

中文摘要 摘 要 技佳工程科技股份有限公司協助金門縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)執行「111年金門縣水污染源稽查管制與水污費徵收查核計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫) ,執行期程自111年01月12日至111年12月31日止,計畫經費為新台幣480萬元。本次報告統計期程自111年01月12日起至111年10月30日止,各項工作內容及執行成果概要說明如下。 一、 水污染列管事業稽查採樣 本計畫每月應巡查列管事業及污水下水道系統至少25件次(其中畜牧業每月至少8件次),統計1至10月底止,累計已完成稽查396家次,本項工作進度達成率為100%。放流水採樣每季應完成32件次,目前已完成128件次,達成率為100%。放流水稽查採樣檢驗結果8家次列管事業放流水超過標準限值,不合格率6%。 二、 水污染列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業 以稽查處分紀錄及申報資料異常等條件,篩選1家水污染列管事業進行功能評鑑,於7月完成初評作業,8月邀集專家學者辦理複評作業,9月召開協商會議,並將於會議中要求事業單位根據評鑑結果提出許可變更。 三、 法規宣導說明會 於7月1日辦理1場次水污染源管制資料管理系統操作說明,課程包含許可申請、定檢申報及資訊公開等,參與人數共計23人,針對本次會議滿意度調查結果,出席人員對本次會議安排皆表示「滿意」以上程度。 四、 水污費徵收查核作業 依據行政院環境保護署111年3月28日環署水字第1111037270號函「111年水污染防治費申報案件查核作業」規定,本縣列管家數為100家以下,應查核5家次,此外依據考核規定,若要達到滿分,需達查核率120%,故本計畫查核9家次(180%),共計有47個期別應查核,最早為106年第1期,經查核結果,其中9個期別申報資料有誤,錯誤率為19.1%,計4家業者涉及重新核算水污費,經查核補繳金額為48,198元。 五、 環境水體水質監測 本年度於每季執行15處/季河川湖庫水質採樣分析作業,分析項目包括pH、DO、BOD、SS、大腸桿菌群、氨氮、總磷等,金門水庫普遍皆有優養化現象,針對本轄水體水質改善策略部分,建議提升公共污水下水道系統用戶接管,或設置晴天污水截流設施,推動畜牧廢水納管排入污水下水道系統及推動畜牧糞尿資源化,已流入水庫之污染物透過水庫底泥浚渫方式排除,區域排水設施於汛期前增加水生植物及淤泥移除頻率,向農民宣導多使用有機肥,合理化施肥及補植造林,減少污染物降雨沖刷入水庫。 六、 廢(污)水自動監測(視)及連線傳輸 現場查核台灣電力股份有限公司塔山發電廠、金門自來水廠海水淡化廠、太湖水資源回收中心、金城都市計畫區污水下水道系統,各廠自動監(檢)測設施設置確認報告書登載內容一致,監測頻率及資料保存皆符合法規規範。其中太湖水資源回收中心CWMS檢測槽建議業者應加強情節維護(2次/周)。 七、 水環境巡守隊輔導推動 已辦理4場次跨鄉鎮交流會議,1場次世界水質監測日暨種子教師培訓,1場次外縣市觀摩活動。持續藉由巡守隊員關心河川愛護河川的環保熱忱及鄰近河川的生活環境特性,就近協助執行河川污染巡查作業,彌補稽查資源及人力的不足。 八、 協助事業水污染源許可申請審查作業 協助審查57件次,包含排放地面水體許可證13件次、簡易排放許可文件16件次、逕流廢水削減計畫審查30件次及貯留許可1件次,詳表4.1.2 3。前述案件屬新申請28件次、變更16件次、展延及變更13件次。 九、 許可申請案件現勘作業 111年執行現場勘察查核作業共2件次,現勘結果發現缺失主要廢水處理單元名稱標示、設備規格及數量不符(全)或有誤,且於家福股份有限公司金門分公司發現不明管線,經要求改善,業者已完成移除。 十、 協助定期檢測申報審查作業 計畫執行期間,針對轄內事業或污水下水道系統業者定期檢測申報130件,均已完成審查認可,達成率為100 %,依申報期別區分,分別為110年下半年報57件、111年上半年報57件、110年季報4件及111年季報12件。 十一、 空、水、廢、毒環保許可整合 已辦理1場次環保許可整合內部教育訓練,及1場次業者宣導說明會,輔導3家業者完成空、水、廢、毒污染流向示意圖繪製,並確認符合原許可內容。 十二、 畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用 輔導業提升施灌量部分,本計畫針對110年度施灌量較低之金門畜產試驗所,已現場輔導提升施灌量,從110年平均9.1公噸/月,提升為229.5公噸/月,本轄總計核准17場沼液沼渣農地肥份使用,核准總量為5,637.1公噸/年(興旺畜牧場於111年7月12日註銷登記,合發畜牧場於8月5日納管排入公共下水道系統解除管制),111年度統計至9月底止,本轄實際施灌量為3,655.5公噸,合計施灌百分比為64.8%。 十三、 沼渣沼液農地肥分使用計畫審查 本計畫依據環保署「111年度水污染防治評核計畫」規定,優先針對田埔水庫集水區內2家畜牧場(興農、興旺)輔導辦理肥分計畫變更,其中興旺畜牧場已辦理離牧,故輔導興農畜牧場辦理,該場已於6月30日重新己驗沼液,從原先僅厭氧處理,改為厭氧及好氧處理,本年度完成審核1家次,施灌量由72.9公噸/年提升為536.4公噸/年,資源化比例由原本5.1%提升為37.7%。 十四、 農地肥分使用環境品質監測 監測碧山畜牧場、碧華畜牧場及大進畜牧場,總氮檢測濃度分別為479 mg/L、1640 mg/L及258 mg/L,總氮平均濃度為792 mg/L,歷年總氮檢測結果平均為627 mg/L,皆低於申請時900 mg/L(畜牧廢水農地施肥要領)。 土壤重金屬銅、鋅檢測結果,分別平均為27.5 mg/L、62.0 mg/L,歷年總平均分別為25.5 mg/L、64.8 mg/L,均低於停灌標準。 地下水監測古城國小、金寧中小學、安瀾國小及烈嶼國中,氨氮檢測濃度平均為0.09 mg/L,歷年檢測濃度平均為0.18 mg/L,除柏村國小背景值超過超過第二類地下水污染監測標準外,其餘皆低於第二類地下水污染監測標準。 十五、 畜牧業放流水回收 轄內共有12家通過,總計核准總回收使用量為5,653.85公噸/年,其中永群畜牧場、金銘畜牧場、慶安畜牧場、東東畜牧場共4家並列第一,核准量為1,095公噸/年,各佔19.4%。前述12家放流水回收水量最高者為欣隆畜牧場144公噸,達197.3%(實際回收水量/核准回收水量*100%),其次為國林畜牧場29.2公噸(100%),其中欣隆畜牧場已輔導變更廢水管理計畫,回收水量由原本73公噸/年提升為365公噸/年,資源化比例由原本10.2%提升為51.0%。 十六、 環保署考核成績自評 依據 111年度環保署相關評核評比項目及配分準則,對各評比項目執行進度管制工作,並適時提出可行性方案,以有效提昇工作進度及評比分數,自評得分為82.51分。
中文關鍵字 一、水污染列管事業稽查採樣、水污染列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業、水污費徵收查核作業、環境水體水質監測、水環境巡守隊輔導推動、空、水、廢、毒環保許可整合、畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用


專案計畫編號 1101130 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4800 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/12 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 洪紹軒 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿(系統上傳用).pdf 11MB

Project of Water Pollution Source Audit and Control, and Water Sewage Fee Collection and Audit for Kinmen County in 2022

