

中文摘要 本年度相關成果摘要如下: 年度各項量化目標均已依合約規定整體進度達100%以上,執行成果如表1及表2所示。在空氣品質維護區推動及稽查管制部分,本年度規劃劃設虎林國民中學、國民小學為空氣品質維護區,已分別於7月1日及9月15日完成各1場次協商會議及研商會議,主要管制自稽查日起1年內未經任一縣市環境保護局排煙檢驗合格之柴油大客貨車及小貨車及未完成年度定期檢驗合格之燃油機車,全時段禁止進入該維護區範圍內。 另針對虎林學區執行車牌辨識稽查作業,本年度共拍攝8,462輛次,車號取唯一1年內檢驗合格之到檢率為63.4%,針對1年內未完成檢驗車輛主動寄發到檢通知共計500輛次,統計到10月底,回檢率約為69.2%,故整體完成檢測率為69.3%。 已劃設之新竹轉運站空氣品質維護區執行現況部分,進出新竹轉運站車輛共計14,451輛次,取車號唯一共計605輛,均於自稽查日前1年內完成經任一縣市環保局排煙檢驗合格,到檢率為100%。 在使用中機動車輛噪音稽查管制部分,於停車場(站)、路旁、港區或其他適當地點執行原地噪音檢驗(檢查)或配合警政單位聯合稽查勤務作業共完成78場次,針對陳情熱點執行移動式科技執法共完成稽查87場次,另為落實校園機動車輛噪音宣導,已完成10場次高中職以上校園宣導。 在本年度規劃架設2處固定式噪音科技執法設置地點部分,優先針對北區及香山區陳情熱點進行選點評估,香山區選定架設地點為中華路五段156號旁電線桿,北區則選定延平路一段與公道三路十字路口處,均已完成設置並於10月19日辦理驗收作業及教育訓練。 另本年度協助辦理3件民眾陳情交通噪音監測案件,監測地點分別為新竹市東區東新路152號10樓、新竹市東區東竹路21號7樓及新竹市香山區延平路一段261巷12弄16號,前2件監測日期均為111年2月10日~11日,第3件監測日期為111年10月6日~7日,監測結果均符合環境音量標準第三類之標準。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質維護區、機動車輛噪音、聲音照相科技執法、柴油車


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 17486 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 胡欣
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 呂理斌 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111新竹噪音計畫期末報告定稿本0112(印製版).pdf 36MB

2022 Hsinchu City Science and Technology Sensor Inspection Integration Plan

英文摘要 The annual quantitative goals have all reached more than 100% in accordance with the contract, and the implementation results are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. In terms of the promotion and inspection and control of the air quality maintenance area, Hulin National Middle School and National Elementary School are planned to be designated as the air quality maintenance area this year, and a consultation meeting and a discussion meeting have been completed on July 1 and September 15 respectively Mainly control the large diesel trucks and small trucks that have not passed the smoke exhaust inspection of any county or city environmental protection bureau within one year from the inspection date, and the fuel locomotives that have not completed the annual periodic inspection, and are prohibited from entering the maintenance area at all times Inside. In addition, the Hulin School District carried out the license plate recognition inspection operation. This year, a total of 8,462 vehicles were photographed. The inspection rate of the only vehicles with the vehicle number that passed the inspection within one year was 63.4%. 500 vehicle trips. By the end of October, the re-inspection rate was about 69.2%, so the overall inspection rate was 69.3%. The current implementation of the air quality maintenance area of the designated Hsinchu Transit Station, a total of 14,451 vehicles entered and exited the Hsinchu Transit Station, and a total of 605 vehicles with unique pickup numbers, all completed within one year from the inspection date. The smoke inspection is qualified, and the inspection rate is 100%. In the part of motor vehicle noise inspection and control in use, in-situ noise inspections (inspections) were carried out in parking lots (stations), roadsides, port areas or other appropriate locations, or in cooperation with police and government units for joint inspection and service operations, a total of 78 sessions were completed. A total of 87 inspections have been completed for the implementation of mobile technology law enforcement. In addition, 10 campus publicity sessions for high school vocational and above have been completed to implement campus motor vehicle noise publicity. In this year’s plan to erect 2 fixed noise technology law enforcement installation sites, priority will be given to the North District and Xiangshan District to evaluate the hotspots. At the intersection of the first section of the road and the third road of Gongdao, the installation has been completed and the acceptance work and education and training will be handled on October 19. In addition, this year assisted in the handling of 3 cases of traffic noise monitoring by the public. The monitoring locations were 10th Floor, No. 152, Dongxin Road, East District, Hsinchu City, 7th Floor, No. 21, Dongzhu Road, East District, Hsinchu City, and Lane 12, Lane 261, Section 1, Yanping Road, Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City. On the 16th, the monitoring dates of the first two cases were both February 10-11, 2011, and the monitoring date of the third case was October 6-7, 2011. The monitoring results all met the third category of environmental sound standards.
英文關鍵字 air quality maintenance zone, motor vehicle noise, Sound and camera technology law enforcement, diesel car