

中文摘要 近年來極端天氣事件發生的頻率與強度增加,為因應氣候變遷帶來的影響,環境部環境管理署於推動綠色永續整治的同時,考量現階段國內外逐步關注永續議題,特於111年辦理「土壤及地下水污染綠色永續韌性整治推動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),主要工作項目分為三大項:(一) 因應極端氣候衝擊風險與國際永續整治發展趨勢,研擬綠色永續韌性整治推動架構;(二) 撰寫我國綠色永續整治推動成果彙編,及辦理綠色永續整治推廣作業;(三) 參與及辦理綠色永續韌性整治交流活動,掌握國際發展趨勢及展現我國推動成果。 針對污染場址遭受極端氣候衝擊之風險,本計畫研析韌性整治納入綠色永續整治之發展趨勢,依據國內場址管理程序,完成建置綠色永續韌性整治執行框架,並依據產官學需求建立GSRR發展目標與推動架構,提供後續推動依據。依據對象與目的分眾規劃, 建構完整GSR教育宣導材料,提供產官學研有關GSR增能發展與推廣應用。建立綠色永續整治優良單位選拔與表揚作業流程,首次辦理GSR優良單位選拔,提供6處示範案例供國內參考,可作為GSR推動誘因與成效。完成綠色永續整治推廣平台改版及優化修正,新增環保局及環管署專區,更新GSR評估平台參數與功能,提供場址碳排放足跡記錄,未來可用於推動場址整治碳揭露與減碳。計畫執行期間持續參與ISRA電話會議,參與1場國際研討會,發表我國執行GSR的成果,並於計畫期間以視訊混合實體的方式完成辦理1場國際研討會。
中文關鍵字 綠色永續韌性整治、環境足跡分析、最佳管理措施


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7890 千元
專案開始日期 2022/10/18 專案結束日期 2024/01/17 專案主持人 王炳南
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 洪豪駿 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 GSRR成果報告(公開版)0223.pdf 23MB

Soil and Groundwater Pollution Green Sustainable Resilient Remediation Promotion Project

英文摘要 Taiwan Environmental Management Administration supported projects related to Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) since 2012. To continue the efforts on the development and implementation of GSR in Taiwan, this project aims to (1) develop a green sustainable and resilient remediation promotion framework;(2) execute green and sustainable remediation promotion work;(3) participate in exchange activities related to GSRR and soil and groundwater at home and abroad. Establishing green sustainable resilience assessment methods and promotion framework. Additionally, compile GSR-related promotion copywriting, training materials and video. As for optimization of GSR assessment tools, 5 common remedy modules had been reviewed emission factors and updated into the GSR platform. In addition, we had conducted 2 training sessions. For GSR Award, we also established a process for selecting and commending outstanding units in GSR, and held“GSR Award & International Conference on Green Sustainable Resilient Remediation”. In conclusion, this project has introduced and demonstrated GSRR framwork, assessment tools, audit system, and relevant guidelines which are beneficial for implementation of GSR in Taiwan. Recommendations have been made to address key concerns such as acquire baseline operational information for GSR platform optimization, encourage general adoption of GSR tools for remedy selection, and ensure complete compliance with GSR framework during site remediation.
英文關鍵字 Green, Sustainable and Resilient Remediation (GSRR), Environmental Footprint Analysis, Best Management Practices (BMP)