英文摘要 GEGA ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS CO., LTD. assists the Kinmen County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau) to implement the "Project of Water Pollution Source Audit and Control, and Water Sewage Fee Collection and Audit for Kinmen County in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The implementation period is from January 12, 2022 to December 31, 2022, and the planned funding is NT$4.8 million. The statistical period of this report is from January 12, 2022 to October 30, 2022. Summary of the work content and implementation results is as follows. 1. Audit and sampling of water pollution management projects This project should conduct at least 25 inspections per month on listed management enterprises and sewage and sewer systems (including at least 8 inspections per month in animal husbandry). According to statistics, from January to the end of October, a total of 396 audits have been completed, and the progress rate of this project has been achieved. 100%. Drainage sampling should be completed 32 times per quarter, and 128 times have been completed so far, with a 100% success rate. The audit and sampling test results showed that the discharge water of 8 sub-pipeline utilities exceeded the standard limit, with a failure rate of 6%. 2. Functional evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities for water pollution classified businesses Based on conditions such as audit and sanction records and abnormal declaration materials, one water pollution control enterprise was selected for functional evaluation. The initial evaluation was completed in July, experts and scholars were invited to conduct re-evaluation in August, and a consultation meeting was held in September. In the meeting, institutions were required to propose permission changes based on the evaluation results. 3. Regulations publicity briefing A session of water pollution source control data management system operation instructions was conducted on July 1st. The course included permit application, regular inspection and declaration, and information disclosure. There were a total of 23 participants. According to the results of the survey on the satisfaction of this meeting, all the participants expressed "satisfaction" with the arrangement of this meeting. 4. Collection and verification of water pollution fees According to the regulations of "Project of Water Pollution Source Audit and Control, and Water Sewage Fee Collection and Audit in 2022" prescribed in the huan-shu-shui-zi-di-no-1111037270 letter issued by Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, on March 28, 2022, there were less than 100 classified companies in this county, and 5 companies should be checked. In addition, according to the assessment regulations, to achieve full marks, they need to reach a check rate of 120%. Therefore, this Project checked 9 companies (180%), with a total of 47 periods should be checked. The earliest was the 1st period in 2017. According to the inspection results, 9 of the periods reported incorrect information, with an error rate of 19.1%. 4 businesses were involved in the recalculation of water sewage fees, and the amount of additional payment after inspection was NT$48,198. 5. Environmental water body/water quality monitoring 15 water quality sampling and analysis operations of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs were carried out every quarter this year. Analysis items include pH, DO, BOD, SS, coliform group, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, etc. Jinmen Reservoir generally has the phenomenon of optimal culture. Regarding the water body/water quality improvement strategy of this jurisdiction, the following suggestions are as follows: improve the user connection of the public sewage sewer system, or set up sewage interception facilities in sunny days; promote the discharge of livestock wastewater into the sewage sewer system and promote the recycling of livestock manure; remove the pollutants that have flowed into the reservoir by dredging the bottom mud of the reservoir; regional drainage facilities increase the frequency of aquatic plants and silt removal before the flood season; promote the use of organic fertilizers, rational fertilization and replanting afforestation to farmers to reduces pollutant rainfall that washes into reservoirs. 