

中文摘要 本計畫協助行政院環境保護署環境保護人員訓練所,執行111年淨零綠生活訓練推廣工作計畫之委託專案,執行成果如下: (一) 完成編製「淨零綠生活」分眾推廣簡報教材3式、包含綠生活種子人員版本、一般民眾版本及企業班版本,並於不同訓練對象之班別進行講授。 (二) 完成5場次綠生活種子人員、環保機關、環境教育機構及設施場所人員之推廣訓練課程辦理,共計223人參訓。透過環保署講師講授淨零綠生活及氣候變遷相關內容,以提升種子人員學理知識。 (三) 完成22場次針對企業、社區、團體、非典型勞動人力、弱勢族群、銀髮族、原住民、新住民等族群之淨零綠生活推廣訓練課程,共計965人參訓。以淺顯易懂方式,並搭配實際案例及影片進行講授,幫助學員對淨零綠生活及氣候變遷概念有所瞭解,促使能於日常生活中落實節能減碳行動等行為模式改變。 (四) 透過1,093份參訓人員前後測滿意度分析之回饋內容,學員於參訓後對於淨零綠生活相關知識概念皆為提升,同時透過場域導覽學習及分組心得討論過程中,促使學員思考如何從日常生活之食衣住行各個層面,響應淨零綠生活並具體轉化為行動。 (五) 完成「淨零綠生活」訓練推廣影像紀實錄製剪輯1式。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活、推廣訓練課程、2050淨零轉型


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3560 千元
專案開始日期 2022/09/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/15 專案主持人 龔威誠
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 許宴菱 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111-019vf.pdf 84MB

2022 Net-Zero Green Life Extension Training Course Project

英文摘要 This project assists the Environmental Protection Personnel Training Institute of the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan to implement the entrusted project of the 2022 Net-Zero Green Life Extension Training Course Project. The implementation results are as follows: (一) Completed 3 editions of "Net Zero Green Life" course materials of the Green Life seeded personnel, the general public, and the enterprise, then lectured in classes for different training objects. (二) Completed 5 sessions of extension training courses for Green Life seeded personnel, environmental protection agencies, environmental education institutions, and facility staff, with a total of 223 person-times. The training courses invited EPA lecturers to give lectures on "Net Zero Green Life" and climate change to enhance the academic knowledge of seeded personnel. (三) Completed 22 "Net Zero Green Life" extension training courses for enterprises, local communities, social groups, variable-hour labor, underprivileged people, seniors, indigenous people, new immigrants, and others, with a total of 965 participants. The training courses lectured in an easy-to-understand method with actual cases and videos to assist participants in knowledge of the concept of "Net Zero Green Life" and climate change, furthermore, it promoted behavioral changes such as energy-saving and carbon-reduction actions in daily life. (四) Completed the analysis of 1,093 pre-and post-test questionnaires for the participants. The result showed that the trainees have improved their "Net Zero Green Life" knowledge and concepts after the training, and the training courses through the field visits and group discussions to encourage participants to think about how to respond to the "Net Zero Green Life" in all aspects of daily life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and transform it into action. (五) Completed 1 "Net Zero Green Life" training promotion documentary video with recording and editing.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Green Life, Extension Training Course, The 2050 Net-Zero Emissions Transformation