

中文摘要 特定區域管制在延續過去推動淨區政策上,希望能夠進化為『空氣品質維護區』,針對高污染柴油車、老舊機車加強限制或禁止行駛,所以各縣市原本也均以該相關政策方向規劃,希望利用車牌辨識系統來替代人力稽查方式,並擬建立管制與比對車籍之資料庫平台,來執行空氣品質維護區之車輛稽查管制工作。空污法修法通過後,依據第四十條可以劃設空氣品質維護區限制或禁止特定移動污染源,本計畫前一年度已劃設臺南市首座空氣品質維護區-奇美博物館及臺南都會公園,並於111年7月1日起公告正式生效。今年原定推動國立成功大學及附設醫院因學校在劃設上有所考量,目前因故暫緩執行,因此規劃針對安平商港劃設為空氣品質維護區,目前已完成協商會議、研商會議及預公告,明年公告後推動管制。 透過執行本計畫,利用車牌辨識系統的架設與建立後端資訊收集,針對未納管柴油車寄發通知到檢與未定檢機車通知到檢,透過車辨資料的彙整與車籍比對分析,可以提供各區域行駛車輛資訊與高污染潛勢地圖,做為未來移動污染源管制策略、空品維護區劃設管制措施擬定之參考。 一、計畫執行期程 本計畫執行期程由111年1月28日至112年1月27日止,期末報告執行成果統計截至112年1月27日。 二、主要執行成果 (一) 統計至112月1月27日止,車牌辨識數總計1,040,420輛(柴車306,303輛,機車734,117輛),剔除無效車牌並篩選比對車號唯一數後,總計柴油車46,973輛次、機車338,355輛次(汽車不計在內)。 (二) 篩選未納管柴油車、機車逾期未定檢之平信郵簡及雙掛號二次通知寄發,總計已完成到檢通知寄發柴油車9,000件、機車46,039件(平信郵簡二次通知39,339件、雙掛號通知6,700件,總計已達到經費編列金額63萬8仟元)。 (三) 本計畫已完成空氣品質維護區劃設管制1處安平商港之預公告作業,並依環保署「空氣品質維護區移動污染源管制措施之擬訂及審查作業」規定,已於112年1月4日由環保署邀請委員召開線上審查會議,後續將依委員意見修正。 (四) 已完成空氣品質維護區宣導研討相關會議4場。 (五) 已完成3則新聞稿、3則移動污染源相關宣導圖卡、電台宣導託播1則等相關宣導工作,剩餘一則圖卡樣式已送出,惟環保署當時尚未核准本市第二處空氣品質維護區,故其設計內容無法確認是否需再進行修正,進而影響後續作業無法於計畫期程內完成。因無法完成之緣由屬不可抗力之因素,本公司已於112年1月18日向環保局申請前述工項展延至112年3月31日,並經環保局於112年1月19日同意展延,第二處空氣品質維護區最終於112年3月8日核准,並於3/10提送更改後的圖卡至環保局。 (六) 掌握營建工程施工機具污染改善185輛(車辨計畫:170輛,營建計畫:15輛),已掌握施工機具170輛,黑煙檢測170輛,營建計畫協助抽油15輛。 (七) 柴油車汰換及污染改善目標達成案件為748件,本計畫於12月底已完成1,329件(878件報廢數含過戶換新、440件調修、11件加裝濾煙器)案件審查與撥款資料處理。 (八) 環保署考評111年3期以下柴油車應達110年3期以下柴油車數量23,416輛的6%(1,405輛),本計畫於12月底已達1,744輛,達成率為124.1%,佔柴車數量之7.4%。 三、建議 (一) 空品不良期間精進作為 每年空品不良期間(10月至隔年3月),建議針對111年車辨結果之高污染潛勢區域(南區、仁德區、安南區、永康區)之適合柴油車路攔稽查路段,提供柴油車計畫進行路邊攔檢及空品不良期間緊急應變精進作為,並提供高污染車輛稽查管制措施擬定之參考。 (二) 擴大車輛調查精進作為 建議針對轄區內各交流道下(仁德、永康、安定、麻豆、新市、新營及八六、八四快速道路)之車辨結果,舆各工業區比對交流道及快速道路下來之柴油車是否有進入轄區內工業區,以調查主要出入車輛族群及行業別,篩選未納管高污染柴油車並寄發到检通知,並提供柴油車計畫場站檢測行程規劃之參考。 (三) 空品維護區車輛調查與管制規劃 因應明年環保署考評將學校及醫院空維區列入優先考量,建議112年1-6月先針對規劃劃設區域架設車辨系統,調查進入規劃管制區域內之柴油大客(貨)車、小貨車及出廠滿5年以上燃油機車之比例與柴油車行業別、車種及車籍分別佔比,以評估推動管制之衝擊影響,並做為後續召開受衝擊影響之利害關人研商會議,藉由研商討論完善管制措施,將推動管制之衝擊引響降到最低。  
中文關鍵字 車牌辨識系統、空氣品質維護區、奇美博物館及臺南都會公園、施工機具、安平商港、成功大學


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-110-AN31201 經費年度 111 計畫經費 9282 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/28 專案結束日期 2023/01/27 專案主持人 葉家豪
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇兆民 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年南市車辨計畫期末報告定稿(無個資與帳密版).pdf 13MB

2022 Tainan City Mobile Source Control By Automatic Number-plate Recognition And Subsidy Review project

英文摘要 It is hoped that special area control, continuing the clean zone policy promoted in the past, can be improved to create air quality maintenance zones, restricting or banning highly polluting diesel vehicles and old motorcycles. The counties and cities have made projects following the related policy direction, hoping to replace manual inspection with license plate recognition (LPR) system. Moreover, a database platform is planned to be established for registered vehicle control and comparison to carry out vehicle inspection and control work in the air quality maintenance zones. After the Air Pollution Control Act was passed, competent authorities at all levels in accordance with Article 40 of this Act may designate air quality maintenance zones, in which control measures for certain mobile pollution sources are implemented. In the previous year, Chimei Museum and Tainan Metropolitan Park became the first air quality maintenance zones in Tainan City, which were announced to be officially effective from July 1, 2022. This year it was originally promoted that the National Cheng Kung University Hospital would be designated as an air quality maintenance zone, but this project is temporarily