and Air Quality Deterioration Response Drill" by inviting the City’s 20 Bureaus and 37 District Offices. The meetings centered on scenarios such as the establishment of a cross-bureau air pollution control response team and Tainan City Control Command Center. The City Government’s various units and District Offices were notified and drills were conducted through verbal reports. 6. We completed the shooting of a promotional short film on particulate matter disaster response drills.
英文關鍵字 Air pollution accident, Emergency response, Prevention management