
雲林縣-111 年雲林縣廢水排放污染削減與預防管制計畫

中文摘要 本計畫執行的主要目地係針對雲林縣北港溪流域及新虎尾溪流域的環境背景資料進行彙整分析,進一步改善污染現況,並冀望藉由各支流排水及其他排水路之背景水質資料調查工作詳細清查出污染源,並依據科學數據研訂相關污染管制措施。透過河川水質模式建立及水質採樣檢測成果,辦理水質模式校驗及驗證工作。同時進一步協助追蹤管考各項「水污染防治評核計畫」,以增進評核成績並強化其執行成效。並透過以科學稽查方式達成轄內水污染防治法列管事業之查核工作,另外亦可透過水污費徵收查核提升水污費徵收之管理及催繳,並辦理水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會強化轄內事業對於各項法令熟悉程度避免受罰。 計畫執行期間已完成蒐集分析北港溪流域及新虎尾溪流域之環境背景資料,並針對水污染源排放特性及排放資料變化進行趨勢分析。針對北港溪、新虎尾溪支流排水及其他大排流域,已辦理河川水質採樣103點次,並進行河川水質模式校驗證及相關分析。根據以往相關資料和本計畫水質採樣結果,綜合北港溪和新虎尾溪的水質變化趨勢,關鍵指標污染物為生化需氧量(BOD)和氨氮。另外針對縣內事業執行202場次氨氮水質採樣工作並蒐集彙整歷年河川污染整治策略及相關工作執行成果並分析提出相關強化措施及策略。在北港溪流域,BOD主要來源為生活污水,畜牧廢水次之,分別占60.0%及31.0%,非點源污染為8.0%;氨氮污染物部分,整體而言以生活污水及畜牧廢水污染為主,分別各占44.1%及38.4%,而非點源為16.1%;SS主要來自非點源污染為主,占污染總量之50.4%,其次是生活污水33.8%、畜牧廢水15.4%。新虎尾溪流域主要受到畜牧廢水污染,在該集水區中BOD、氨氮及SS,畜牧廢水分別約占總量之66.7%、66.5%及43.7%。建議北港溪流域優先進行管制的指標污染物主要可從污染較嚴重的土庫大橋、觀光大橋的水質測站BOD、氨氮改善為主,新虎尾溪流域優先進行管制的指標污染物建議從污染日益嚴重的豐橋、海豐橋水質及新增之蚊港橋測站BOD、氨氮改善為主。建議持續擬定各項污染整治策略及方向應針對指標污染物全力強化污染減量工作,包含下水道建設、現地水質淨化工程、沼渣沼液資源回收及強化稽查管制作為…等相關強化措施及策略。針對雲林縣水污染防治評核計畫部分,已計算並提送3季關鍵測站水質改善作為並計算預估累計污染削減量。辦理年度評核工作檢討會議4場次;另已針對水污費徵收列管事業執行166家次查核,並辦理5場水污染防治法相關法令宣導說明會。本計畫工作項目已完成100%,符合契約相關規定要求。
中文關鍵字 河川水質模式、水污染防治評核、關鍵測站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7238.517 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/08 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳勝恭
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳亞臻 執行單位 能碩工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本-完整檔.pdf 30MB

111 Yunlin County Wastewater Discharge Total Mass Reduction, Prevention Control and Water Pollution Fees Collection Check and Project Audit Plan

英文摘要 The main purpose of this project was to analyze the environmental background data of the Beigang River Basin and Xinhuwei River Basin in Yunlin County to further improve the water pollution situation. It was also hoped that the background water quality data of the tributary drainage and other drainages will be investigated to find out the source of pollution in detail, and to develop relevant pollution control measures based on scientific data. Through the establishment of river water quality model and the results of water quality sampling, the water quality model calibration and verification work were carried out. At the same time, it furthered assist in the tracking and management of various " River Pollution Restoration Assessment Plan " to improve the assessment results and strengthen their implementation effectiveness. And through scientific inspection methods, the inspection work of the Water Pollution Control Act under the jurisdiction was achieved. In addition, it is also possible to improve the management and payment of water pollution fees through water pollution fee collection and verification, and to handle the promotion of relevant laws and regulations of the Water Pollution Control Act to strengthen the familiarity of the businesses in the jurisdiction with various laws and regulations to avoid being punished. For Beigang river, Xinhuwei river tributary drainage and other large drainage basins, 103 river water quality sampling stations have been analyzed, and river water quality model calibration, verification and related approaches have been conducted. Based on the past relevant plans and the results of the water quality sampling of this project, the water quality changes of Beigang river and Xinhuwei river have been illuminated. The primary indicator pollutants are biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia-nitrogen. In addition, 202 times of ammonia-nitrogen water quality sampling work was carried out for the county's pipeline wastewater treatment facilities, and the collection of river pollution restoration strategies and related work implementation results over the past years, and related enhancement measures and strategies were analyzed and put forward. In the Beigang River Basin, the main source of BOD is domestic sewage, followed by livestock wastewater, accounting for 60.0% and 31.0% respectively, and non-point source pollution is 8.0%. Ammonia-nitrogen pollutants are mainly polluted by domestic sewage and livestock wastewater, accounting for 44.1% and 38.4% respectively, and non-point sources account for 16.1%. SS mainly comes from non-point source pollution, accounting for 50.4% of the total pollution, followed by 33.8% of domestic sewage and 15.4% of livestock wastewater. It is recommended that the priority pollutants in the Beigang River Basin be controlled mainly from the improvement of BOD and ammonia-nitrogen at the water quality monitoring stations of the Tuku Bridge and the Guanguang Bridge, which are more polluted. In the Xinhuwei River Basin, it is suggested that the control and improvement of the indicator pollutants BOD and ammonia-nitrogen should be prioritized from the Feng Bridge, Haifeng Bridge and the newly added Wengang Bridge water quality monitoring station, which are increasingly polluted. It is recommended to continue to formulate various pollution control strategies and guidelines, and to strengthen pollution reduction work for target pollutants, including sewer construction, on-site water quality purification projects, recovery of biogas residues and biogas slurry resources, and strengthening inspection and control actions... and other related strengthening measures and strategies. For the county's river pollution restoration assessment plan, the water quality improvement measures at key monitoring stations in the three seasons have been submitted and the estimated cumulative pollution reduction amount has been calculated. Completed 4 annual restoration assessment plan work review meetings. In addition, 166 inspections have been carried out on the collection and management of water pollution fees, and 5 publicity and explanation sessions on laws and regulations related to the Water Pollution Control Act have been held. The work of this project has been completed 100%, in compliance with the requirements of the contract.
英文關鍵字 River water quality model, River pollution restoration assessment plan, Key monitoring stations