put on hold due to the university’s consideration regarding designation. Subsequently, the Port of Anping was designated as an air quality maintenance zone. The related negotiation meeting and discussion meeting were held, and pre-announcement has been released, control measures will be promoted after the announcement is made next year. Through this project, and using the installed and established license plate recognition system, back-end information was collected. Focusing on the diesel vehicles not yet controlled as well as the motorcycles not yet undergoing regular inspection, notifications of inspection were sent to these vehicle and motorcycle owners. Through collating of the LPR information and comparative analysis of the vehicle registration data, vehicle running information in different districts and air pollution high potential maps could serve as a reference for future formulation of the mobile pollution source control strategies as well as the control measures for designation of air quality maintenance zones. 1. Project implementation schedule This project was implemented from January 27, 2022 to January 28, 2023. The final report of implementation statistical results is as of January 27, 2023. 2. Major implementation results (1) In the statistical data as of January 27, 2023, the total number of LPR system-recognized vehicles was 1,040,420 vehicles (306,303 diesel vehicles and 734,117 motorcycles). After excluding those with invalid license plates and also filtering out and comparing those with unique-number license plates, the total number of diesel vehicles was 46,973 vehicle-times and that of motorcycles was 338,355 motorcycle-times (excluding the number of cars). (2) After screening, notification of inspection were sent by ordinary letter and registered letter requiring advice of receipt to the owners of the diesel vehicles not yet controlled as well as the owners of the motorcycles not undergoing regular inspection before required date. For the notifications of inspection being sent, there were 9,000 diesel vehicle cases and 46,039 motorcycle cases in total (39,339 cases with second notification sent by ordinary letter, and 6,700 cases with notifications sent by registered letter requiring advice of receipt, with the total postage reaching the budgeted amount of $638,000). (3) This project had completed the pre-announcement regarding designating the Port of Anping as an air quality maintenance zone. In accordance with the regulations of the Environmental Protection Administration’s “Drafting and Review Operations of Control Measures for Mobile Pollution Sources in Air Quality Maintenance Zones”, the Environmental Protection Administration invited the committee members to hold an online review meeting on January 4, 2023, and the control measures would be revised in accordance with the opinions of the committee members. (4) 4 meetings relating to promotion and discussion of air quality maintenance zone HAVE held. (5) There was completion of promotion work including 3 press releases, 2 promotional materials about mobile pollution sources, and 1 promotional radio broadcast. (6) There were 185 construction project engineering vehicles with air pollution reduced (LPR project: 170 vehicles; construction project: 15 vehicles). There were 170 engineering vehicles being under control, 170 vehicles having black smoke detected, and 15 vehicles assisting the construction project in pumping out fuel. (7) 748 cases have completed replacement of diesel vehicles and