

中文摘要 本年度強化、擴增及維護化學雲平台資料及功能部分,新增環境流布調查成果公開頁面與內部6項查詢功能,開發2項客製化功能,並對3,148家原系統未提供座標之工廠危險品及公共危險運作廠場進行座標定位及相關驗證工作;另擴增3個系統資料以及提供3項介接給消防單位,持續維護10部會53個化學物質管理資訊系統定期拋轉與持續進行平台資安與運作維護。共開立148個化學雲帳號,完成5場教育訓練、13場機關協商會議及1場跨部會會議辦理。 研析系統架構改善,提升平台效能部分,完成化學雲系統前後台程式、資料表及索引盤點,並進行系統功能效能、資料庫查詢速度與系統log等分析工作,研提中長期系統優化方案。此外,使用一案例展示研擬之調整資料整合架構與提升應用靈活性的可行方案。最後,完成網站地圖及廠商快報進度指示建置及1項地理圖資優化,並以預製表單方式完成3項功能優化。 運用科技技術、優化化學雲應用價值部分,區塊鏈部分完成與其他系統/廠商一次性登入服務串接與開放授權資料串接,並以2項化學物質示範運作紀錄上鏈。另完成區塊鏈錢包、交易憑證與化學物質通證功能開發及測試,以進行區塊鏈系統概念驗證實際展示。高風險異常廠商偵測部分,採用圖特徵表示學習(VGAE)提取廠商與化學物質互動特徵,再經由自監督式學習(SSL)進行偵測。而新聞爬蟲部分,國外訊息翻譯、中英文化學物質名稱與食品名稱分別使用不同技術提高辨識度;加值推播與食藥署合作,訪談後依食藥署建議進行功能調整,並挑選國外新聞6則與國內新聞5則給食藥署,請其協助回饋意見。 在整合化學物質相關資訊,研擬管理策略部分,完成二仁溪與烏溪環境關聯分析,建立1,023組共2,837個物質之相同功能化學物質清單及系統查詢功能。定期更新國內外相關法規及歐盟關切化學物質清單,清單之化學物質筆數由32,830增為33,638筆。另完成111年國內食品相關稽查抽驗結果425筆之蒐集。
中文關鍵字 化學物質、跨部會合作、警示和快報


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14350 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/27 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 李曜全
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 林桂如 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111化學雲成果報告.pdf 27MB 成果報告

To Apply the Chemical Substances Management Information Project

英文摘要 In terms of the improvement of efficiency and data maintenance of the ChemiCloud platform, we added the public page of environmental distribution survey results. Six internal query functions and two customized functions were developed. We also positioned the coordinates and verified 3,148 factories whose coordinates were not provided. Additionally, we expanded three data systems, provided 3 APIs to fire departments, and continued to maintain fifty-three chemical substance management information systems. A total of one hundred and forty-eight ChemiCloud accounts were created. We also continued to carry out platform information security, operation and maintenance. Last but not least, we completed five employee trainings, thirteen meetings with authorities concerned and one cross-functional meeting. In terms of platform improvement, we completed the inventory of front-end and back-end programs, data tables, and indexes of the ChemiCloud platform. Furthermore, we analyzed the system’s function performance, database query speed, system log and developed mid-term and long-term system optimization plans. In addition, one of the cases is used to demonstrate the developed solutions for adjusting the data integration architecture and improving application flexibility. Last but not least, a site map, one geographic map optimization and 3 function related optimizations were completed. In terms of big data analysis, we completed the one-time login (OTP) service connection with other systems and manufacturers. We also completed the open authorization (OAuth) data connection, and demonstrated record of 1,2-dichloropropane and (4-Ethoxyphenyl)urea on the chain. In addition, we completed the development and testing of blockchain wallets, transaction vouchers and chemical substances pass functions. We also carried out the actual demonstration of blockchain system concept verification. In the part of the high-risk abnormal manufacturer detection model, Variational Graph AutoEncoder (VGAE) is used to extract the interaction characteristics between manufacturers and chemical substances. Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is used to detect and perform end-to-end training. In the news crawler part, different technologies are used for foreign information translation, Chinese and English chemical substance names and food names are used to improve the recognition level. In addition, interviews are conducted with the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration for the pilot program of value-added promotion. We selected 6 foreign news and 5 domestic news for the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, asking for its help and feedback. In terms of other analytical works, the environmental correlation analysis of Erren River and Wu River were completed, and a list of 1,023 groups of 2,837 chemicals with the same function and a system query function were established. We reviewed and updated relevant domestic and foreign regulations list of chemical substances of concern regularly, and the number of chemical substances in the list has increased from 32,830 to 33,638. In addition, the collection of 2022 domestic food-related inspection and sampling results was completed.
英文關鍵字 Chemical Substance, Inter-Ministerial Cooperation, Alert and Quick Report