中文摘要 | 氣候變遷是全球性的環境議題,需要世界各國共同的努力。聯合國氣候變化綱要公約目前已有192個締約國家,是全球因應氣候變遷的重要合作平台。2015年通過的巴黎協定明訂「全球目標升溫小於攝氏2度,並致力於限制在1.5度以內」之全球氣候減緩目標,且建立目標推動及追蹤檢討機制,規範各國應提出國家目標及定期回報執行進度。目前全球已有許多國家亦訂有氣候法,設立國家短、中、長程溫室氣體減量目標,提出溫室氣體減量策略,並且每年檢討執行進度,落實該國之國際承諾。我國在2023年修法公布「氣候變遷因應法」,明定我國2050年溫室氣體減量目標,規定每5年訂定溫室氣體階段管制目標,並且建立氣候變遷行動之分層推動機制。 為落實「氣候變遷因應法」,藉由掌握國際推動溫室氣體減量目標之做法及經驗,協助推動我國階段管制目標之第一期目標成果檢核、第二期目標進度追蹤及第三期目標訂定。另外,掌握UNFCCC透明度架構之最新談判進展,協助規劃我國溫室氣體減量之資訊揭露機制。最後,分析國內外青年氣候行動做法,設計我國重要氣候政策之主題文宣,辦理淨零生活青年培力工作坊及階段管制目標公聽會,為氣候政策之協作及推動奠定良好基礎。透過上述工作,期精進我國溫室氣體減量推動機制,接軌國際氣候公約資訊揭露規範,並強化政府與國內社會各界之溝通對話,以順利推動落實「氣候變遷因應法」相關工作。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 階段管制目標、減量行動方案與減量執行方案、青年培力 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 111 | 計畫經費 | 9300 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2022/09/29 | 專案結束日期 | 2023/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 顏婉庭 |
主辦單位 | 氣候署淨零推動組 | 承辦人 | 陳麗華 | 執行單位 | 台灣綜合研究院 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 溫室氣體階段管制目標及法規相關方案執行成效追蹤與檢討專案工作計畫 成果報告定稿本v1.pdf | 11MB |
Project on Monitoring and Reviewing the Results of Greenhouse Gases Periodic Regulatory Goals, Related Programs and Plans
英文摘要 | Climate change is a global environmental issue that demands a joint effort from all nations in the world. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an important global cooperation platform which has been ratified by 192 countries to date. In 2015 the Paris Agreement set out a global mitigation goal to limit global warming to below 2°C, and to pursue efforts to improve this to 1.5°C. In addition, it established a mechanism for tracking and reporting on climate action by requiring Parties to submit their mitigation targets and to periodically report their progress against those targets. To meet these international requirements, actions proposed by many countries include setting up short, medium and long-term emission reduction targets, proposing specific national mitigation strategies and reviewing annual progress in delivering to their committed targets. In Taiwan, the Climate Change Response Act which came into force on 2023 defined the long-term national greenhouse gas emission reduction goal, set greenhouse gas periodic regulatory goals on a 5-year basis and established a mechanism across national and local governments to jointly promote climate change action. In order to implement the Climate Change Response Act, this project aims to promote our national periodic regulatory goals by reviewing the implementation of the first periodic regulatory goals, tracking the progress of the second periodic regulatory goals and setting up a new target for the third periodic regulatory goals by capturing international practices and experiences in promoting greenhouse gas reduction targets. Moreover, capturing the latest progress in international negotiation under the UNFCCC Enhanced Transparency Framework can support the planning of the information disclosure mechanism for greenhouse gas reduction in Taiwan. Finally, analyzing the practice of domestic and international youth climate actions, designing our national climate policy literature, and holding youth empowerment workshop and public hearings relating to periodic regulatory goals can build a solid foundation for collaboration and promotion of climate policy. Through the aforementioned steps, we expect to improve our greenhouse gas reduction promotion mechanism, align with the international climate convention information disclosure standard and strengthen communication and dialogue between the government and the domestic communities, which will support implementation efforts relating to the Climate Change Response Act. | ||
英文關鍵字 | National periodic regulatory goal, Reduction Action Program and Reduction Implementation Program, Youth empowerment |