6. Waste (sewage) water automatic monitoring (viewing) and connection transmission After on-site inspection of Taiwan Power Company Tashan Thermal Power Plant., Seawater Destilation Plant of Kinmen Works, Taihu Lake Water Resource Recovery Center, Jincheng urban planning area sewage sewer system, the results showed that the contents of the automatic monitoring (inspection) facility setting confirmation report of each factory are consistent, and the monitoring frequency and data storage are in compliance with laws and regulations. However, it is suggested that the industry should strengthen the plot maintenance of the CWMS detection tank of the Taihu Lake Water Resources Recovery Center (twice/week). 7. Guidance and promotion of water environment patrol team Four (4) cross-township exchange meetings, one (1) World Water Quality Monitoring Day and seed teacher training, and one (1) observation activity in other counties and cities were held. This project continues to care about the environmental protection enthusiasm of the rivers and the lives of nearby rivers through the patrol team Environmental characteristics, assist in the implementation of river pollution inspection operations nearby, and make up for the shortage of inspection resources and manpower. 8. Assistance in the review of applications for water pollution source permits Assisted in the review of 57 cases, including 13 cases of surface water discharge permits, 16 cases of simple discharge permit documents, 30 cases of runoff waste water reduction plan review and 1 case of storage permit, detailed table 4.1.2 3. The aforementioned cases belonged to 28 new applications, 16 changes, and 13 extensions and changes. 9. On-site survey operation of license application cases In 2022, a total of 2 on-site investigation and inspection operations were carried out. The current investigation results found that the name of the main wastewater treatment unit was missing, the equipment specifications and quantities did not match (completely) or were wrong, and unidentified pipelines were found in Jinmen Branch of PRESICARRE CORPORATION. After requesting improvement, the operator has completed the removal. 10. Assisted in regular testing declaration review operation During the implementation of the project, 130 regular inspections and declarations for the enterprises or sewage system operators within the jurisdiction had been completed, and the completion rate was 100%. According to the reporting period, there were 57 annual reports for the second half of 2021, 57 reports for the first half of 2022, 4 quarterly reports for 2021, and 12 quarterly reports for 2022. 11. Integration of air, water, waste, and toxic environmental protection permits Having handled 1 environmental protection permit integration internal education training and 1 business publicity briefing session, assisted 3 business owners to complete the schematic drawing of air, water, waste, and toxic pollution flow, and confirmed that it complies with the original license content. 12. Use of biogas slurry and residue as farmland fertilizer in animal husbandry For the part of the counseling industry to increase the amount of irrigation, this Project had targeted Livestock Research Institute, Kinmen County, which has a relatively low amount of irrigation in 2021, and had provided on-site guidance to increase the amount of irrigation, from an average of 9.1 metric tons per month in 2021 to 229.5 metric tons per month. This jurisdiction had approved a total of 17 biogas slurry and residue farmland fertilizers, with a total approved amount of 5,637.1 metric tons per year (Xingwang Livestock Farm was deregistered on July 12, 2022, and Hefa Livestock Farm released its control on the discharge of pipes into the public sewer system on August 5). According to the 2022 annual statistics until the end of September, the actual irrigation volume under this jurisdiction is 3,655.5 metric tons, and the total irrigation percentage is 64.8%. 