

中文摘要 1.在12班期之企業溫室氣體盤查及碳足跡訓練,已完成訓練日期、場次及場地規劃。共計舉辦6場次組織型溫室氣體盤查實務訓練班、5場次自願性產品碳足跡實務訓練班及1場次溫室氣體盤查種子教師訓練班。 2.於9月中前完成「111年企業溫室氣體盤查及碳足跡訓練簡章」設計,經統計12班期上課人數已達382人。 3.完成12班期「組織型溫室氣體盤查」、「自願性產品碳足跡」實務訓練班課程規劃,並設計訓練教材授權同意書,與教材提供者簽訂訓練教材授權同意書,同意將教材著作財產權讓與行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所、財團法人環境與發展基金會享有及利用。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體盤查、產品碳足跡、訓練班


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 890 千元
專案開始日期 2022/08/29 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 李宜亭
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 盧素如 執行單位 財團法人環境與發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年企業溫室氣體盤查及碳足跡訓練工作計畫-成果報告.pdf 10MB 111年企業溫室氣體盤查及碳足訓練工作計畫成果報告

The 2022 Training Courses on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Carbon Footprinting Training

英文摘要 1.Regarding organizing a total of 12 sessions of training courses on the inventory of corporate greenhouse gas emissions and/or product carbon footprinting, the planning for the date, number of sessions and venues for holding training course have been completed. The planning was made for 6 sessions of training course on inventory of corporate greenhouse gas emissions, 5 sessions on training course for product carbon footprint inventory, and 1 session of training course on training of seed instructors for inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. 2.The design of the information brochure for the 2022 Training Courses on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Carbon Footprinting Training has been completed before the mid-September. A total of 382 people have signed up for the 12 training courses. 3.The planning and preparation for the teaching materials used in the training courses for the inventory of organization’s green house gas emissions and the voluntary carbon footprinting of products have been completed. The design of the consent form for the transfer of copyright related to the training materials has also been completed, and authors of the training materials have signed the consent form and agreed to transfer the training materials’ copyright to the Environmental Professionals Training Institute of the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, and the Environment and Development Foundation for use in conducting these training cours
英文關鍵字 Inventory of corporate greenhouse gas emissions、Carbon footprint、Training courses