

中文摘要 聯合國在2015 年簽署了「巴黎協定」(Paris Agreement),以共同遏止全球暖化的趨勢。自工業革命以來,地球溫室氣體不斷上升,該協議中期望能將全球氣溫升幅控制在2℃ 以內,並以達成1.51.5℃為努力目標,針對再生能源等節能減碳技術進行投資。目前高碳排產業有石油、鋼鐵、水泥、運輸等,針對碳排放量高的產業人類也不斷找尋能夠替代之新能源。低碳載具成為了國際間共同選擇發展的領域。各國政府為發展低碳載具,陸續訂定出相關方案與措施,包括規劃禁售燃油車時間表、巴士全面電動化、發展氫能產業、低碳載具購車補助等,預估2050 年交通運輸能達到淨零碳排。 本團隊蒐集國際間低碳運輸相關政策規劃、法律規範、推動策略以及商業模式進行深入研析,包括美國、日本、法國、荷蘭、韓國與中國,在國際間氫能發展較先進之國家主要皆有宣布禁售燃油車時間、規畫氫能路徑圖以及訂定氫能專法等策略。除了蒐集國際資訊外,本團隊也分析國內各類載具之溫室氣體排放量與減碳效益,以此提出適合國內未來發展低碳載具之相關方案,目前台灣對於貨卡車尚未有電動化的時程目標,而現有的大客車、小客車、機車全面電動化仍可能不足以達標2050 淨零排放。在研析國內氫能載具應用場域及推動方式,因我國地狹人稠,加氫站的建至建議可規畫於14 座加氣站周圍或者工業區作為應用場域,使我國氫能載具應用可於短期內盡速落地。本團隊也召開兩場專 家諮詢會議,進行法規調適研究建議。最後,本研究也建議我國應加強民眾溝通跟安全宣導,以此提高民眾對低碳運具之接受度,此項目也是我國在推動低碳載具相當重要之工作。 氫能載具的發展除了政府支持以及載具相關的研發與製造之外,更重要的是加氫站的設置,才能落實氫能載具在道路上得以定點補充燃料。國際間目前已有上千座加氫站實際在運作,國內的部分中油與聯華已規劃20242024年建置加氫站,並將舉辦示範活動,相關的配到與法規等也將逐步落實。我國氫能雖處發展初期,相關政策與法規仍在研擬當中,透過效仿國際作法,如規劃氫能路徑圖、擴大氫氣進口與自產量等作法,藉此完善我國氫能產業,提升我國在氫能源之優勢。
中文關鍵字 低碳載具,溫室氣體,氫能


專案計畫編號 EPA 84 J1 02 09 06 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5103 千元
專案開始日期 2022/07/20 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 林若蓁
主辦單位 氣候署減量交易組 承辦人 李映松 執行單位 財團法人台灣經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 20240109 低碳運輸推動策略及應用研析專案工作計畫-成果報告.pdf 26MB 成果報告

Low carbon transportation promotion strategy and application research project work plan

英文摘要 The United Nations signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 to jointly curb the trend of global warming. Since the industrial revolution, the earth's greenhouse gases have been increasing. The agreement expects to control the global temperature rise within 2°C, and invest in renewable energy such as energy saving and carbon reducing technologies. High carbon industries include petrochemical, steel, cement, transportation, human beings are looking for new energy sources. In order to develop low carbon vehicles , the governments have worked out relevant plans and measures, including planning the schedule of banning the sale of fuel vehicles, buses will all be electric , developing hydrogen energy, subsidizing the purchase of low carbon vehicles. It is estimated t hat transportation can achieve net zero carbon emissions in 2050. Our team will collect the international policy planning, legal norms, promotion strategies and business models related to low carbon transportation. We will analyze the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon reduction benefits of various vehicles, so as to pr opose relevant plans for the future development of low carbon vehicles in Taiwan. D evelopment of hydrogen energy vehicles is more important than establishment of hydrogen refueling stations There are thousands of HRS in t he world . CPC Corporation and Linde LienHwa have planned to build HRS in 2024. Although Taiwan’s hydrogen energy is in the early stages of development, policies and regulations are still being formulated. By following international practices, such as planning a hydrogen energy road map, expanding hydrogen imports and self production, we can improve o ur country's hyd rogen energy industry and enhance our country's hydrogen energy industry.
英文關鍵字 Low emission vehicle Greenhouse Gas Hydrogenic energy