

中文摘要 依據合約規範工作項目及內容,配合貴局之要求,於111年度內完成規定之工作項目並提出工作成果報告,每月初提送上月執行成果報表,而各項作業至111年12月31日止,營建工地完成簽立工地自主管理同意書共計50處(年度新增24處),在道路認養方面,目前累計50處(年度新增24處)洗掃長度達96,266公里,營建工程稽巡查及稽查共完成4,279處次,空污費徵收及稽催(徵收/稽催件數)共徵收2,365處次,稽催件數達177處次,其餘各項工作執行成果依序說明如下: (一)巡查管制作業 統計至111年度,工地污染管制巡查共完成4,059次,其中以周界圍籬未涵蓋全工區扣4點缺失最多累計記點次數55次,其次為主體結構未完整覆蓋防塵網扣4點共30次,第三為車行路徑鋪面設置不足扣4點缺失共20次,目前無違規告發案件,尚未完成改善的案件後續會持續輔導追蹤。各月份巡查處次與本計畫執行初期所定之巡查目標相較,累計達成率已達100%。其中各鄉鎮市巡查件數以污染負荷最大地區花蓮市1,014件最多,其次依序為吉安鄉(859件)及新城鄉(480件)。以工程類別來看,則以其他工程2,143件與建築(RC)工程919件,為主要巡查重點。就稽查件數統計,目前共稽查220處次,以建築類(RC)工程占最多,其次為其他類工程。就各鄉鎮之稽查件數統計,以花蓮市及吉安鄉為主要稽查重點區。 為執行營建工地噪音管制,111年度共執行108次營建工地噪音主動稽查量測,依據現場主要施工機具進行噪音量測,分別有怪手、吊車、破碎機、預拌車等易發生噪音源之機具,依據法規量測Leq與Lmax,執行迄今共查獲17處工地於施工期間曾有音量超標情形,其噪音來源為佈樁作業及結構體灌漿時所產生,後續經與業者溝通改善並於改善期限內再次複查,皆已完成改善。 (二)一、二級工程納管率 統計111年度營建工地共計列管4,050處,在4,050處列管第一至三級營建工程中屬於一級工程有1,083處,占總數之27%;二級工程有1,927處占總數48%;三級工程1,040處占總數之25%,而至111年12月31日止,針對工程巡查狀況共計巡查2,449處,其中第一級工程共現勘巡查811處,第二級工程巡查1,307處。 (三)營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收業務 統計111年度本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收3,400萬3,593元,其中以其他營建工程萬1,815萬2,965元最多,占總徵收金額53%,次之為道路工程類別繳費889萬8,357元,占總金額26%。而110年營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收6186萬2,131元,111年徵收金額較去年減少2,785萬8,528元。 111年度,因合約經費減少申請退費的件數最多,合計共有316件(退費101萬5,016元);其次為因工期縮短申請退費有141件(退費53萬0,055)。以退費金額來看,以「土石外運減少」申請退費的金額為最高,高達730萬7,683元。 (四)營建工程空污費稽催作業 111年度由營建工程資料庫系統統計,經計畫人員電話提醒催繳共177件,分別為其他類工程106件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣102萬2,163元;道路工程20件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣46萬0,756元;建築工程(RC)19件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣7萬3,156元;管線工程12件、空污費繳費金額為26萬1,376元;建築工程(SRC)11件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣80萬0,539元;拆除工程9件、空污費繳費金額為新台幣2,912元,到繳金額為262萬0,902元,經人員進行催繳作業後已完成100%到繳。平均各月份營建空污費主動到繳率及次月進行催繳作業之達成率則為100%。 (五)營建工程空污費線上申報 「花蓮縣營建工程資訊整合平台」自110年開始規劃,民眾可以透過網路申報辦理,以E-mail方式寄發通知審查結果,並自行下載繳款單至中華郵政各支局、臺灣銀行各分行臨櫃、網路銀行、網路ATM、超商(統一、全家、OK、萊爾富)或掃描繳款單台灣Pay QR Code繳納。為配合行政院環保署110年10月18日修正發布之「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」於111年11月1日施行,現行營建工程空污費收費系統已升級為A2021營建工程污染管制及收費管理資訊系統,花蓮縣營建工程資訊整合平台亦同步配合進行線上申報,統計至111年12月底為止,透過平台辦理營建空污費開工案件為369件、申報完工案件為198件,共250個公部門單位登入操作,民間公司行號或一般民眾亦有119人次登入使用。 (六)機動車輛噪音管制暨非游離輻射源調查 111年度共計執行57場次之機動車輛攔檢、巡(查)作業,由警方依據車輛噪音感受程度予以攔查檢測,共計攔檢、巡(查) 390輛次,檢測作業相關紀錄皆彙整後提送至環保局執行後續程序,統一將不合格車輛列為通知到檢對象。 除依工作項目執行攔檢(查)作業外,並定期依據噪音車檢舉網站及警方寧靜專案資料進行彙整,篩選經陳情之可疑噪音車,協助辦理通知到檢行政程序及現場檢測作業,執行通知到檢作業共計164輛汽機車檢測完成,其中83輛為路邊攔查檢及專案稽巡查部分,噪音車陳情網站部分為72輛,外縣市移入則有9輛。 本年應執行本縣非游離輻射量測作業達40點次以上,迄今已完成47點次,皆符合標準。 (七)航空噪音防制區劃定作業 現行公告之花蓮縣各級航空噪音防制區已屆滿2年,本次依據法令規定,依花蓮機場109年度及110年度所申報之等噪音線圖、實際監測紀錄、附近地形及土地使用情形等進行檢討,依據公告前行政程序於111年6月24日召開防制區劃定檢討說明會,本次劃定結果與106年劃定結果無異,仍維持各村里原有防制區級別,並於11月7日完成航空噪音防制區公告作業。 (八)創新作法-營建工地智能管理 為有效運用管理辦法規範之監控設備,避免監控工作流於形式,計畫將加強縣內公共工程單位,其施工規模達工地面積一萬平方公尺、工期一年以上或外運土石體積(鬆方)達一萬立方公尺等營建工地,輔導提前設置空氣污染防制設施之監測儀錶及攝錄影監視系統,以導入路污AI辨識系統及新興微型監測技術,有效的管理及監控。為有效掌握實際污染變化,利用空氣品質微型感測器輸出之污染物濃度數據,進一步分析空氣品質趨勢及推估污染來源方向,運用空氣品質感測器平台資訊,將污染物濃度數據上傳、下載、保存作業以及即時趨勢監控等,進行後續管制分析作業。 為回應環保署110年度考核建議事項及提升管制應用成效,並依據前項盤點結果篩選營建工地輔導設置空氣品質微型感測器,透過設備檢測將PM10、PM2.5空氣濃度變化同步即時傳送,利用雲端記錄傳輸系統以無線網路4G的方式將數據傳送到雲端,供監控終端存取下載數據使用,即時掌握管制區域空氣污染變化,如達濃度預警值(PM2.5 > 35μg/m3、PM10 > 100μg/m3)的情形下,以LINE平台的形式推播至工地業者進行改善作為。針對車行便道、裸露地進行充分灑水,出入口加強車輛清洗作業,聯外道路清掃頻率增加,以減緩降低營建工地逸散粉塵對空氣的影響。 計畫於111年3月3日同意核備通過創新做法後,3月28日辦理協商會,邀請經濟部水利署第九河川局、行政院農業委員會水土保持局花蓮分局、花蓮縣政府建設處、花蓮縣政府民政處進行協調,5月18日與第九河川局協商架設空氣感知器事宜,6月2日會同空氣感知器廠商現場勘察架設點位,7月5日完成架設空品感知器於110年度秀姑巒溪高寮大橋上游段疏濬兼供土石採售分離(支出)及花蓮溪吳全堤段疏濬兼供土石採售分離(支出)等兩處工地,統計至12月底監測天數共計180天,監測期間超過觸發通報共有28天,分別為111年花蓮溪吳全堤段PM10監測觸發23天、PM2.5監測觸發19天、秀姑巒溪高寮大橋PM10監測觸發11天、秀姑巒溪高寮大橋PM2.5觸發10天,透過系統持續通報及監測資訊傳遞的掌握,相關人員立即與工地窗口聯絡,要求工地加強周邊道路洗掃及工區內裸露區灑水頻率,合計洗掃長度增加1,153公里。 (九)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、空氣污染、污染防制、噪音管制、非游離輻射


