

中文摘要 自民國99年6月5日我國通過「環境教育法」以來,行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所(以下簡稱環訓所)陸續推動環境教育認證相關業務以落實法規規範申請、審查及追蹤管理等內容,本計畫所建置新一代環境教育管理系統(簡稱NEECS),主要繼承系統現行運行中環境教育認證系統(Environmental Education Certification System,簡稱EECS系統)之功能流程及資料庫,配合國發會智慧政府服務方案,以跨平臺、行動化、全面整合導向為設計核心,進行整體功能、流程簡化與操作之盤點與整合,重新設計與建置完整且創新一代環境教育認證系統。透過環境教育人才庫及環境教育文宣媒材資訊揭露,以有效善用環境教育人員及推廣環保政策宣傳媒材之目的。 本計畫配合智慧政府行動方案及環保署「智慧環保一站通」建置智慧化環境教育認證服務,並透過MyData平臺實現個人化資料自主運用。在認證審查部份,依修正後之環境教育人員認證及管理辦法第9條第2項、第4項及第5項,完成環教人員評量子系統開課時數邏輯變更,包括總訓練時數由原120小時以上減至100小時以上、專業領域訓練時數由原60小時以上減至40小時以上等。此外,於系統前臺及後臺進行相關邏輯卡控,防止人員以不適用規定進行證書展延及重新認證。為強化系統功能以及擴大服務族群,本計畫亦擴增環境教育人才資料庫功能,強化環境教育人員運用,提供需求單位取得環境教育課程人才之資訊,並建立品質管理機制以掌握執行成效,進而增加環教人員就業機會,提高環境教育參與人數。
中文關鍵字 環境教育認證、環境教育人員、環境教育機構、環境教育設施場所、環境教育認證展延、環境教育人才


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3931.36 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/10 專案主持人 林秉毅
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 盧素如 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年NEECS成果報告(定稿).pdf 35MB 111年度環境教育認證系統功能優化及擴充計畫成果報告

2022 Project on optimization and expansion of the New Environmental Education Certification System (NEECS)

英文摘要 Since the Environmental Education Act passed on June 5, 2010, the Environmental Professionals Training Institute (EPTI) of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, has been implementing measures related to environmental education certification regulated by the Act, such as certificate application, review, tracking, and management. This project developed the New Environmental Education Certification System (NEECS), which inherited the functions and database of the Environmental Education Certification System (EECS). The NEECS was designed to operate across platforms, mobile compatible, and fully integrated with the Smart Government Program proposed by the National Development Council. This project inventoried and integrated the overall system functions, as well as simplified application procedures and system operations. The system was redesigned and established as a new generation system with comprehensive and innovative certification functions. Through the environmental education talent database and environmental education promotion information disclosure, this project effectively utilized the environmental education personnel and promoted the environmental protection policies. In line with the Smart Government Action Plan and the EPA’s Smart and Environmental Protection One-stop Service, this project established a system to provide smart environmental education certification services. Through the MyData platform, personalized data could be used independently. Regarding certification review, according to the amended Article 9 Section 2, 4, and 5 of the Regulations Governing the Certification and Management of the Environmental Education Personnel, this project completed the logical changes to the course hours of the environmental education personnel assessment subsystem. Changes included the reduction of the total training hours from over 120 hours to over 100 hours and the reduction of the professional field training hours from over 60 hours to over 40 hours. In addition, this project implemented logical controls on the front and back end of the system to prevent personnel from renewing and recertifying certificates using inappropriate regulations. To strengthen the system and extend the services, this project also expanded the function of the environmental education talent database, improved the use of environmental education personnel, provided units with access to information on the talents of environmental education courses, and established a quality management system to grasp the implementation effectiveness, thereby increasing employment opportunities for environmental education personnel and increasing the number of environmental education participants.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education certificate, environmental education personnel, Environmental education institution, environmental education venue