

中文摘要 依據宜蘭縣政府環境保護局訂定之目標及工作內容,執行「111年度宜蘭縣資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制、宣導工作及促進垃圾減量回收計畫」,相關作業均詳實推動與執行,截至期末報告階段,本計畫執行之成果重點說明如下: 一、辦理資源回收巡查工作 本計畫針對轄內14大販賣業者,進行應設置資源回收設施之進行現場輔導及查核工作,共計完成222件,其中現場巡查26家電子電器販賣業者,並已用電話連繫輔導共75家次電子電器販賣業者,其中完成輔導30家使用電子聯單。環保署於「111年度推動執行機關加強辦理源頭減量及資源回收工作績效考核計畫」中針對一般廢棄物源頭減量措施進行查核作業,目標量為 1,600 家次,本計畫亦協助進行現場巡查作業,截至期末階段合計執行共計完成 2,364 家次。 本計畫協助回收廢棄物回收處理業申請登記、展延及巡查工作,並輔導業者定期申報作業以及設施標準巡查外,亦針對廠內安全消防設施管理、截流溝維護以及環境衛生等項目進行輔導,總計完成輔導109家次及完成5家業者辦理展延申請作業。本縣111年度廢車回收業評鑑結果為四名都是金牌獎,金牌獎分別為:宏泰清除股份有限公司蘇澳廠(89.5分)、源益企業社(88.5分)、岏宬廢棄物回收有限公司(87分)、信捷企業社(86分),評鑑分級結果如表3.3.5-3;並於5月11日及19日頒發獎牌。 相關巡查工作量均已達成目標,並透過稽巡查時向業者輔導相關法令、設施規範與遵行事項,避免業者因不熟悉法規而違例,落實轄內業者管理。 二、協助辦理資源回收績效考核工作 本計畫於111年3月3日辦理執行機關承辦資源回收業務人員教育訓練並於協助環保局備文提送「宜蘭縣111年度推動執行機關加強辦理資源回收工作績效考核初核計畫」;截至期末階段,本縣1至11月之資源回收量為101,777.83公噸;另配合環保署考核重點項目,辦理提高重點回收項目回收量追蹤、協助彙整資收關懷計畫、輔導紙餐具循環友善店家計畫、協調廢機動車輛處理後衍生物(ASR)進廠去化2,082.72公噸、完成1處漁商港資收站設置、確認20處集合式住宅之回收設施設置、追蹤公所廢玻璃砂再利用情形及協助輔導清潔隊部暨貯存場設施管理及優化。 依照署考核項目逐一協助辦理各項工作如:目標制定、月報申報、資料查核等,並掌握各項工作執行情形,協助本縣爭取考核佳績。 三、執行垃圾破袋檢查工作 本計畫自111年3月起,辦理縣內12鄉鎮市公所垃圾車平臺垃圾檢查,各公所每月抽驗1車次,但因新型冠狀病毒疫情肆虐,導致5、6月平台破袋及公所自主沿線破袋等相關工作項暫停,並於疫情趨緩開始辦理,截至12月20日止,縣內12鄉鎮市公所垃圾車共檢查96車次,垃圾檢查960袋垃圾,袋數不合格率為41.6%,查獲之資源回收物皆以紙容器、塑膠容器居多。 透過垃圾破袋,以檢視轄內垃圾排出與資源回收量落實度,作為本縣垃圾減量與資源回收率提升之執行方式及後續政策推動及宣導之參考依據。 四、辦理資源回收宣導與競賽活動 本計畫積極與社區、學校及各大活動單位接洽,藉由小型互動宣導與各大型活動辦理趣味遊戲或資源回收兌換吸引民眾共同參與資源回收宣導,截至期末報告階段,共辦理59場次宣導活動,包含21場設攤宣導、14場資收兌換、23場社區宣導及1場學校宣導,透過活動辦理及宣導,以利吸引民眾共同參與資源回收宣導,或是針對指定回收物進行資源回收物兌換活動,進而提高回收意願,累積宣導人次達4,673人次。 為使宣導活動更加多樣性,突顯本縣特色及加強民眾資源回收觀念,本計畫於本年度辦理農藥空瓶進行競賽評比,111年組隊參賽共有23組,相較去年減少1組,廢農藥空瓶回收量為14,866.1公斤(增加約3,729.1公斤),回收量有逐漸回升趨勢,並於10月26日舉辦頒獎典禮,邀請縣長親自頒發「111年度農藥空瓶回收競賽」獲獎人員。111年宜蘭縣有機培養土兌換活動係透過環保局廚餘再利用機制所產生之有機培養土,結合縣內各鄉鎮市公所並派車巡迴各鄉鎮市人潮聚集處進行資源回收兌換活動,截至期末報告階段共兌換7,938包。乾電池回收競賽係以111年6月人口數為基準,依據111年資源回收月報表1-10月之清潔隊乾電池變賣回收量之申報數據進行評比,統計各公所清潔隊進步成長率較高者為壯圍鄉公所及南澳鄉公所,其中蘇澳鎮、礁溪鄉、冬山鄉公所則尚未超越去年同期人均量,為負成長率。唯大同鄉公所因去年未有變賣量,無法參與進步獎項之角逐。行政院環境保護署自108年起訂定每年10月為手機回收月,為響應10月手機回收月,邀請各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊加入「111年手機回收月」行列,並提供加碼回收優惠,環保局更加碼抽新款手機及超商禮券,促進民眾回收意願,截至期末報告階段,手機回收量達1,344支。 五、推動一次性產品源頭減量工作 本計畫中於輔導餐飲業者過程中得知,業者們對於現在環保意識的崛起,已多有自行發起減塑行為與活動,且絕大多數到店內消費之民眾,都認同且支持店家的減塑理念,對於有消費者自備餐具的至業者店內消費,業者也會給予相當的鼓勵給予部分優惠或增量。本年度完成輔導訓練訂餐、外燴業者外燴供餐30家;本縣綠實踐商店數共達46家,其中7家已休業。另新增輔導3家並待認證中,若完成認證,累積共42家綠實踐商店; 本計畫已完成輔導225家「自備餐具優惠」店家之申請,並於宜蘭綠色博覽會於冬山河生態綠舟推行飲料杯租借活動;協助推動輔導羅東夜市環保夜市化;完成綠實踐商店輔導認證3家;於縣內52處營業場所設置袋來幸福箱、34處社區大廈設置二手袋循環箱;彙整縣內減塑措施登錄「甩廢地圖」,並更新版本為2.0且製成QR code加強推廣使用;於礁溪大忠資收小站、壯圍隊部、五結利澤免廢店、礁溪巨大垃圾再利用修繕廠、壯圍免費交流網設置二手物交換站及線上交換平台並協助辦理共38場次二手市集活動。 透過各項措施,加強推動一次性產品減量與資源再利用,以減少縣民對塑膠製品之依賴性,逐一達成產品減塑、垃圾減量與提高資源循環再利用率之環保願景。 為鼓勵民眾及業者積極落實減塑政策,減少一次用產品使用,環保局啟動環保餐具借用之方法,並同時規劃推動以宜蘭大型活動互相結合辦理環保杯租賃及環保餐具借用服務,在大型活動減少一次性產品的使用,本計畫已建置飲料杯、餐具租賃系統,並提供環保餐具及循環杯給予轄內機關、團體、學校租借,以利減少一次性餐具之使用。111年度於宜蘭縣國際童玩藝術節合作辦理餐具租借活動,輔導園區店家鼓勵民眾使用重複性餐具,店家紛紛響應自備飲料杯省10元的優惠,統計約180位民眾前來租借餐具,平均每人租借3個環保餐具,推估可減少約540個一次性垃圾產生。 有關推動地區選擇及相關推動部分,本年度選定羅東夜市進行環保夜市辦理,強化羅東環保夜市的延續。本計畫已於111年6月至111年9月進行全面性餐飲業者現況調查,截止期末報告階段,普查結果羅東夜市店家數總計約為215家業者,其中非餐飲業59家,餐飲業156家占為最為最多數,其中有提供內用座位餐飲業者為19家。截至期末報告階段,推動一次性產品減量項目內,內用改環保餐具之店家共計22家(於109年補助攤商購置重複性清洗餐具),另新加入攤商本計畫仍亦積極輔導使其參與響應。提供常態性自備餐盒優惠餐飲業者156家,提供自備餐具優惠156家,提供優惠型態為加量、折扣,部分店家會依照當下情形提供優惠。 為鼓勵民眾逛夜市時亦可使用環保餐具,於每週五、六兩日夜市營業時間辦理餐具租借服務,進而減少一次性垃圾產生,輔導民眾逐漸養成使用環保餐具之習慣,提供袋來幸福箱供民眾於消費購物後使用二手循環袋盛裝商品,以減少塑膠袋之使用,並同時設置奉茶站,民眾可使用環保杯進行飲用,進而減少一次性包裝飲用水之購買。
中文關鍵字 資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 10830 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/07 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 游文瑜
