

中文摘要 環境部為加速農地污染整治與配合行政院太陽光電政策,乃以保障環境健康安全與地主權益為基礎,規劃推動受污染土地設置太陽光電設施,期能藉此加速污染改善,同時提升我國再生能源裝置容量,達多方共贏之目的。配合我國提升再生能源發電量的施政方向,環境部近年已訂定「受污染土地設置太陽光電設施審查作業原則」,針對受污染土地提供得結合太陽光電發展的多元利用方向,確立適用範圍與申請作業程序,並盤點調查國內農業用地污染場址與事業污染場址設置太陽光電設施之意願。針對污染農地場址,為提升土地所有人參與意願,環境部亦已訂定「受污染土地設置太陽光電設施審查作業原則」,於該原則第二條規定,受污染土地係指「受汞以外之重金屬污染並於106 年3 月31 日前依土壤及地下水污染整治法公告為土壤污染控制場址或整治場址之農業用地」。審查原則於適用範圍則納入地方環保機關進行污染改善中或已完成改善之污染農地,可由申請者取得土地所有人同意後,向地方環保機關提出申請,並應確保污染改善不受太陽光電設施設置作業之影響。 環境部為延續推動污染土地設置太陽光電設施,爰辦理「111 年污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫」,針對國內污染農地及事業場址持續盤點設置意願及研議其他場域設置可行性,辦理推廣輔導及意願調查等作業,並透過生薑農電共生之試驗,提高農民設置太陽光電設施之意願,編撰生薑農地共生試驗參考手冊,以加速推動污染土地設置作業。本計畫執行成果總結如下。 (一)在污染農地推廣部分,針對15 個縣市已完成污染改善及完成改善且已解除列管之約1,100公頃污染農地,進行盤點相關作業。扣除已併網發電及已辦理申設程序之26.74公頃農地,已掌握10.12(3.7%)公頃農地有意願設置太陽光電設施。無意願設置太陽光電的部分, 主要的原因包括501.66公頃(45.58%)農地因農民持續農作或完成污染改善後欲恢復耕種、現有地上物133.1公頃(12.09%)、近期有開發計畫152.08公頃(13.82%)及262.25公頃(23.83%)有其他使用規劃。至於累計實際已簽訂行政契約並繳回環境部所投入之整治費用亦已達新臺幣5,700萬餘元。 (二)受污染之列管事業場址推廣部分,完成全國22 縣市424處列管事業場址設置意願第二輪盤點作業,其中11家列管場址設置潛勢較高,建議持續追蹤。預期再次確認意願及進度後,應可納入環境部追蹤之案源場域;2家列管場址已接觸光電業者進行評估,並已納入環境部追蹤案源(掌握案源量為0.58MW);1 家列管場址已於112 年完成併網,亦已納入環境部績效(實際設置量為0.06MW)。 (三)計畫執行期間針對環境部各單位進行輔導訪視,112 年實際設置量為32.35MW,113 年至114 年掌握案源量為67.11MW。 (四)為擴大替代案源場域,已完成繳費業者、污染土壤處理機構與自主管理事業場域意願調查作業,其中7處場域於112年取得備案編號,設量為26.41MW;2處場域預計114 年完成設置,設置量為0.9MW。 (五)完成受污染土地設置太陽光電設施政策宣傳說帖及印製,另為媒合污染農地與光電業者合作設置太陽光電設施,已完成辦理5場次媒合會議。另為提升污染場址設置意願, 故完成辦理4場次與環保局之研商會議, 3場次推廣說明會議及1場次生薑農電共生試驗觀摩會議;另,為了解環保設施場域設置之可行性及完備生薑農電共生試驗參考手冊,已完成辦理4 場次專家諮詢會議。 (六)完成辦理55 場訪視輔導會議,並完成9 場次有意願場址之太陽光電設施設置可行性評估作業並針對基隆市環保局完成太陽光電設施設置規劃及投資報酬率評估作業。 (七)完成受污染土地推動設置太陽光電設施程序及相關配套措施研議,提供環境部後續工作規劃建議。 (八)完成受污染土地設置太陽光電設施之資訊平台更新及維護工作,並設置專線電話及專責人員,提供受污染土地設置太陽光電設施之相關諮詢輔導服務。
中文關鍵字 太陽光電設施、污染土地、生薑種植


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 8340 千元
專案開始日期 2022/09/01 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 黃智
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 蘇建文 執行單位 鑫訓工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫_成果報告.pdf 55MB 111年污染土地設置太陽光電設施推動計畫 成果報告

The project of Promoting the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminated Land in 2022