having achieved the goal of pollution improvement. At the end of November 1,329 cases had completed case review and fund data processing for this project (878 cases of scrapping, including those of owner transfer and owner replacement, 440 cases of adjustment and repair, and 11 cases of additional installation of smoke filter). (8) According to the Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment, the number of diesel vehicles within phase-3 in 2022 should reach 6% (1405 vehicles) of the total number of diesel vehicles within phase-3 in 2021 (23,416 vehicles). At the end of November 2022 the number of diesel vehicles within phase-3 had reached 1,533 vehicles for this project, with an achievement rate of 109.1%, accounting for 6.5% of the total number of diesel vehicles within phase-3 in 2021. 3. Suggestions (1) Improvement actions during the period of poor air quality During the period when poor air quality occurs each year (from October to March of the next year) it is suggested that roadside stopping of diesel vehicles for inspection on the appropriate road sections in the potentially highly-polluting districts (Southern District, Rende District, Annan District, Yongkang District) should be carried out, based on the LPR results in 2022, diesel vehicle project can be provided to perform roadside stopping of diesel vehicles for inspection, and emergency response and improvement actions can be taken during the period of poor air quality, providing a reference for drafting inspection and control measures for highly polluting vehicles. (2) Improvement action of expanding vehicle survey It is suggested that the LPR results collected on Interchanges (Rende, Yongkang, Anding, Madou, Xinshi, Xinying as well as 86 and 84 Expressways) in the jurisdiction can be compared with the data of different industrial districts so as to compare whether the diesel vehicles exiting from the Interchanges and Expressways have entered the industrial districts in the jurisdiction, and investigate the groups and industry types of the vehicles mainly entering and leaving these districts. There should be screening of the high-polluting diesel vehicles not yet controlled so as to send notifications of vehicle inspection to their owners, providing a reference for the diesel vehicle planning stations to plan inspection schedules. (3) Vehicle survey and control plan in air quality maintenance zones In response to the Environmental Protection Administration’s assessment, in which the air quality maintenance zones around schools and hospitals were prioritized, it is suggested that focusing on the designated districts to be installed with LPR system, surveys can be made in January-June 2023 on the percentages of the diesel coaches (trucks), light trucks and fuel motorcycles manufactured over 5 years entering the planned control zones, as well as the percentages of industry type, vehicle type and vehicle registration of the various diesel vehicles, in order to assess the impacts and effects after promotion of the control measures. The details can serve as a basis for subsequent holding of discussion and negotiation meeting with the interested parties affected by the impacts. Through review, negotiation, and discussion of perfect control measures, the impact and effects caused by control measures can be minimized.
英文關鍵字 Automatic number-plate recognition, Air Quality Maintenance Area, Chi Mei Museum and Tainan Metropolitan Park, construction equipment, Anping Port, National Cheng Kung University