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 宋文婷 執行單位 晶淨科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 彙整本_111年宜蘭資收專案期末報告正式定稿本(Dec 2022).pdf 49MB

111 Yilan implemented a subsidy plan to promote waste reduction and recycling

英文摘要 According to the goals and work content set by the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Yilan County Government, the implementation of the "111 Year Yilan County Resource Recycling Project Operation Audit Tracking Control, Publicity Work, and Promotion of Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan" has been promoted and implemented in detail. By the end of the period During the reporting period, the main results of the implementation of this plan are explained as follows: 1. Handle resource recycling inspections This plan is aimed at the 14 major sellers in the jurisdiction to carry out on-site counseling and inspection work that should set up resource recycling facilities. A total of 222 cases have been completed, including on-site inspections of 26 electronic and electrical sellers, and a total of 75 have been contacted and counseled by telephone. Electronic and electrical appliance sellers, among which 30 companies have completed the guidance of using electronic bills. The Environmental Protection Agency conducted a check on the general waste source reduction measures in the "2011 Annual Promoting the Enforcement Agency to Strengthen the Handling of Source Reduction and Resource Recovery Work Performance Evaluation Plan", with a target of 1,600 times. , as of the end of the period, a total of 2,364 transactions have been completed. This project assists the recycling waste recycling industry to apply for registration, extension and inspection work, and guides the industry to regularly declare operations and facility standard inspections, and also provides guidance on the management of safety and fire protection facilities in the factory, maintenance of interception ditches, and environmental sanitation. , completed a total of 109 times of counseling and completed 5 business owners' application for extension. The county's 111 annual waste car recycling industry evaluation results are four gold medals, the gold medals are: Hongtai Clearing Co., Ltd. Suao Factory (89.5 points), Yuanyi Enterprise Association (88.5 points), and waste Recycling Co., Ltd. (87 points), Xinjie Enterprise Association (86 points), the evaluation and grading results are shown in Table 3.3.5-3; and medals will be awarded on May 11 and 19. The workload of relevant inspections has reached the target, and through the inspections, the industry is provided with guidance on relevant laws and regulations, facility specifications and compliance matters, so as to prevent the industry from violating the regulations due to unfamiliarity with the laws and regulations, and implement the management of the industry within the jurisdiction. 2. Assist in handling resource recovery performance assessment This plan will be carried out on March 3, 2011 to carry out the education and training of the personnel responsible for the resource recycling business of the executive agency, and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau to prepare a document and submit the "Yilan County 111 Year Promoting the Executive Agency to Strengthen the Handling of Resource Recycling Work Performance Assessment Preliminary Review Plan"; As of the end of the period, the county's resource recycling volume from January to November was 101,777.83 metric tons; in addition, it cooperated with the Environmental Protection Agency to assess