

中文摘要 氣候變遷已為全世界所重視之議題之一,其為自然環境及生物生態帶來許多負 面衝擊,包括極端氣候、生物滅絕及自然資源之耗竭等,為響應國際淨零排放及永續發展之趨勢,嘉義市政府環境保護局辦理「111年度嘉義市推動低碳永續家園執行計畫」,其內容包括:「辦理因應氣候變遷相關工作業務」、「推廣低碳永續家園相關業務」、「推廣建築綠化降溫工作」、「推動因地制宜之低碳行動」、「其他配合事項」等5大工作項目,各工項執行目標及成果說明如下: 一、辦理因應氣候變遷相關工作業務 為達成本市溫室氣體減量及 2050 淨零排放目標,本市透過轄區溫室氣體盤查作業,瞭解轄區溫室氣體排放特性後,透過2場次跨局處會議及1場次低碳調適永續發展委員會,整合各局處資源與策略,並辦理1場次政府機關及學校溫室氣體減量說明會,訂定本市溫室氣體減量及 2050淨零排放策略,完成嘉義市第二期溫室氣體管制執行方案。 二、推廣低碳永續家園相關業務 為促使民眾於日常生活中落實節能減碳行動,本市針對里(社區)及民眾辦理1場次氣候變遷調適工作坊,並配合轄內銀級認證之里辦理3場次低碳永續家園示範活動。另為提升本市推動低碳家園之能量,除輔導已取得銅級以上認證之村里持續推動低碳永續行動,並輔導 6 里新增低碳永續行動項目,共新增綠美化面積約115.64平方公尺,固碳量約34.7kg CO2e;使用142公斤回收廢棄物,減碳量約110.65kg CO2e;另協助 4 里參與低碳永續家園評等認證作業,共取得1銀級、3銅級之低碳永續家園認證。 三、推動建築綠化降溫工作 嘉義市為一都市型城市,為降低都市熱島效應,本市輔導港坪國小建置1處盆栽式綠屋頂,綠美化面積約72平方公尺,固碳量約21.6 kg CO2e。 四、推動因地制宜之低碳行動 輔導本市7所國中、小學及幼兒園參與「嘉義市低碳校園標章認證實施計畫」,並透過辦理2場次樹木栽種與養護工作坊,鼓勵學校種植原生樹木無患子計40棵,提高校園綠化面積及固碳量,打造本市低碳校園之願景。 (五)其他配合事項 透過發佈新聞稿5則及臉書貼文9則,推廣民眾於生活中落實低碳行動,並持續參與國內、外低碳永續相關活動,藉以宣傳本市節能減碳及淨零排放推動成果,提高本市於國際之能見度。
中文關鍵字 淨零排放、低碳、低碳永續家園、低碳校園


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 4168.78 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/27 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 陳佳旻
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林香琪 執行單位 東科環境股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度嘉義市推動低碳永續家園執行計畫期末報告.pdf 39MB

Low-carbon and sustainable community program of Chiayi City,2022

英文摘要 Climate change is one of the most important issues in the world, it also causes many problems, such as extreme weather, extinction of animals, and natural resource exhaustion. Responding to sustainable development and 2050 net zero, the Environmental Protection Department, Chiayi City Government promoted “Low-carbon and sustainable community program of Chiayi City,2022” and had five main aspects, including “Promoting the strategy about climate change”, “Promoting Sustainable community with low-carbon strategy” “Promoting the cooling of buildings carbon reduction actions. ”and “Promoting school with low-carbon strategy. ”and “Promoting climate change policy and actions of Chiayi City.” The summary of implementation results is as follows: 1. Promoting the strategy about climate change: For 2050 net zero and sustainable development, this program already held four meetings to discuss the “Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation” issue to help all of the departments of Chiayi city government make the strategy of gashouse reducing and low carbon, Call meeting five to discuss and make the strategy even better. 2. Promoting a Sustainable community with a low-carbon strategy: For the resident who lives in Chiayi city, this program already holds one workshop and activities to show people how to save energy and reduce carbon. This year, the program already assists four communities to get the Proven Program of low carbon community, and also help the communities which got the Proven Program keeping low carbon actions, increased green area 115.64 square meters, carbon sequestration34.7kg CO2e, used recycled items 142kg, carbon reduction is 110.65kg CO2e. 3. Promoting the cooling of buildings' carbon reduction actions: Urban heat island effect happens in the big city, the program planting trees on the roof of the school, to reduce air conditioning use, to help the school save energy and reduce carbon, increased green area 72 square meters, carbon sequestration110.65kg CO2e. 4.Promoting a Sustainable school with a low-carbon strategy: The Chiayi city government encourages seven schools to create a low-carbon school environment by holding a workshop or planting trees, this year already held two workshop for schools and 40 trees planted at schools. 5. Promoting climate change policy and actions of Chiayi City: Promoting the low carbon actions by the Chiayi City government, this year had 5 news 9 posts on social media for 5 news releases and 9 Facebook post, to teach people what is 2050 net zero and how we can do for that.
英文關鍵字 Net zero, low carbon, sustainable community, sustainable school