

中文摘要 自西元2019 亞太中心成立以來,在西元2020-2021 一整年的營運下,已在四次顧問輔導團聯繫會議及外部諮詢會中,確立APRC 之宗旨願景及基本營運方向,並辦理一次國際交流工作坊,及三次青年培訓課程。本年度計畫延續去年的工作項目,目前已新增至8 國共11 名由國內外專家學者及實務工作者組成之顧問輔導團,召開4 次顧問輔導團視訊會議,更另外舉行了2 次外部諮詢會,滾動修正亞太中心之營運策略規劃;且同樣辦理一梯次之青年培訓課程以及一場青年培訓課程特別企劃活動,邀請往屆學員回來參與分享;更於疫情嚴峻的狀況下仍然以線上方式舉辦國 際環境教育交流研討會,邀請各國專家學者透過網路齊聚一堂,同時也邀請GEEP 秘書處,也就是NAAEE 一同參與,借助環境教育中不同領域的專業知識於亞太中心辦理之活動中擔任講者或主持人。此外今年更是積極更新網站,期望能增加亞太中心的知名度及曝光度,達成全球環境教育夥伴亞太中心向外推廣之願景目標。 整體而言,本計畫為亞太地區跨國際的計畫,因地域及語言等隔閡,執行上有一定難度,更受到疫情影響,需要改變原有的計畫執行習慣及活動辦理模式,經過這兩年多的營運已初步穩定執行方式,也促使計畫團隊開始思考更多國際活動之辦理方式,也許後續可以再開發其他線上社群媒體或管道資源進行相關活動或課程,相信能更快提升臺灣之國際形象並將環境教育之經驗及成果推向國際。
中文關鍵字 顧問輔導團、青年培訓課程、國際環境教育交流研討會


專案計畫編號 110A287 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4755.011 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/21 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 張子超
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 郭怡欣 執行單位 中華民國環境教育學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 亞太中心第2期工作報告-修正認可版.pdf 29MB 成果報告

2022 Global Environmental Education Parntership (GEEP) Asia- Pacific Regional Center Operational Project

英文摘要 Since the establishment of APRC in 2019, with a full year of operation from 2020 to 2021, the vision and operation direction of APRC has been established through four advisory committee meetings and external consultation meeting, as well as holding one international workshop and three classes of International Environmental Issues and Education workshops for youth. This year, continuing from last year's work, a total of 11 consultants from 8 ountries, including experts and practitioners from home and abroad, have been invited to join the Advisory Committee, with 4 virtual meetings been held. In addition, two external consultation meetings were held to review and revise the action plan of APRC. We also organized an International Environmental Issues and Education workshop for youth and a Reunion for Earth to invite former participants to share their experience. Despite the severe situation of the pandemic, the International Environmental Education Workshop was held online, inviting experts, scholars, and even GEEP Secretariat, which is the NAAEE, from all over the world to participate as speakers or moderators at the activity. In addition, APRC also keeps its website up-to-date in order to increase its visibility and exposure, and to achieve the vision of GEEP APRC. Overall, this is an international project in the Asia Pacific region, which is difficult to implement due to geographical and language barriers, and the impact of the pandemic force to change the original plan. After two years of operation, the team is now thinking of more approaches to organizing international activities. Perhaps other social media or resources can be developed to conduct activities, which is believed can enhance Taiwan's international image and promote the experience and achievements of environmental education to the world even better.
英文關鍵字 advisory committee, International Environmental Issues and Education workshops for youth, International Workshop on Environmental Education