

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的包括(一)研提國內毒性及關注化學物質釋放量清冊管理制度及配套措施,檢視國內毒性及關注化學物質釋放量相關法規,評析毒性及關注化學物質釋放量清冊申報模式及查核驗證機制,蒐集及研析毒性化學物質釋放量清冊應用管理工具;(二)查核驗證國內毒性化學物質釋放量申報資料完整及正確性,強化毒性及關注化學物質釋放量申報系統參數資料,更新及推動毒性及關注化學物質釋放量申報系統對使用者之互動式教育訓練及提供諮詢服務及輔導,辦理毒性化學物質釋放量申報資料檢核及輔導作業。第一部分已完成彙整及評析美國、加拿大、歐盟、澳洲及日本等國家及組織之化學物質釋放量清冊管理制度、法規及相關措施,盤點檢視國內毒性及關注化學物質釋放量相關法規及管理,研提適用國內毒性及關注化學物質釋放量清冊管理制度及配套措施。完成辦理2場次「規劃我國毒性及關注化學物質釋放量清冊管理制度、中央與地方合作模式」及「規劃我國毒性化學物質釋放量清冊管理配套措施及申報熱區執行減量管制可行性探討」座談會。完成評析毒性及關注化學物質釋放量清冊申報模式及查核驗證機制,蒐集及評析美國、加拿大、歐盟、澳洲及日本等國家及組織之化學物質釋放量清冊申報模式及查核驗證機制。完成評估5項查驗條件進行強化系統自動化查核模式,並以1,3-丁二烯及丙烯腈為例。完成彙整及評析美國及歐盟化學物質釋放量清冊應用管理工具,並評估適用國內之管理工具。依據已建置臺灣風險篩選環境指標之模組更新本土化高斯類擴散模式,並以鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯為例。第二部為同時為提升釋放量申報資料的正確性,包括完成擴增40種毒化物依計算指引、建置及更新國內外排放係數及相關參數資料,如空污費辦法公告、美國WebFIRE及SPECIATE,完成「CEMS固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測設施監測紀錄」與 「水污染源管制資料管理系統」二系統資料介接作業,並針對製程廢氣、廢水處理設施廢氣及廢水釋放等三項釋放源完成建置資料帶入功能,供申報業者於申報系統介面使用,完成彙整106年至110年釋放量申報資料逾2千6百萬有效申報參數欄位,檢視及整理廢氣介質釋放源(製程廢氣釋放、廢水處理設施廢氣釋放、裝載操作設施廢氣釋放及儲槽廢氣釋放)申報參數中正常值域及疑慮資料(如操作分鐘數與實際運作情形不符、冷卻水塔循環水量於不同申報月份差距遠高於平均值、同年度於同月份於釋放源申報多筆重複資料、同釋放源於同一年度不同月份運作量與釋放量不符等),透過大數據統計訂定資料欄位正常值範圍,作為1,3-丁二烯及丙烯睛2種毒化物申報參數底層參考資料。另為提升申報端功能友善度,亦更新各項釋放源對應不同計算方式之釋放量系統操作教學影片,及於各項釋放源申報介面建置申報小幫手,並依4種介質(空氣、廢水、土壤及廢棄物)下,10種不同釋放源對應之各種計算方式及各欄位參數填寫內容製作系統操作手冊。完成辦理毒性化學物質釋放量110年度及111年度申報資料檢核及輔導作業,依據「指定毒性化學物質及其釋放量計算指引」辦理廠商申報毒性化學物質釋放量資料檢核,並製作資訊公開文件。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質、釋放量清冊、申報系統、釋放量計算指引、台灣風險篩選環境指標、合理區間值、資料檢核與輔導、資訊公開


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7600 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/17 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 張偉翔
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 蔡佳潔 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111~112年度-毒性化學物質釋放量清冊管理及驗證機制建立專案工作計畫(成果報告)_計畫成果中央文摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

The project for the management and data verification strategies of Taiwan release inventory of toxic and concerned chemical substances

英文摘要 Two main objectives of the present project were to (1) develop the management stragies and support scheme for the national toxic and concerned chemical substances release inventory. This involved screening and assessing the regulations, reporting systems, data verification strategies related to the toxic and concerned chemical substances; (2) check and verify the completeness and accuracy of the reporting data of toxic substance release, strengthening the parameters of the reporting system for the toxic and concerned chemical substances release, providing the interactive training materials and consultant, and conducting error check for the reporting data of toxic substances release. First, information for the compilation and exploration of toxic and concerned chemical substances release inventory,including regulations, reporting systems, data verification strategies and application were reviewed across the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, Japan, and United Nations. To develop the management stragies and support scheme for the national toxic and concerned chemical substances release inventory. Two expert consultation meetings were held for the management stragies of the national toxic and concerned chemical substances release inventory and the collaboration between central and local authorities as well as the support scheme for the national toxic and concerned chemical sub-stances release inventory and implementation of reduction and control in high reporting areas. Assessments for reporting and verification systems of the toxic and concerned chemical substances release inventory in the United States, Canada, the European Union,Australia, Japan, and United Nations was completed. To enhancing automated verification aystems based on five inspection criteria and 1,3-butadiene and acrylonitrile, are mentioned as examples. To review and summarize the management tools related to the toxic and concerned chemical substances release data used in both the United States and the European Union. Updating a localized Gaussian-type dispersion model for the Taiwan's risk-screening environmental indicator assessment, with di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate as an example. Second, to enhance the accuracy of reporting data of the toxic substances release and update the parameters of reporting system for 40 toxic substances release including the utilization of the U.S. WebFIRE and SPECIATE databases. The integration of parameters from the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) for air pollution and the Water Pollution Source Control Data Management System were completed. Over 26 million valid parameters from toxic substances release reports between 2016 and 2020 were complied and reviewed for normal value ranges of the reporting system, including the releases of process, wastewater treatment facilities, cooling tower,loading and unloading operation, and storage tanks. These datasets were served as baseline reference data for 1,3-butadiene and acrylonitrile. The instruction manuals and operating videos were completed to improve the reporting system more user-friendly. The validation and consultant for the reporting data of the toxic substances release according to "Guidance for Calculating the Releases of Toxic Substances" in 2020 and 2021. The information documents of the reporting data of the toxic substances release were conducted for public disclosure.
英文關鍵字 Toxic and concerned chemical substances, Taiwan release inven - tory, TCRI guidance, Confidence interval value, Data verifica - tion and counseling, Information disclosure