key projects, handled the tracking of improving the recycling volume of key recycling projects, assisted in the collection and collection of caring plans, and provided guidance for paper and tableware recycling friendly stores. Drawing and coordinating the removal of 2,082.72 metric tons of waste motor vehicle derivatives (ASR) into the plant, completing the setting up of a fisherman's port collection station, confirming the setting up of recycling facilities for 20 collective residences, and tracking the reuse of waste glass sand in public offices And assist in the management and optimization of cleaning team headquarters and storage facilities. According to the assessment items of the department, assist in handling various tasks one by one, such as: goal setting, monthly report declaration, data inspection, etc., and grasp the implementation of various tasks, and assist the county to strive for good results in assessment. 3. Execute the inspection of broken bags of garbage This plan started in March 2011 to carry out garbage inspections on the garbage truck platforms of 12 township and city offices in the county. Related tasks such as breaking bags along the autonomous line were suspended, and began to be processed when the epidemic slowed down. As of December 20, a total of 96 trips of garbage trucks in 12 townships and municipalities in the county were inspected, and 960 bags of garbage were inspected, and the number of bags was unqualified. It was 41.6%, and most of the recyclables seized were paper containers and plastic containers. Through garbage bag breaking, we can examine the implementation of garbage discharge and resource recovery in the jurisdiction, as a reference for the county's implementation of garbage reduction and resource recovery rate improvement and follow-up policy promotion and publicity. 4. Handle resource recycling publicity and competition activities This plan actively contacts with communities, schools and major activity units, and attracts the public to participate in resource recycling promotion through small-scale interactive publicity and various large-scale activities for fun games or resource recycling exchange. As of the end of the reporting period, a total of 59 sessions Publicity activities, including 21 booth publicity sessions, 14 resource exchange sessions, 23 community publicity sessions and 1 school publicity session, through event management and publicity, to attract the public to participate in resource recycling promotion, or Carry out resource recycling exchange activities for designated recyclables, thereby increasing the willingness to recycle, and the cumulative number of publicity reached 4,673 person-times. In order to make the publicity activities more diverse, highlight the characteristics of the county and strengthen the people's concept of resource recycling, this plan will handle empty pesticide bottles for competition evaluation this year. There are 23 teams in 2011, which is 1 less than last year. The amount of recycled pesticide empty bottles was 14,866.1 kg (increased by about 3,729.1 kg), and the recycled amount is gradually picking up. An award ceremony was held on October 26, and the county magistrate was invited to present the winners of the "111 Annual Pesticide Bottle Recycling Competition" in person. In 2011, Yilan County's organic culture soil exchange activity was based on the organic culture soil produced through the food waste recycling mechanism of the Environmental Protection Bureau, combined with