

中文摘要 空氣污染防制專責單位或專責人員設置及管理辦法於108年8月6日配合空污法修正發布實施至今,於實務運作上可再予精進,如:(1)專責人員應執行業務內容,未完整對應新修訂之空污法及子法;(2)未實質影響空污業務之行政程序缺失,罰則過重,不符比例原則;(3)甲/乙專責人員受訓資格、課程不同,實務工作無差別;(4)兼任、正職、專職等定義模糊,且無明確實務認定要件;(5)部分應申請許可、執行定檢之公私場所,依法無需設專責人員…等。   綜合前述,為使專責人員的管理制度更完善,本計畫已透過現況盤點掌握現行人力配置狀況,且藉由法規比較分析、問卷調查、公私場所訪談以瞭解實務運作狀況,並針對前述蒐集彙整的資訊,提出可解決現況障礙的管理辦法修正草案。除法規面修調建議外,亦同步檢討專責人員訓練課程及固定污染源許可證審查人員之資格管理方式精進等配套措施,並向專家、利害關係人、地方主管機關等單位進行諮詢、座談與研商修正方向,以掌握各界對修法的意見,並探求相關制度研修方向之可行性及妥適性。另透過固定污染源空氣污染物排放檢測作業平台之規劃與開發,據以協助固定污染源管理制度能有效且順利推行。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制專責人員、空氣污染防制管理、固定污染源管理資訊系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 11400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/12/02 專案結束日期 2023/11/15 專案主持人 曹美慧
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 黃哲葦 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (111A280)固定污染源檢測申報系統建置及專責人員管理辦法檢討計畫.pdf 16MB

Project for Establishment of Air Pollutant Emission from Stationary Pollution Sources Test Reporting System and Review of Air Pollution Control Person-nel Management Regulations

英文摘要 The "Regulations for the Establishment and Management of Air Pollution Control Units and Personnel" were promulgated and implemented on August 6, 2019, in accordance with the amendments to the Air Pollution Control Act. Since then, practical operations can be further refined, addressing issues such as (1) incomplete alignment of responsibilities of personnel with the newly revised Air Pollution Control Act and its subsidiary laws; (2) administrative procedures that do not substantively impact air pollution-related activities, with penalties being disproportionately heavy and not adhering to the principle of proportionality; (3) differences in training qualifications and courses for personnel, with no differentiation in practical work; (4) vague definitions of terms such as concurrent, full-time, and specialized positions, lacking clear practical criteria for determination; (5) some public and private places that should apply for permits or undergo regular inspections not requiring responsible personnel according to the law, and so on.   In summary, to enhance the management system of responsible personnel, this project has conducted a current situation inventory to understand the current manpower allocation. Through regulatory comparative analysis, questionnaire surveys, and interviews with air pollution control personnel, insights into the practical operational status have been gained. Based on the information collected and consolidated, a draft amendment to the management regulations that can address current obstacles has been proposed. In addition to regulatory adjustments, simultaneous reviews and improvements of training courses for responsible personnel and the qualification management of inspectors for permits for fixed pollution sources are underway. The proposed amendment and adjustment plans will be consulted, discussed, and negotiated with experts, stakeholders, local authorities, and relevant agencies to gather opinions on the amendments and explore the feasibility and appropriateness of related institutional research directions. Additionally, through the planning and development of the Fixed Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emission Testing Operation Platform, it will support the effective and smooth implementation of the pollution source management system.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Personnel, Air Pollution Prevention and Management, Stationary Pollution Sources Management Information System