

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括: 辦理空氣品質維護及改善業務檢討觀摩會及宣導說明會、購置稽查作業服裝和宣導品等,各項工作辦理情形和進度達成說明摘要如下: 1. 辦理空氣品質維護及改善業務觀摩檢討會議: 業務觀摩檢討會議已於本年度9月15日、16日辦理完成,參與人員除以環保局人員為主外,並邀請行政院環境保護署、行政院環境保護署空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組、本縣環境污染防制基金委員、本縣空氣污染防制技術諮詢小組委員等專家學者,及縣府相關局處代表與會。會中針對本縣空氣品質管制現況進行交流,包括本縣環境負荷與污染來源介紹,藉由環保局透過3大目標、5大重點管制區和12項行動方案,以及跨局處之合作機制,在近年空氣污染管制作業和推動成果進行說明,並請環保署和各界專家學者指導本縣空氣污染防制工作於未來政策推廣時可行之規劃。 2. 辦理宣導說明會: 計畫自8月份開始至10月份,共辦理6場宣導會議,其宣導議題係以本縣空污管制重點措施、空品改善成效,以及移動污染源管制成果和老舊車輛汰舊補助政策為主。各場次的會議中皆邀請專家學者的與會及協助宣導說明,再向各地方的社區民眾及本縣民間商家業者等進行宣導資訊說明,向與會的各界代表,傳達本縣環保局於各項空氣污染管制的實際作為。 3. 稽查工作服及宣導品購置: 為提供環保局業務人員執行稽查作業之需求,計畫內需協助購買稽查服裝23套,稽查服樣式在經環保局同意後已進行購置,並提交局內進行驗收完成;另配合環保局辦理各式宣導會議及說明會等之需求,本計畫依規定需購置宣導品提供發放,各個宣導品項及數量經環保局同意後已進行購置,包括有客家花腹膜袋、彼得兔圓形保鮮盒、客製化杯蓋等共計739份。 本次計畫中,各項 工作皆已配合契約規定辦理完成,尤其在業務檢討會議的辦理中,獲得環保署業務承辦單位、各專家學者委員們,對於環保局積極推動空氣品質污染改善管制作業和成果給予高度肯定。並建議可再透過相關的業務討論會議時,呈現今年度環保局各項空氣品質改善作法和執行的成果績效,可讓參與本次會議的環保署業務指導單位和專家學者,以及其他受邀的單位人員等,了解環保局在今年度有不同以往的亮點管制做法,以及多項的創新作為等,更能呈現本局對於空品管制作業執行的積極態度與用心推動。
中文關鍵字 宣導說明會


專案計畫編號 1110718-A 經費年度 111 計畫經費 660 千元
專案開始日期 2022/08/03 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 薛進和
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王妙津 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 4.111年度屏東縣空氣品質維護及改善工作績優獎勵補助計畫-期末報告定稿_Final.pdf 5MB 期末報告定稿

111 Year Air Quality Maintenance and Improvement Performance Award Subsidy Program (Pingtung County)

英文摘要 The main work content of this project includes: conducting air quality maintenance and improvement business review observation meetings and publicity briefings, purchasing inspection work clothes and publicity materials… etc. The summary of the status and progress of each work is as follows: 1. Handle air quality maintenance and improvement business observation and review meetings: The business observation and review meeting was completed on September 15th and 16th this year. In addition to the personnel from the Environmental Protection Bureau, the participants were also invited from the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan and the Air Pollution Prevention Technical Advisory Group of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. Experts and scholars, members of the County's Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Fund, members of the County's Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Advisory Group, and representatives of relevant bureaus of the county government attended the meeting. During the meeting, the current situation of air quality control in the county was exchanged, including the introduction of the county's environmental load and pollution sources. The 3 major goals, 5 major control areas and 12 action plans were proposed by the Environmental Protection Bureau, as well as the cooperation mechanism across bureaus. In recent years, the air pollution control operation and promotion results will be explained, and the Environmental Protection Agency and experts and scholars from all walks of life will be invited to guide the county's air pollution control work in the future. 2. Handling briefing sessions: From August to October , in the project we will hold a total of 6 advocacy meetings. The advocacy topics are the key measures of air pollution control in the county, the effect of air quality improvement, the results of mobile pollution source control, and mainly about subsidies for the replacement of old vehicles. Experts and scholars were invited to participate in each session of the meeting and to assist in publicizing and explaining, and then publicizing information and explaining to local community residents and private businesses in the county, and conveying to the representatives of all walks of life that the practical actions done by the county's environmental protection on air pollution control. 3. Inspection uniforms and publicity materials: In order to meet the needs of the environmental protection bureau's business personnel to perform audit operations, the project needs to assist in the purchase of 23 sets of audit clothing. The audit clothing style has been purchased after the approval of the environmental protection bureau and submitted to the bureau for acceptance; in addition, we have cooperated with the environmental protection bureau to handle various publicity meetings and briefings to meet their needs. This project requires the purchase of publicity materials for distribution according to the regulations. The various publicity items and quantities have been purchased after the approval of the Environmental Protection Bureau, including Hakka flower bags, Peter Rabbit round boxes and customized cup lids. There are a total of 739 copies of those. In this project, all the work has been completed in accordance with the contract regulations. Especially in the process of the business review meeting, the business organizers of the Environmental Protection Agency, various experts, scholars, and committee members have expressed their support for the Environmental Protection Agency's active promotion of air quality pollution improvement and control operations and highly affirmed the results. It is also suggested that through related business discussion meetings, the results and performance of various air quality improvement practices and implementations of the Environmental Protection Agency this year can be presented, so that the business guidance units, experts and scholars of the Environmental Protection Agency participating in this meeting, as well as other invited Unit personnel, etc., understand that the Environmental Protection Agency has different highlight control practices this year, as well as a number of innovative actions, etc., which can better demonstrate the positive attitude and dedicated promotion of the Environmental Protection Bureau for the implementation of air quality control operations.
英文關鍵字 Publicity briefing