

中文摘要 由於科技的發展,小型電子電器設備推陳出新,及新型產品加速汰換更替,因而產生大量的電子廢棄物。目前廢小家電後續處置及處理再利用之情形掌握有限,為持續掌握回收現況、了解處理再利用性及研議相關回收管理政策,本計畫首先調查小家電產銷資料及回收處理管道、推估小家電營業量及回收量,並透過實廠處理試驗,評估處理方式及再利用性。最後綜合回收管理現況問題及促進循環利用,提出回收及源頭管理建議。 本研究明確小家電列管範圍及項目,定義範圍為「額定電壓 250V 以下且額定消耗電功率 1650W 以下者之電器商品」共匡列128項物品。處理試驗結果顯示廢小家電回收處理資再比可達68%;但處理量效能須達6公噸/小時,淨效益才能由負轉正。由於目前廢小家電雖有回收處置管道,惟長期回收統計及流向掌握有限,以及小家電產品含複合材質、金屬塗料或防火材料之塑膠,不利後端回收再利用,本研究建議,短期以強化回收處置的掌握及處理業者輔導,中長期以源頭管理促進產品循環利用為推動進程。
中文關鍵字 小家電,應回收廢棄物,公告回收列管,機械處理,資源循環再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA-111-XA03 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4670 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 廖林詮
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 李日琳 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年小家電創新計畫-期末報告(公開版).pdf 5MB

The test of waste small household appliances with an automated processing system for recycling

英文摘要 Up to date, with the ever-increasing variety and quantity of small household appliances and consumer electronics in the market, the recycling processing for small household appliances in Taiwan still heavily relies on hand-dissembling by private collectors and recyclers. It is indeed economically discouraging for collectors to process small household appliances due the high cost of human power and limited returned values. In addition, the pollution control from the hand-processing process is another issue. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a long-term solution for the recycling operation of small household appliances and consumer electronics. This project discusses the feasibility of mechanical processing on small household appliances with the assessment focused on the treatment efficiency, sorting of secondary materials and derived waste, as well as the environmental and economic benefits. Moreover, this project compares the assessment results with traditional hand-processing to propose a feasible standard operation procedure. From this project, we got the results including: 1.Based on the survey on the business of waste small household appliances and the information regarding the scopes in the European Union and Japan, we suggest referring to the standard classification goods of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and defining the “small household appliances” as the electrical products with voltage below 250V and power consumption below 1650W. 2.By the survey on the recycling and disposal status of small household appliances, we found that electronic parts are dismantled by informal processing plants then delivered to plastic and iron to recycling plants. It is estimated about 72,200 to 75,500 tons per year of small household appliances are recycled in Taiwan. 3.About the mechanical processing efficiency: the rate of mass balance is 95.3%; resource recycling rate is 73.4% (including miscellaneous materials); metal sorting purity is over 90%; plastic recycling rate is over 75%. Additionally, by the cost-benefit analysis of mechanical processing, the net benefit is -NT$3.65 per kilogram, and the traditional manual dismantling is NT$0.32 per kilogram. 4.About recycling management, if there is no recycling and disposal pipeline or improper treatment of waste small household appliances, according to Article 5, Paragraph 6 of the Waste Disposal Act, small household appliances can be regulated as the general waste recycling items. If there is no pollution from the disposal of waste small household appliances, according to Article 14, Paragraph 2, the small household appliances can be regulated following the designated general waste disposal methods. If there are many producers but without a recycling organization, the Article 15 can be adopted to regulate the small household appliances as the recyclable waste.
英文關鍵字 Small home appliances, e-waste, mechanical processing, recycling cost-benefit analysis, mandatory recycling waste management policy