

中文摘要   行政院環境保護署為有效減少營建工程所造成之空氣污染問題,自民國85年開始推動「加強營建工地污染管制計畫」,用以降低各類營建工地的污染排放,並於93 年7 月1 日正式施行「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」,從此營建工地污染防制設施有了明確的作業規範;為改善嘉義市空氣品質,以提昇市民之生活品質,故辦理「111年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫」,企盼能藉由計畫執行掌握污染源排放情形、追蹤與輔導缺失改善,達到落實污染源防制、預防與降低空氣污染以維護全市環境空氣品質並提高民眾生活滿意度等目標。   在執行營建工程空污費申報及徵收作業上,總計627件,原始申報核算金額總計為1,297萬8,516元,其中東區申報空污費總計為363件(占總申報件數57.8%),原始申報核算金額為744萬7,198元、西區申報件數為264件(占總申報件數42.2%),申報核算金額為553萬1,318元。   在執行營建工程污染管制作業上,列管中工地數有1,334處,逸散粉塵產生量為1,214.85公噸、削減量為736.68公噸,削減率為60.64%;已依管理辦法執行2,442處次巡查作業,在執行成效中,有74處次未符合管理辦法規定,輕微缺失者(違規記點10點以下)有41處次、重大缺失者(違規記點10點以上)有33處次,皆已進行輔導並持續追蹤至改善完成,管理辦法符合率為96.69%。 在工地輔導作業上,已召開1場「加強公共工程空氣污染及噪音管理要點說明會」,請業者落實營建工程管理辦法且務必編列足夠的環保經費,俾利於進行各項污染防制作業、2場「營建工程空氣及噪音污染防制宣導說明會」;完成輔導7處工地裝設 CCTV、23處工地使用環保綠建材,使用量約280.70公噸;11處使用環保油漆,使用量約48.01公噸,NMHC減量18.96公噸,已輔導工地執行廢土不落地20處,出土量有13,079立方公尺,削減逸散粉塵量約為444.691公斤。圍籬綠化部分,已完成推動營建工地實施圍籬綠美化45處,其中植栽圍籬有10處,估計可削減CO2 13,595公斤;也輔導21處營建工地認養道路,總計洗及掃街長度共計10,441.828公里,TSP削減量約為144.096公噸、PM10削減量約為27.151公噸,同時協助環保署完成23具營建工程施工機具調查掌握污染源。 在營建工程陳情案件處理共受理294件陳情案件,64件為揚塵案件、230件為噪音案件;在揚塵受理案件中施工揚塵占71.9%、噪音案件中施工噪音占94.8%;同一地點被陳情3次以上,則認定為屢遭陳情案件,現有26處地點屢遭陳情,共再次陳情81次,再次陳情率為27.5%;本計畫亦執行281處營建工程噪音稽、巡查作業,輔導工地應進行自主噪音管理。 透過污染源源頭管制策略及減量從根本解決問題才能永續經營,執行環保署考評目標、完成本市污防書減量目標及創新作為三方面著手,發揮行政管理效率、解決地方問題,使民眾在面對空品不良季節或是日常營建工程施作時能有較好的感受,進而能有效減少陳情量。在考評方面,自評為6.65分(滿分7.25分);在執行污防書減量目標方面,本計畫已依減量目標逐步完成;創新作為提案內容為「建置線上申請與審查系統」,提供營建業主多元申報管道以及推動營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法多元替代方案。
中文關鍵字 逸散污染源、營建工程


專案計畫編號 1110101 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3000 千元
專案開始日期 2022/02/09 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 王志文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡長宏 執行單位 創境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 20MB