various township and city offices in the county and sent cars to tour the crowded places in towns and cities to carry out resource recycling and exchange activities. As of the end of the period A total of 7,938 bales were exchanged during the reporting period. The dry battery recycling competition is based on the population in June 2011, and is evaluated based on the declared data of the cleaning team's dry battery sales and recycling volume from January to October in the monthly resource recovery report of 111. According to the statistics, the cleaning team of each public office has a higher growth rate. The Zhuangwei Township Office and Nan'ao Township Office, among which the Suao Township, Jiaoxi Township, and Dongshan Township Offices have not exceeded the per capita growth rate of the same period last year, showing a negative growth rate. However, the Datong Township Office was unable to participate in the competition for the progress award because it had no sales volume last year. The Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan has designated October as the mobile phone recycling month since 2010. In response to the mobile phone recycling month in October, it invites the cleaning teams of township and municipal offices to join the ranks of the "111 Mobile Phone Recycling Month" and provides additional recycling discounts. The Environmental Protection Agency has even drawn out new mobile phones and gift coupons for supermarkets to promote people's willingness to recycle. As of the end of the reporting period, the number of mobile phones recycled reached 1,344. 5. Promote the source reduction of disposable products In the process of counseling the catering industry in this project, I learned that many of the operators have initiated plastic reduction behaviors and activities on their own in response to the rise of environmental protection awareness, and most of the people who go to the store agree with and support the store. With the concept of plastic reduction, for in-store consumption by consumers who have their own tableware, the industry will also give considerable encouragement and give some discounts or increments. In this year, 30 restaurants have completed counseling and training to order meals, and catering operators have provided catering services; the number of green practice stores in this county has reached 46, of which 7 have closed down. Another 3 new tutors are pending certification. If the certification is completed, there will be a total of 42 green practice stores; This project has completed the counseling of 225 stores applying for "bring your own tableware discount", and launched the beverage cup rental activity in the Dongshan River Ecological Green Boat at the Yilan Green Expo; assisted in promoting the environmental protection of Luodong Night Market; completed the green practice store counseling Certified 3 companies; installed Bag Lai Happiness Boxes in 52 business locations in the county, and installed second-hand bag recycling boxes in 34 community buildings; compiled the county's plastic reduction measures and registered them on the "Waste Rejection Map", and updated the version to 2.0 and made a QR code Strengthen the promotion and use; set up second-hand goods exchange stations and online exchange platforms in Jiaoxi Dazhong Assets Collection Station, Zhuangwei Team Headquarters, Wujie Lize Waste Free Store, Jiaoxi Huge Waste Recycling Repair Factory, and Zhuangwei Free Exchange Network. Assisted in handling a total of 38 