專案計畫編號 EPB-111-2-5 經費年度 111 計畫經費 15650 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 張庭瑜 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


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期末報告 111年營建期末定稿本.pdf 72MB 111年營建期末定稿

111 Hualien County Construction Projects and Noise Inspection and Control Plan

英文摘要 According to the contract to standardize the work items and content, cooperate with the requirements of your bureau, complete the specified work items within 2011 and submit a work result report, and submit the previous month's execution result report at the beginning of each month, and all operations will be completed by December 31, 2011 As of now, a total of 50 construction sites have completed the signing of the construction site self-management agreement (24 newly added in the year). In terms of road adoption, a total of 50 places (24 newly added in the year) have been cleaned and cleaned for a length of 96,266 kilometers. A total of 4,279 inspections and inspections have been completed, 2,365 collections of air pollution fees and reminders (number of collections/reminders) have been collected, and 177 reminders have been collected. 1.Inspection and control operations According to the statistics up to the year 2011, a total of 4,059 site pollution control inspections have been completed. Among them, the perimeter fence did not cover the entire construction area, and the 4 points were deducted. 30 times, the third is the lack of road pavement settings, deducting 4 missing points, a total of 20 times, so far no violations have been reported, and the follow-up of the cases that have not been improved will continue to be followed up. Comparing the number of inspections in each month with the inspection target set at the beginning of the implementation of this plan, the accumulative achievement rate has reached 100%. Among them, Hualien City, the area with the largest pollution load, had the largest number of inspections at 1,014, followed by Ji'an Township (859) and Xincheng Township (480). In terms of project categories, 2,143 other projects and 919 construction (RC) projects were the main focus of inspections. In terms of the number of inspections, there are currently 220 inspections in total, with construction (RC) projects accounting for the most, followed by other types of projects. According to the statistics of the number of inspections in each township, Hualien City and Ji'an Township are the main inspection focus areas. In order to implement construction site noise control, a total of 108 construction site noise active inspections and measurements were carried out in 2011. Noise measurements were carried out based on the main construction machines and tools on site, which were prone to noise sources such as strange hands, cranes, crushers, and ready-mixed trucks. Machines and tools, measure Leq and Lmax according to the regulations. So far, 17 construction sites have been found to have exceeded the standard volume during construction. The source of the noise is generated during pile laying operations and structure grouting. After communication with the industry, improvements will be made Re-examination within the time limit, all improvements have been completed. 