

中文摘要 計畫名稱:111年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫 執行期程:111年1月1日至111年12月31日 計畫經費:9,500仟元 計畫主持人:林宏斌 執行人力:計畫經理許文榜、計畫工程師陳科佑、陳泰佳、許恆瑜、蔡承益、邱詠翔、計畫助理工程師劉美伶等7人。 本計畫為「111年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫」,本計畫執行目標為提供技術及人力,有效的執行露天燃燒、畜牧場異味與餐飲油煙稽查管制及教育宣導等相關防制工作,期末報告摘錄自111年1月1日至111年12月31日止,計畫執行過程中,各工作項目辦理情形茲摘要說明如下: 一、 露天燃燒現場稽巡查作業 (一) 統計自111年1月1日至111年12月31日止,共計查處露天燃燒案件1003件次,包含107件陳情查處、98件陳情複查、612件主動巡查及186件交辦案件。 (二) 本計畫執行的1003件查處案件中,查獲露天燃燒609件,以鄉鎮市分析,朴子市最多214件(35%),其次為民雄鄉109件(18%),再則六腳鄉51件(8%),相關資料已建置在地理資訊系統(GIS)。 (三) 燃燒物種部分,依據查獲的609件露天燃燒進行解析,本縣以燃燒「植物_其他」為高,計有322件,其中屬燃燒空地雜草約佔43%最多,其次為燃燒「樹枝葉」180件(30%),而固體廢棄物、都市垃圾、廢塑膠等廢棄物燃燒案件合計有39件(6%),若將燃燒物種及鄉鎮市交叉比對,燃燒「植物_其他」以朴子市121件最高,燃燒「樹枝葉」以朴子市45件最高。而統計「固體廢棄物_其他」、「都市垃圾」、「廢塑膠」等則以朴子市14件為多。 (四) 分析本縣近三年同期公害陳情系統露天燃燒案件,111年露天燃燒整體陳情案件較110年降低23.7% (145件),顯示本縣露天燃燒情形已在改善中,呈現下降趨勢。 (五) 本團隊已於111年5月24日提送29筆一期稻作收割前預警名單、111年9月12日提送23筆二期稻作收割前預警名單。 (六) 111年3月17日於鹿草焚化廠焚化爐架設1套視覺型煙霧探測(AI)暨主動式通報系統,另於111年4月27日至民雄酒廠現場施工,架設第2套視覺型煙霧探測(AI)暨主動式通報系統,統計至111年12月31日止,累計通報282件警訊。 (七) 無人載具UAV空拍機巡查部分,統計至111年12月31日止,共出勤17次,空拍區域為朴子市、新港鄉,期間查獲1件露天燃燒案件。 二、 農廢流向調查作業 本計畫第一期稻作流向普查,辦理時間為111年6月27日至8月10日,統計共完成37,131筆水田農地調查(12,084.7公頃),約佔本縣第一期稻作種植面積73.3%,多數農地均能配合翻耕掩埋腐化分解措施(99.95%),查獲24筆(5.4公頃)土地有燃燒痕跡農地(0.04%)。第二期稻作辦理時間為111年11月1日至11月29日,統計共完成30,872筆稻作農田土地調查(9,787.72公頃),約佔本縣第二期稻作種植面積71%,多數農地均能配合翻耕掩埋腐化分解措施(97.95%),查獲11筆(1.92公頃)土地有燃燒痕跡農地(0.04%),亦顯示本縣的管制措施已現成效。 三、 畜牧場異味查核管制作業 (一) 統計至111年12月31日止,共執行畜牧場熱區周界巡查532場次,其中並配合與農業處、水污科、廢管科、稽查隊辦理聯合稽查。 (二) 於111年4月28日、111年8月29日及111年12月27日,共辦理3場次畜牧場異味改善研商會,透過會議方式已達資源共享,針對稽查結果協助農業處瞭解污染源並優先輔導改善,期藉由畜牧業源頭改善,能有效降低陳情率。 四、 餐飲油煙管制與輔導作業 (一) 統計至111年12月31日止,本計畫共執行餐飲業清查與宣導作業367家次。 (二) 據財政部最新公布(111年8月)嘉義縣餐食業者約2,661家,107年至111年12月31日,本計畫已掌握縣內827家餐飲業油煙防制設備裝設情形。初步估算油煙污染年排放量分別為PM10:31.18噸、PM2.5:29.23噸及NMHC:113.71噸。 (三) 統計至111年12月31日止,共24家餐飲業者完成油煙污染改善,污染防制年削減量分別為PM10:0.68噸、PM2.5:0.467噸及NMHC:2.9噸。 五、 辦理輔導及多元宣導作業 (一) 本計畫已辦理餐飲業專家學者輔導作業20場次。 (二) 本計畫已完成4場次內部人員教育訓練,提升計畫專業人員執行人力,並檢討改善工作執行狀況。 (三) 本計畫已辦理6場次校園「露天燃燒對環境之危害」說明會、6場次「稻草再利用,勿露天燃燒」說明會、2場次餐飲油煙防制說明會、2場次畜牧場異味防制說明會。 (四) 本計畫已完成鋪設3處工地(共1500平方公尺),期望以此活動為範本,建立本縣社區推廣稻草再利用及營建工地鋪設稻草蓆之新思維,以推動社區參與農廢(稻草)再利用方案,提升農廢減量成效。 (五) 有線電視跑馬燈與地方廣播電台宣導規劃,第一階段於111年6月24日至111年6月30日播放,第二階段於111年10月25日至111年10月31日播放,分別在山線(世新)及海線(大揚)之有線電視台播出CF宣導圖卡,與「正聲嘉義廣播電台」、「雲嘉廣播電台」、「姊妹電台」、「飛碟廣播電台」透過去年度縣長收音錄製之宣導廣播帶,共計宣導14天,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒稻草及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (六) 流動廣播車輛規劃於一期稻作111年07月01日至111年08月14日執行,二期稻作於111年10月17日至111年11月30日執行,一期稻作期間總計宣導45天,約宣導11,950人,二期稻作期間總計宣導45天,約宣導11,239人,廣播鄉鎮市分別為新港鄉、民雄鄉、大林鎮、六腳鄉、太保市、朴子市、水上鄉、東石鄉、鹿草鄉、溪口鄉、布袋鎮、中埔鄉等。 (七) 勿露天燃燒旗幟與計畫宣導文宣,於111年5月31日提送印製300份旗幟、1100份宣導文宣。 (八) 本計畫透過多元宣導方式,統計校園宣導會306人、農會宣導會311人、畜牧及餐飲宣導會215人、宣導廣播車23,189人,整體宣導觸達人數共24,021人。 六、 其他配合事項 (一) 於111年5月18日辦理「全國最高AI智能煙霧探測制高點監控系統」記者會。 (二) 結合地區環保志工與大專院校合作推動成立露天燃燒巡守隊至今4年,目前已有74名巡守人力加入露天燃燒通報群組行列,統計至111年12月31日止,共接獲平台通報129件。 (三) 環保署衛星火點通報,共接獲11件火點資訊平台通報案件,本計畫全數完成現場查核,然因衛星資訊並非即時訊息,即使有明確位置座標,仍有10件未發現露天燃燒情形。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒、餐飲油煙、畜牧異味


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9500 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 林怡岑 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度嘉義縣露天燃燒暨畜牧與餐飲油煙異味防制計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 34MB

2022Chiayi County Open Burning and Animal Husbandry Odor and Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke Prevention Project