second-hand market activities. Through various measures, strengthen the promotion of disposable product reduction and resource reuse, so as to reduce the dependence of county residents on plastic products, and achieve the environmental protection vision of product plastic reduction, waste reduction, and resource recycling rate one by one. In order to encourage the public and business operators to actively implement the plastic reduction policy and reduce the use of disposable products, the Environmental Protection Bureau launched the method of borrowing environmentally friendly tableware, and at the same time planned to promote the combination of large-scale events in Yilan to provide eco-friendly cup rental and environmentally friendly tableware borrowing services. For the use of disposable products, this project has established a beverage cup and tableware rental system, and provides environmentally friendly tableware and recycling cups for rental by agencies, groups, and schools within the jurisdiction, so as to reduce the use of disposable tableware. In 2011, we cooperated with the Yilan County International Children's Play Art Festival to organize tableware rental activities, and guided the stores in the park to encourage the public to use reusable tableware. The stores responded to the discount of 10 yuan by bringing their own beverage cups. According to statistics, about 180 people came to rent tableware. By renting 3 environmentally-friendly tableware per person, it is estimated that about 540 pieces of disposable waste can be reduced. Regarding the selection of promotion areas and relevant promotion parts, Luodong Night Market was selected this year to handle the environmental protection night market to strengthen the continuation of the Luodong Environmental Protection Night Market. This project has conducted a comprehensive survey on the current situation of catering industry from June 2011 to September 2011. As of the end of the reporting period, the survey results show that the total number of stores in Luodong Night Market is about 215, of which 59 are not in the catering industry and catering industry 156 restaurants accounted for the largest number, of which 19 restaurants provided indoor seating. As of the end-of-period reporting period, a total of 22 stores have changed the tableware for internal use into environmentally friendly tableware in the project of promoting the reduction of disposable products (in 2010, they subsidized stalls to purchase repetitive cleaning tableware). In addition, new vendors who joined the plan are still actively counseling and using It participates in the response. There are 156 catering companies that provide regular discounts for self-bred lunch boxes, and 156 companies that provide discounts for self-bred tableware. In order to encourage people to use environmentally friendly tableware when visiting the night market, the tableware rental service is provided during the business hours of the night market every Friday and Saturday, thereby reducing the generation of disposable waste, and guiding the public to gradually develop the habit of using environmentally friendly tableware, providing bags to the happiness box For the public to use second-hand recycled bags to store goods after shopping to reduce the use of plastic bags. At the same time, a tea service station is set up, and the public can use environmentally friendly cups for drinking, thereby reducing the purchase of disposable packaged drinking water.
英文關鍵字 Recycling