2.First and second level project management rate According to statistics, there were a total of 4,050 construction sites in 2011, and among the 4,050 managed first to third-level construction projects, 1,083 belonged to first-level projects, accounting for 27% of the total; 1,927 second-level projects accounted for 48% of the total; 1,040 projects accounted for 25% of the total. As of December 31, 2011, a total of 2,449 projects were inspected, including 811 first-level projects and 1,307 second-level projects. 3.Collection of air pollution control fees for construction projects According to statistics, in 2011, the county collected a total of 34,003,593 yuan in air pollution control fees for construction projects, of which 18,152,965 yuan was the most for other construction projects, accounting for 53% of the total collection amount, followed by 8,898,357 yuan for road construction. Accounting for 26% of the total amount. In 2011, a total of 61,862,131 yuan was collected for air pollution control fees for construction projects, and the amount collected in 2011 decreased by 27,858,528 yuan compared with last year. 4.Construction project air pollution fee collection and reminder operation In 2011, according to the statistics of the construction project database system, a total of 177 projects were reminded by the planner to call for payment, including 106 projects of other types, and the amount of air pollution fee payment was NT$1,022,163; 20 projects of road projects, air pollution The amount of the air pollution fee payment for 19 construction projects (RC) was NT$73,156; the amount of the air pollution fee payment for 12 pipeline projects was NT$261,376; (SRC) 11 cases, the air pollution fee payment amount is NT$800,539; 9 demolition projects, the air pollution fee payment amount is NT$2,912, and the payment amount is 2,620,902 yuan. 100% payment has been completed. On average, the voluntary payment rate of the construction air pollution fee in each month and the completion rate of the call for payment in the next month are 100%. 5.Online declaration of construction project air pollution fee The "Hualien County Construction Engineering Information Integration Platform" has been planned since 2011. People can apply online, send notifications of review results by E-mail, and download payment slips to Chunghwa Post branches and Bank of Taiwan branches. Pay at the counter, online bank, online ATM, supermarket, or scan the payment slip Taiwan Pay QR Code. In order to cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan on October 18, 2011, the "Administrative Measures for Air Pollution Prevention and Control Facilities in Construction Projects" was implemented on November 1, 2011. The current air pollution fee collection system for construction projects has been upgraded to A2021 Construction Project Pollution The control and fee management information system and the Hualien County construction project information integration platform also cooperated with the online declaration. As of the end of December 2011, 369 construction air pollution fee start-up cases and 198 construction completion cases were processed through the platform, totaling 250 public sector units logged in and operated, and 119 people from private companies or ordinary people also logged in to use it. 6.Motor Vehicle Noise Control and Investigation of Non-ionizing Radiation Sources In 2011, a total of 57 motor vehicle inspections and inspections were carried out. The police stopped and inspected vehicles based on the level of vehicle noise perception. A total of 390 vehicles were stopped and inspected. The relevant records of the inspection operations were collected and submitted. Send it to the Environmental Protection Bureau for follow-up procedures, and uniformly list the unqualified