英文摘要 Project name: 2022 open-air burning and animal and catering oil fume and odor control plan in Chiayi County Implementation period: January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022 Project funding: NTD 9,500,000 Project moderator: Hong-Bin Lin Executive labor force: seven people in total, including project manager Wen-Bang Xu, project engineer Ke-You Chen, Chen Tai-Jia Chen, Xu Heng-Yu Xu, Cheng-Yi Tsai, Yong-Xiang Qiu, and project assistant engineer Mei-Ling Liu. This project is the "2022 open-air burning and animal and catering oil fume and odor control plan in Chiayi County." The implementation objective of the plan is to provide technology and labor forces to effectively implement the relevant prevention and control work such as open-air burning, animal farm odor, catering fume inspection and control, education, and propagation. The excerpt of the final report is from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. The handling of various work items during the implementation of the plan is summarized as follows: 1. open-air burning site inspection (1) We have investigated and dealt with a total of 1003 cases of open-air burning until December 31, 2022. It includes 107 cases of petition investigation, 98 cases of petition review, 612 cases of active inspection, and 186 cases of handling. (2) Among the 1003 cases investigated and dealt with in the plan, we found 609 cases were open-air burning. According to the analysis of towns and cities, the maximum number of cases in Puzi City was 214 (35%), followed by 109 cases (18%) in Minxiong Township and 51 cases (8%) in Liujiao Township. We have built relevant data in the Geographic Information System (GIS). (3) We found the burning species for the seized 609 cases of open-air burning. In this county, the burning of "plants_others" was the highest, with 322. Among them, burning open space weeds accounted for the highest 43%, followed by burning "tree branches and leaves" with 180 pieces (30%). There were 39 cases (6%) of solid waste, municipal waste, plastic waste, and other incineration cases. If the burning species and townships are cross-compared, Puzi City has the highest burning "plant_other" with 121 pieces, and Puzi City has the highest level burning "tree branches and leaves" with 45. According to the statistics of "solid waste_others," "municipal waste," and "plastic waste," there are 14 cases in Puzi City. (4) We analyzed the open-air burning cases of the public nuisance petition information in the county in the same period in the past three years. In 2022, the number of open burning cases decreased by 23.7% (145) compared with 2021, indicating that the county's open burning situation is improving and showing a downward trend. (5) Our team submitted 29 pre-harvest warning lists for the first phase of rice crops on May 24, 2022, and 23 pre-harvest warning lists for the second phase of rice crops on September 12, 2022. (6) We installed a visual smoke detection (AI) and active notification system in the incinerator of Lucao Incineration Plant on March 17, 2022. Moreover, we carried out the on-site construction of Minxiong Winery and erected the second set of visual smoke detection (AI) and active notification system on April 27, 2022. According to statistics, as of December 31, 2022, they reported 282 warnings. (7) There were 17 aerial camera inspections