2022 Fugitive Emission Control Plan of Chiayi City

英文摘要 In order to reduce the air pollution caused by construction projects, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as EPA) has been promoting the "Air Pollution Control Act" since 1996 to reduce pollution emissions from various construction sites. On July 1, 2004, EPA officially enforced the "Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities" so that there are clearer operating specifications for pollution control facilities on the construction site. In order to improve the air quality of Chiayi City, EPA also enacted the "2022 Fugitive Emission Control Plan of Chiayi City" to improve the quality of life of its citizens. It is hoped that the EPA can keep track of the pollutant emissions at the source so that remedial measures can be taken to make improvements, thereby achieving the goals of pollution control, maintaining air quality through prevention and control, and increasing the general public's satisfaction. In terms of the report and collection of air pollution control fees, there are currently 617 reported cases with an originally reported amount of NT$12,978,516. Among all the cases reported, the east district accounts for 363 cases (or 57.9% of the total reported cases) with an originally reported amount of NT$7,447,198 while the west district accounts for 264 cases (or 42.2% of the total reported cases) with an originally reported amount of NT$5,531,318. While taking pollution control actions for construction projects, there were 1,334 regulated construction sites that generated 1,214.85metric tons of fugitive dust, which was later reduced by 736.68 metric tons with a reduction rate of 60.64%. So far, a total of 2,442 round inspections have been carried out in accordance with the management measures. Among a total of 74 cases that failed to meet the management provisions, 41 had minor defects (with less than 10 violation points) while 33 had major defects (more than 10 violation points), all of which have been kept track of and guided until improvements were made. So far, the compliance rate of the management measures was 96.9%. In terms of the counseling service for operations on the construction site, a briefing session on the enhancement of "management measures for air quality protection and noise control on the construction sites" and 2 briefing sessions on the "educational campaign for air quality protection and noise control on the construction sites" have been provided, where business operators are required to take construction project management measures and allocate sufficient funds to facilitate various pollution prevention operations. So far, counseling service has been provided to 7 construction sites for CCTV installment, 23 construction sites for using green building materials (with a total of 280.70 metric tons used), 11 construction sites for using eco-friendly paint (with a total of 48.01 metric tons used) and a reduction of NMHC (by a total of 18.96 metric tons), 20 construction sites for waste soil disposal, daylighting of 13.079 cubic meters, and a reduction of fugitive dust by about 444.691 kilograms. In addition, counseling service has also been provided to 45 construction sites for the greening of fences, including 10 hedges, which are estimated to reduce CO2 by 13,595 kilograms. Also, counseling service has been provided to 21 construction sites for road maintenance, with a total length of 10,441.828 kilometers of street sweeping and washing, a reduction of TSP by about 144.096 metric tons, and a reduction of PM10 by about 27.151 metric tons. At the same time, EPA is also assisted to complete the survey of 23 construction facilities and tools to keep track of the pollution source. In terms of the complaints about pollution on the construction sites, a total of 294 complaints were accepted, among which 64 involved fugitive dust on the construction sites (accounting for 71.9% of all fugitive dust complaints received) and 230 involved noise pollution on the construction sites (accounting for 94.8% of all noise pollution complaints received). Given that the repetitively reported cases were defined as the same location which has been reported more than 3 times, there are currently 26 repetitively reported cases that have been repetitively reported 56 times with a repetitively reported rate of 27.5%. In this study, a total of 281 noise surveys and patrol inspections have been carried out on the construction sites to guide the subjects to conduct self-noise monitoring. Only by pollution control and reduction at the sources can the problems be solved for business sustainability. By going through the EPA assessment, achieving the targets of pollution reduction as provided in the Handbook of Environmental Pollution and Control, and taking innovative measures, the construction project can bring administrative efficiency into full play to solve regional problems. This way, the general public can feel better in the face of seasons with poor air quality or when daily construction projects are carried out, thereby reducing the number of complaints effectively. So far, the score for self-assessment is 6.65 (out of the full score of 7.25), the targets of pollution reduction provided in the handbook have been gradually achieved, and innovative measures such as "establishing online report and review system" have been taken to provide construction site owners with multiple reporting channels and multiple alternatives to promote the management of air pollution control facilities on the construction sites.
英文關鍵字 Fugitive Emission, Construction Works