vehicles as the objects to be notified for inspection. In addition to carrying out stop inspection (inspection) operations according to the work items, it also regularly collects and compiles information based on the noise vehicle reporting website and the police safety project, screens out suspicious noise vehicles that have been submitted, assists in the administrative procedures of notification to inspection and on-site inspection operations, and executes notifications A total of 164 automobiles and motorcycles have been inspected, of which 83 are roadside inspections and special inspections, 72 are noise vehicles, and 9 are moved from other counties and cities. This year, more than 40 points of non-ionizing radiation measurement operations in the county should be carried out, and 47 points have been completed so far, all of which meet the standards. 7. Delineation of aviation noise control areas The currently announced Hualien County aviation noise control zones at all levels have expired for 2 years. This time, according to the regulations of the law, the iso-noise maps, actual monitoring records, nearby terrain and land use conditions reported by Hualien Airport in 2010 and 2010, etc. Conducted a review, and held a review meeting on June 24, 2011 in accordance with the administrative procedures before the announcement. The results of this delineation were the same as those in 2016, and the original levels of control areas in each village were still maintained. The announcement of the aviation noise prevention zone was completed on November 7. 8. Innovative approach - intelligent management of construction sites After the plan was approved and approved on March 3, 2011, a consultation meeting will be held on March 28, inviting the Ninth River Bureau of the Water Conservancy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Hualien Branch of the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan, and the Construction Office of Hualien County Government. Coordinating with the Civil Affairs Office of Hualien County Government. On May 18, we negotiated with the Ninth River Bureau on the erection of the air sensor. On June 2, we cooperated with the air sensor manufacturer to conduct on-site survey and erection points. On July 5, the erection of the air sensor was completed. In 2011, the dredging of the upper section of the Gaoliao Bridge on the Xiuguluan River and the separation of soil and rock (expenses) and the dredging of the Hualien River Wuquan embankment and the separation of soil and rocks (expenditures), the total number of monitoring days until the end of December was 180 During the monitoring period, there were a total of 28 days when the trigger notification was exceeded, which were 23 days when PM10 monitoring was triggered in the Wuquan embankment of Hualien River in 111, 19 days when PM2. The PM2.5 of the Gaoliao Bridge was triggered for 10 days. Through the continuous notification of the system and the mastery of monitoring information transmission, the relevant personnel immediately contacted the construction site window and asked the construction site to strengthen the cleaning of surrounding roads and the frequency of watering in the exposed areas of the construction area. The total cleaning length An increase of 1,153 kilometers. 9. Other Human and material support: Assist in handling according to the instructions of the Bureau. Temporary assignments: All are handled in accordance with the instructions of the bureau.
英文關鍵字 construction works, air pollution, pollution control, noise control, non-ionizing radiation