英文摘要 In order to speed up the remediation of agricultural land pollution and cooperate with the solar photovoltaic implementation policy of the Executive Yuan, with the consideration of protecting environmental health and safety as well as the landowners' rights and interests, the Ministry of Environment plans to promote the installation of solar photovoltaic facilities on contaminated land. It is expected to accelerate the remediation of contamination and to increase the country's renewable energy capacity at the same time. The policy shall achieve a win-win situation for all parties. In line with the policy direction of increasing renewable energy power generation, the Ministry of Environment has formulated the "Operation Principles for Review of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminated Land" to establish the scope of application and applications for the diverse utilization directions of contaminated land combining with the development of solar photovoltaics. operating procedures. This study conducted an inventory of the willingness to install solar photovoltaic facilities at domestic agricultural land-contaminated sites and industrial-contaminated sites. Regarding contaminated agricultural land, in order to increase the willingness of land owners to participate, the Ministry of Environment has also formulated the "Operation Principles for Review of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminated Land". The second article in the principle stipulated that the contaminated landrefers to the agricultural land ontaminated by heavy metals other than mercury. Also, the agricultural land that has been listed as a soil pollution control site or remediation site according to the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act before March 31, 2016. The sites meet the aforementioned conditions shall fit for the review principle and can be included in the scope of application of the local environmental protection agency's sites undergoing econtamination or the agricultural lands have been delisted. For the land applicable to the required conditions, the applicant shall apply to the local environmental protection agency after obtaining the consent of the land owner, and shall ensure that the remediation will not be affected by the installation of solar photovoltaic facilities. The facilitate this process, the Ministry of Environment engaged in the “The project of Promoting the Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities on Contaminated Land in 2022”. This outcomes and achievement of this study are summarized as follow: (I) Regarding the promotion for the contaminated agricultural land, the contaminated agricultural land locating at 15 counties and cities with a total area around 1,100 ha, has been inventoried. The agricultural lands of 26.74 ha. have completed in power generation or the application of permit for implementation. Additionally, land owners to agricultural land of 26.74 ha. have expressed their willingness to implementation the solar power facilities. For the land of not for implementation, the main reasons consists of (1) continuation and maintain the agricultural use by the land owner (501.66 ha or 45.58%); (2) existence of aboveground structure or housing (133.1 ha or 12.09%); (3) existing development plan (152.08 ha or 13.82%) and (4) other plan for the land use (262.25 ha or 23.83%). As for the return of remediation cost spent by the MoENV, the cumulative return payment by the applicants has reached NTD $57,974,306. (II) As for the promotion of contaminated industrial sites, the second round of inventory for 424 listed industrial sites in 22 counties and cities across the country has been completed. Among the sites investigated, 11 listed industrial sites have high potential for implementation and it is recommended to track the progress of the sites afterward. After re-confirming the willingness and progress of implementation, the amount of power generation may be accommodated as the quota for the MonENV in solar power generation capacity. Also, 2 listed sites have contacted by the photovoltaic developer for evaluation and have been accounted for as the quota of the Ministry of Environment (the amount is 0.58MW); One of the listed sites have been connected to the grid in 2012 and have been included in the generation capacity quota for the Ministry of Environment (the capacity is 0.06MW). (III) In this study, the team also assisted various units of the Ministry of Environment in conducting counselling visits. The actual installed capacity in 2012 was 32.35MW, and the source capacity affirmed from 2013 to 2014 was 67.11MW. (IV) In this project works, the survey on wiliness of implementing solar power facility to remediation fund payers, contaminated soil treatment facility, and voluntary managing business sites have been carried out. Seven sites have obtained registration numbers in 2012 with an installation capacity of 26.41MW. On the other hand, two sites are expected to complete the implementation in 2025 with an estimated installed capacity of 0.9MW. (V)The design and publishing of publicity material for the policies advocation on installation of solar photovoltaic facilities on contaminated sites have been completed. In addition, in order to match agricultural contaminated sites with photovoltaic industry operators to install solar photovoltaic facilities, five matchmaking seminars have been completed. This project also completed 3 discussion meetings with local EPBs and a demonstration exhibition on the planting of shade-bearing products (i.e., ginger). (VI) There have been 56 inspection and assessment supporting meetings completed. In addition, nine sites of high potential and willingness in solar photovoltaic facility installation and feasibility evaluation operations have completed. (VII)Complete the study on the procedures for promoting installation of solar photovoltaic facilities on contaminated sites and related supporting measures as well as providing the MoENV with follow-up work planning recommendations. (VIII)Completed the update and maintenance of the information platform for setting up solar photovoltaic facilities on contaminated sites. A dedicated hotline to provide relevant consulting services for setting up solar photovoltaic facilities on contaminated sites during the execution period has provided throughout the project works.
英文關鍵字 Photovoltaics, Soil pollution, ginger planting techniques