by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and the statistics ended on December 31, 2022. The aerial photography areas were Puzi City and Xingang Township, during which seized one open-air burning case. 2. Agricultural waste flow survey The project surveyed the flow of the first phase of rice crops from June 27 to August 10, 2022. We have completed a total of 37131 rice field surveys (12084.7 hectares), accounting for 73.3% of the first rice planting area in the county. Most farmland can cooperate with the measures of plowing, burying, and decomposing (99.95%), and we found 24 plots (5.4 hectares) of farmland with burning traces (0.04%). Besides, we handled the second phase of rice crops from November 1 to November 29, 2022. We have accomplished a total of 30872 rice field land surveys (9787.72 hectares), accounting for 71% of the second stage of paddy planting area in the county. Most farmland can cooperate with the plowing, burying, and decomposing measures (97.95%). And we found 11 plots (1.92 hectares) of farmland with burning traces (0.04%), which also shows that the control measures of the county have achieved results. 3. Odor inspection and control operations in animal farms (1) Statistics as of December 31, 2022, this plan has implemented a total of 532 rounds of perimeter inspections in hot areas of animal farms. We cooperate with the Agriculture Department, Water Pollution Division, Waste Management Division, and the inspection team to execute joint inspections. (2) We have held three seminars on odor improvement in animal farms on April 28, 2022, August 29, 2022, and December 27, 2022. We have achieved resource sharing through meetings. Besides, we assist the Agriculture Department in understanding the source of pollution and give priority to guidance for improvement according to the inspection results. We hope that the source of animal husbandry improvement can effectively reduce the petition rate. 4. Oil fume pollution and guidance for the catering industry (1) This plan has implemented 367 catering industry inventory and publicity operations until December 31, 2022. (2) According to the latest announcement by the Ministry of Finance (August 2022), there are about 2,661 catering businesses in Chiayi County. From 2018 to December 31, 2022, the plan has mastered the installation of oil fume prevention equipment in 827 restaurants in the county. Preliminary estimates of the annual emissions of oil fume pollution are PM10: 31.18 tons, PM2.5: 29.23 tons, and NMHC: 113.71 tons. (3) A total of 24 catering industries have completed the improvement of oil fume pollution, according to statistics, as of December 31, 2022. The annual pollution prevention reduction and control are PM10: 0.68 tons, PM2.5: 0.467 tons, and NMHC: 2.9 tons. 5. Handling guidance and multiple publicity exercises (1) This project has handled 20 guiding exercises for catering industry experts and scholars. (2) The project has completed four internal personnel education and training sessions. It is to improve the execution labor force of project professionals and review to better the work execution. (3) The project has handled six "hazard of open-air burning to the environment" instruction sessions on campuses, six "reuse straw, do not burn it in the open air" instruction sessions, two oil fume pollution of catering industry instruction sessions, and