13. Review of biogas residue and biogas slurry fertilizer use plan According to the provisions of the "2022 Annual Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment Plan" of the Environmental Protection Agency, this Project gives priority to the two livestock farms (Xingnong and Xingwang ) in the catchment area of Tianpu Reservoir to guide and handle changes in fertilizer plans. Since the Xingwang Livestock Farm was off-husbandry, only the Xingnong Livestock Farm was tutored, and the biogas slurry was re-inspected on June 30. This livestock farm has changed from only anaerobic treatment to anaerobic and aerobic treatment. This year, it has completed one audit. The irrigation volume has increased from 72.9 metric tons per year to 536.4 metric tons per year, and the resource utilization rate has increased from 5.1% to 536.4 metric tons per year. 37.7%. 14. Environmental Quality Monitoring of Farmland Fertilizer Use Monitoring Bishan Livestock Farm, Bihua Livestock Farm and Dajin Livestock Farm, the detected concentrations of total nitrogen were 479 mg/L, 1640 mg/L and 258 mg/L respectively, and the average concentration of total nitrogen was 792 mg/L. The average test result was 627 mg/L, all of which were lower than 900 mg/L at the time of application (essentials for fertilizing livestock wastewater and agricultural land). The groundwater monitoring results of Gucheng Elementary School, Jinning Elementary and Junior High School, Anlan Elementary School, and Lieyu Junior High School showed that the average detected concentration of ammonia nitrogen was 0.09 mg/L, and the average detected concentration over the years was 0.18 mg/L. Except for the background of Bo Tsun Elementary School Except for the values exceeding the second-class groundwater pollution monitoring standards, the rest are all lower than the second-class groundwater pollution monitoring standards. 15. Recycling of runoff water from animal husbandry A total of 12 companies in the jurisdiction have passed the approval, with a total approved recycling volume of 5,653.85 metric tons per year, of which Yongqun Livestock Farm, Jinming Livestock Farm , Qing’an Livestock Farm , and Dongdong Livestock Farm are tied for the first place. Their approvals amounted to 1,095 t/y, each accounting for 19.4%. Among the above-mentioned 12 enterprises, Xinlong Livestock Farm has the highest recycling water volume of 144 metric tons, which is 197.3% (actual recycled water volume/approved recycled water volume*100%).The second is Guolin Livestock Farm with 29.2 tons (100%). Among them, Xinlong Livestock Farm had assisted in changing the waste water management plan. The amount of recycled water had increased from 73 tons per year to 365 tons per year, and the resource utilization ratio had increased from 10.2% to 51.0%. 16. Self-assessment of EPA assessment results According to the 2022 Environmental Protection Agency's relevant evaluation appraisal items and allocation criteria, the progress control of each appraisal item was carried out, and a feasible plan was proposed in a timely manner to effectively improve the work progress and evaluation scores. The self-evaluation score was 82.51 points.
英文關鍵字 Audit and sampling of water pollution management projects, Functional evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities for water pollution classified businesses, Collection and verification of water pollution fees, Environmental water body/water quality monitoring, Guidance and promotion of water environment patrol team, Integration of air, water, waste, and toxic environmental protection permits, Use of biogas slurry and residue as farmland fertilizer in animal husbandry