

中文摘要 金門縣環境保護局(以下簡稱本縣環保局),為了有效掌握毒性及關注化學物質運作管理,推動執行「111年度金門縣毒性及關注化學物質源頭管理計畫」。各工項執行成果如下說明: (一)毒性及關注化學物質運作及流向勾稽作業,查核結果無異常,達成率100%。 (二) 針對縣內3家列管事業執行毒性化學物質運作場所查核,共完成36件現場查核,未發現重大缺失。本縣3家列管廠商皆為少量運作,而每年本計畫將聘請專家學者至現場做毒化物相關輔導及舉辦毒化物法規說明會,並要求各列管場家全面符合法規要求。 (三) 於111年4月6日協助辦理毒災應變演練工作會議,與環保署毒物及化學物質局等7個單位就演練內容進行協商;嗣後於111年7月25日上午辦理兵棋推演,下午辦理實兵演練(採半預警、無腳本及不壓縮演習時序)。 (四) 本計畫辦理轄內14個相關災防機關間通聯測試,並調查更新各單位聯絡窗口資訊,於上、下半年(2月及9月)通聯測試各50人,測試結果皆可「立即聯絡上」,通訊方式資料建立完整、正確。另針對3家列管事業於上、下半年(2月及9月)通聯測試各3人,測試結果皆可「立即聯絡上」。 (五) 本計畫上、下半年(3月及10月)各執行3家列管事業毒性化學物質應變器材查核,查核結果均符合法規規定。 (六) 完成11件具食安風險疑慮化學物質輔導訪查作業,訪查時並依行業別向業者宣導相關法令之規範,以及若違反將面臨之罰緩及刑責。 (七) 本計畫共辦理14場化學物質宣導活動,針對現行公告具食安風險疑慮化學物質相關規定,向民眾宣導於生活中可能接觸之化學物質,參與人數共計600人次;完成辦理毒性化學物質管理法規及其他相關法令宣導說明會1場次。 (八) 本計畫於於金門日報刊登化學物質宣導廣告3則,配合清明節、端午節慶及生活中常見之非法添加物進行食安宣導,以加強民眾如何避免接觸具食安風險疑慮化學物質,維護民眾身體健康。 (九) 完成設計製作常見非法添加物化學物質之易拉架2只。 (十) 完成製作毒性及關注化學物質宣導品1,350份。 (十一)辦理2場次針對本縣具食安風險疑慮業者及食安風險利害關係人宣導說明會,參與人數共計100人次。 (十二)於111年10月24日召開聯防組織年度會議,112年度由「金門縣自來水廠」擔任金門縣聯防組織組長;112年毒性化學物質災害防救演練應由「國立金門大學」辦理,演練方式為兵棋推演。
中文關鍵字 毒化物、食安風險


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 376.184 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/01/31 專案主持人 陳威憲
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳靜宜 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年金門縣毒化物成果報告(含附件).pdf 27MB 成果報告

111 years Kinmen County virus and related chemical substances source management plan

英文摘要 Kinmen County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the County Environmental Protection Bureau), in order to effectively control the operation and management of toxic and concern chemical substances, promote the implementation of the "111 Year Kinmen County Toxic and Concern Chemical Substance Source Management Plan". The implementation results of each project are as follows: (1) Check the operation and flow of toxic and concerned chemical substances. The results of the check are normal, and the completion rate is 100%. (2) Conducted inspections on the operation sites of toxic chemical substances for 3 listed enterprises in the county. A total of 36 on-site inspections were completed, and no major deficiencies were found. The three listed manufacturers in this county are all operating in a small number, and each year the plan will hire experts and scholars to give on-site guidance on toxic chemicals and hold toxic chemical regulations explanation sessions, and require all listed manufacturers to fully comply with the requirements of laws and regulations. (3) On April 6, 2011, assisted in organizing the drug disaster response drill work meeting, and negotiated with 7 units including the Bureau of Poisons and Chemical Substances of the Environmental Protection Agency on the content of the drill; and then conducted the war game deduction on the morning of July 25, 2011, In the afternoon, carry out the actual military drill (with semi-warning, no script and no compression of the drill sequence). (4) This plan conducts communication tests among 14 relevant disaster prevention agencies in the jurisdiction, and investigates and updates the contact window information of each unit. In the first and second half of the year (February and September), each 50 people were contacted and tested, and the test results were acceptable. "Contact Now", the communication information is complete and correct. In addition, for the 3 managed enterprises in the first and second half of the year (February and September), 3 people were contacted to test each, and the test results could be "connected immediately". (5) In the first and second half of the year (March and October) of this plan, the inspections of the response equipment for toxic chemical substances in 3 managed enterprises are carried out, and the inspection results are in compliance with the regulations. (6) Completed the guidance and investigation of 11 chemical substances with food safety risk concerns. During the investigation, the relevant laws and regulations were publicized to the industry according to the industry, and the penalties and criminal responsibilities that would be faced if violations were faced. (7) This plan has handled a total of 14 chemical substance publicity activities. In response to the current regulations on chemical substances with food safety risks in the announcement, the public will be informed of chemical substances that may be exposed to life. The number of participants is 600 person-times; the process is completed Toxic chemical substance management regulations and other related laws and regulations publicity briefing session 1 session. (8) This plan publishes 3 advertisements on chemical substances in Kinmen Daily, in conjunction with Ching Ming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and common illegal additives in daily life to promote food safety, so as to strengthen how the public can avoid exposure to chemicals with food safety risks. material to maintain the health of the people. (9) Complete the design and production of 2 easy-to-pull racks for common illegal additive chemicals. (10) Completed the production of 1,350 publicity materials on toxicity and chemical substances of concern. (11) Hold 2 publicity and briefing sessions for food safety risk operators and food safety risk stakeholders in the county, with a total of 100 participants. (12) The annual joint defense organization meeting was held on October 24, 2011. In 2012, the "Kinmen County Waterworks" served as the team leader of the Kinmen County Joint Defense Organization; in 2011, the toxic chemical disaster prevention drill should be conducted by "National Quemoy University" , the exercise method is war chess deduction.
英文關鍵字 toxic chemicals, food safety