two odor control of animal farm instruction sessions. (4) The project has completed laying three construction sites (1500 square meters). We hope to use this activity as a model to establish a new way of thinking in the county community to promote the reuse of straw and lay straw mats on construction sites. To encourage community participation in agricultural waste (straw) reuse programs to improve the effectiveness of agricultural waste reduction. (5) The first stage of the publicity and planning part of the cable TV news tickers and local radio stations broadcasted from June 24, 2022, to June 30, 2022, and the second stage was from October 25, 2022, to October 31, 2022. They broadcasted those CF propaganda cards on the cable TV companies of the mountainous line (SHIH SIN) and the coastal line (TA YANG). And the propaganda tapes recorded by the "Cheng Sheng Broadcasting Corp.," "Yeue-Chia Broadcasting," "Sister Radio," and "UFO Broadcasting Co., Ltd.", were through the publicity radio tapes recorded by the county mayor last year, with a total of 14 days of publicity. They are to publicize to the public not to burn straw in the open air and control the burning in the open air in Jiayi County. (6) We implemented the broadcasting van plan from July 1, 2022, to August 14, 2022, for the first phase of rice crops, and from October 17, 2022, to November 30, 2022, for the second phase of rice crops. During the first phase of rice crops, a total of 45 days publicized about 11950 people. During the second phase of rice crops, a total of 45 days disseminated about 11239 people. Broadcast towns and cities are Xingang Township, Minxiong Township, Dalin Township, Liujiao Township, Taibao City, Puzi City, Shuishang Township, Dongshi Township, Lucao Township, Xikou Township, Budai Township, Zhongpu Township, etc. (7) As for the part about not burning the banners in the open air and the project promotional materials, we submitted and printed 300 copies of the banners and 1100 promotional materials on May 31, 2022. (8) This plan counted 306 people from instruction sessions on campus, 311 people from instruction sessions of the farmer associations, 215 people from instruction sessions of animal and catering industries, and 23,189 people from broadcasting vans. The entire publicity reached a total of 24,021 people. 6. Other cooperation matters (1) On May 18, 2022, we held a press conference on the "National Highest AI Intelligent Smoke Detection Commanding Height Monitoring System." (2) Combining the cooperation of local environmental protection volunteers and colleges and universities, we have promoted the establishment of the open-air burning patrol team for four years. Currently, 74 patrolling personnel have joined the ranks of the open-air burning notification group. As of December 31, 2022, the platform has received a total of 129 notifications, according to statistics. (3) As for the satellite fire point notification of the Environmental Protection Administration, they have received a total of 11 cases of information platform notification for the fire point. And the project has completed on-site inspections for all of them. However, even if there are sure location coordinates, we still unfound ten open-air burning situations because the satellite information is not real-time.
英文關鍵字 Open Burning, Animal Husbandry Odor, Food and Beverage Oil-Smoke