英文摘要 |
The changes in environmental factors and threats of natural disasters caused by climate change will not only directly affect the transfer and accumulation of pollutants of soil and groundwater, but may also have direct or indirect negative impacts on the remediation of contaminated sites. This project collects and analyzes the latest soil and groundwater resource management strategies in response to climate change issues in foreign countries. Strategies that were adopted internationally in response to the impact of climate change on contamination were compiled for inclusion in the subsequent soil and groundwater management policies in Taiwan. The project also analyzed the existing data of different types of soil carbon pools in Taiwan and technologies that can increase soil carbon pools overseas. In addition, the project also held the“2nd Collaborative Partnership Seminar on Soil and Groundwater Resources Sustainability and Climate Adaptation”, which entailed thematic lectures and expert consultation meetings to enhance the professional knowledge and skills of domestic practitioners in soils and groundwater environmental management in response to climate adaption.