

中文摘要 111年度嘉義市餐飲業、民俗活動及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制暨低油煙商圈輔導計畫(本標案名稱) 各項工作項目之執行成果摘要如下: 一、推動民俗活動燃燒減量與寺廟空氣污染減量措施 (一)維護161座寺廟響應(包含民政處未登記寺廟12家),響應比例達100%。 (二) 推廣「宗教場所低碳認證實施計畫」,輔導共20座寺廟,累計達50家,響應比例34%。 (三) 辦理民俗節慶推廣紙錢集中燃燒處理並包含代金措施替代紙錢重量,共260.4公噸。 (四) 實施以善代金推廣共7場次,推廣人數122人,工作達成率100%;統計年度以善代金,合計37萬2,815元。 (五) 推廣以糧代金:輔導嘉邑城隍廟、九華山地藏庵、大天宮五穀王廟、北安宮與計畫共同製作代金米4,000份。 (六)製作「嘉義幸福代金米」300份。 (七)輔導寺廟採用環保禮炮車計完成27場次,總計16座寺廟響應,工作達成率100%。 二、推動露天燃燒空氣污染管制 (一)寺廟神壇及露天燃燒陳情案件稽查和巡查作業,計308件,工作達成率100%。 (二)處理露天燃燒陳情稽查件數85件(全年度),與上年度同期112件,減少24.1%。 (三)辦理禁止稻草露天燃燒法令宣導會,共計2場次,總計宣導人數達127人次,工作達成率100%。 (四) 完成農業廢棄物再利用觀摩宣導會1場次,宣導人數41位,工作達成率100%。 (五) 稻草去化管道調查面積,總計調查面積183.1469公頃,工作達成率100%。 (六)辦理禁止稻草露天燃燒行動廣播車宣導,計宣導20天,工作達成率100%。 (七)實施「鷹眼計畫」空拍巡查作業,總計執行21點次,完成1,249.3公頃,工作達成率100%。 (八)辦理家戶禁止露天燃燒宣導說明會4 場次,計宣導89人,工作達成率100%。 三、推動餐飲業油煙污染防制及減量作為 (一)辦理餐飲業空氣污染防制設施管理辦法管制作業,新設調查102家,均未達符合管理辦法列管規模餐;清查110年符合列管餐飲業者計10家,本年度查核10家次,查核比例100%。 (二)辦理餐飲業基本資料調查作業計完成調查既設業者251家,工作達成率100%;新設業者完成102家,工作達成率100%,裝設污染防制設備業者比例於既設、新設餐飲均高於七成,既設佔79%,新設佔74%, 較110年度既設55.3%和新設56.5%,均有提昇。 (三)餐飲業陳情稽巡查完成473件,工作達成率100%,計61案應改善,有55家完成改善,改善完成率90.2%。 (四)辦理無油煙美食消費券活動,攤商及有店面餐飲業者計20家響應,共5,054人次參與、印製消費劵1式4,000張(每張50元),發放消費券目標1,000份(每份4張計200元),計發放839份,比例84%,工作達成率100%。 (五) 辦理餐飲業油煙、異味污染防制輔導作業,計46家完成改善,改善完成率83.6%,工作達成率100%。 四、配合執行空氣品質不良或嚴重惡化時之管制措施 計接獲通報77次,查核171家次;露天燃燒空品不良巡查接獲通報75次,配合實施150點次。 五、宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞議題 配合發布環保新聞稿6則,其中有4則臉書貼文達到按讚數達100個以上,工作達成率100%。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業空氣污染減量管制、露天燃燒空氣污染減量管制、民俗活動空氣污染減量管制


專案計畫編號 1101275 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4300 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/07 專案結束日期 2022/12/15 專案主持人 蕭伯任
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 潘秋凡 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年嘉義市 餐飲業、 民俗活動 及露天燃燒空氣污 染稽查管制計畫暨低油煙商圈輔導計畫1去空白頁.pdf 37MB

Chiayi City Catering Industry Air Pollution Inspection and Control and Low Oil Fume Business District Counseling Project,2022

英文摘要 Chiayi City Catering Industry, Folklore Activities and Open-air Burning Air Pollution Inspection and Control and Low Oil Fume Business District Counseling Project,2022 The main content of this project included air pollution emissions investigation at temples and altars, pollution reduction promotion, open burning air pollution control operations and catering industry air pollution control operations. The results of the implementation report are summarized below: A. The Investigation of air pollution emissions at temples and altars and pollution reduction promotion. I. Temple implement air pollution management:This year there are 161 temples implementation of air pollution management in Chiayi City. Temple implementation of pollution control has 149 government units registered, accounting for 100% of the total temple. II. Promote with Civil Affairs department this year there are 20 temples obtain low-carbon certification, including 10 Buddhism temples and 10 Taoism temples. III. With the promotion of social welfare contributions, instead of burning paper money, reduce air pollution. During the Tomb Sweeping Day and Chungyuan Festival events, holding 7 promotional events, statistics and donations amounting to TWD 372,815 (including convenience store Interactive kiosk). IV. The alternative to joss paper burning, providing 4,000 pack of rice instead of joss paper by local temples, including self-purchase 750 pack of rice per temple. V. Handle joss paper burning activity in 2020, from January till December, after activity statistics, total combustion 228,720 kilograms of joss paper. B. Open burning air pollution control operations. I. Implementation of open burning control efforts, this year has been completed 308 cases, including 85 audit cases and 223 patrol cases. II. this year has been completed 85 audit cases(entire year), including 72% general open burning, 26% religion open burning and 2% other open burning, decrease 24.1% than last year. III. Open burning air pollution control technology advocacy conference about rice straw liquid decomposition bacteria, respectively, in May 31 finish the activity. IV. Implement the Hawkeye plan, this year has been completed 21 spots ( 1,249.3 hectares) UAV aerial patrol work during the rice harvest. V. The Investigation of rice straw process management was 183.1469 hectares during the rice harvest. C. The restaurant industry air pollution control operations. I. The Investigation of 353 restaurant industry air pollution control. 74% new restaurants had facilities, while 79% existing restaurants had facilities, indicating that most of restaurants had pollution prevention and control concepts. II. Holding promotional events with the Public Health Bureau for restaurant industry craft unions, promoting the concept of food fumes prevention and control, a total of 102 people were present. III. Executive catering petition air pollution control, control efforts as of Deceber, 473 checks have been completed, including 122 audit cases, 277 patrol cases and 87 review cases. After tracking 90.2% cases have been improved. IV. Implemented the restaurant's fume pollution control counseling and improved, completed 46 cases. After the counseling, all completed improvement.
英文關鍵字 catering industry air pollution control, open burning air pollution control, temples and altars air pollution control