

中文摘要 環境部環境管理署(下稱環管署)於民國99~106年針對全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地推動土壤污染調查,其後於107年起推動農地土壤污染預防工作,自112年起為因應受污染農地土壤及灌溉水質改善達階段性目標,推動全國農地預防監測工作。爰此,環管署委辦「農地污染潛勢分區預防管理計畫」,期建立長期且有效之農地污染預警及預防程序,工作內容包含篩選2處示範區辦理污染潛勢分區升降級驗證工作,修訂升降級機制,並優先針對關注議題:(1)就地合法之非屬低污染特登工廠於周遭農地潛在影響及(2)曾有水稻鎘污染區域上游污染源排污現況研提事業端農地污染預警工作建議,另因應全國農地預防工作辦理系統功能調整擴充及資料建置,此外,亦以歷年農地管理成果為主題製作農地宣導影片,及因應本年度農地土壤污染事件啟動溯源調查等工作。
中文關鍵字 農地污染、污染預防管理、污染潛勢分區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 8781.36 千元
專案開始日期 2023/01/11 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 高國源
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 謝菊蕙 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 112AA015(成果報告公開版).pdf 33MB

Farmland pollution potential precautionary zoning and classification management project

英文摘要 The Environmental Management Administration Ministry of Environment (referred to as the EMA) has conducted soil pollution investigations on farmlands with a high potential for heavy metal pollution nationwide from 2010 to 2017. Subsequently, starting from 2018, it has been promoting soil pollution prevention efforts on agricultural lands. Since 2023, in response to the phased goals of improving polluted farmland soil and irrigation water quality, the EMA has been promoting nationwide agricultural land prevention monitoring. In light of this, the EMA has commissioned the " Farmland Pollution, Pollution Prevention and Management, Pollution Potential Zoning" to establish a long-term and effective agricultural land pollution early warning and prevention program. The work includes screening two demonstration areas for pollution potential zoning verification, revising the zoning mechanism, and prioritizing issues such as: (1) the potential impact of legally established non-low-pollution special factories on surrounding farmland, and (2) proposing suggestions for early warning of agricultural land pollution in areas previously contaminated with cadmium from upstream pollution sources in rice paddies. Additionally, adjustments and expansions of the “National Farmland Soil Management System” functions and data construction have been carried out. Furthermore, agricultural promotion videos have been produced based on the achievements of agricultural land management over the years. In response to this year's agricultural land soil pollution incidents, traceability investigations, and other related work have been conducted.
英文關鍵字 Farmland Pollution, Pollution Prevention and Management, Pollution Potential Zoning