

中文摘要 1.配合地球日、世界環境日等辦理5場次環境教育宣導活動。 2查核43家依環境教育法應申報成果單位。 3.辦理13場次環境講習,辦理完成率達91.9%。 4.10月1日辦理臺南市環境知識競賽。 5.10月22日辦理臺南市環境教育繪本頒獎表揚活動。 6.辦理18梯次臺南市環保志工環境教育體驗活動。 7.辦理2場次暑期環境教育體驗營隊。 8.輔導虎山實小、慈濟高中附設小學獲得生態學校綠旗,竹橋國中、西港國中、將軍國中及文山國小獲得銀牌。 9.輔導9個社區參加社區環境調查及改造計畫、環保小學堂計畫。 10.辦理1場次環境教育觀摩活動及1場次環境教育交流活動,促進臺南市環境教育學習交流。 11.輔導牛埔泥岩水土保持教學園區、長榮大學國際珍古德根與芽生態教育中心及臺鹽實業股份有限公司七股鹽場通過環境教育設施場所。 12.辦理機關、企業、團體的綠色採購業務,綠色採購申報金額達85億元。 13.辦理19場次環保志工培訓。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、全民綠生活


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-111-SP-30127 經費年度 111 計畫經費 11880 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/29 專案結束日期 2023/03/28 專案主持人 林佳薇
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳炫妤 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年臺南市環境教育及志義工管理推動工作計畫-期末報告書-去個資版.pdf 45MB 期末報告書

2022 Tainan City Environmental Education Management Plan

英文摘要 1.In conjunction with Earth Day and World Environment Day, 5 environmental education and publicity activities were organized. 2.Check 43 units that should report results according to the Environmental Education Law. 3.13 environmental education were held, and the completion rate was over 91.9%. 4.On October 1, the Tainan Environmental Knowledge Contest was held. 5.On October 22, the Tainan City Environmental Education Picture Book Award Ceremony was held. 6.Handled 18 environmental education experience activities for environmental protection volunteers in Tainan City. 7.Handle 2 summer vacation environmental education experience camps. 8.Hushan Experimental Elementary School and Tzu-Chi Senior High School Elementary Department won the Eco School Green Flag, Jhuciao Junior High School, Sigang Junior High School, Jiangjyun Junior High School and Wunshan Elementary School won the Silver Award. 9.Tutoring 9 communities to participate in Community environmental survey and renovation plan, Environmental Primary School plan. 10.Organize 1 environmental education observation activity and 1 environmental education exchange activity to promote environmental education learning exchanges in Tainan. 11.Assist Niupu Mudstone Soil and Water Conservation Teaching Park, International Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots Eco-Center and Salt Mountain in cigu in applying for environmental education facilities. 12.Handle the green procurement business of agencies, enterprises and groups, and the declared amount of green procurement is more than NT$8.5 billion. 13.Handled 19 training sessions for environmental protection volunteers.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education, Green life