英文摘要 |
Climate change is one of the most important issues in the world, it also causes many
problems, such as extreme weather, extinction of animals, and natural resource
exhaustion. Responding to sustainable development and 2050 net zero, the Environmental Protection Department, Chiayi City Government promoted “Low-carbon and sustainable community program of Chiayi City,2022” and had five
main aspects, including “Promoting the strategy about climate change”, “Promoting
Sustainable community with low-carbon strategy” “Promoting the cooling of
buildings carbon reduction actions. ”and “Promoting school with low-carbon
strategy. ”and “Promoting climate change policy and actions of Chiayi City.”
The summary of implementation results is as follows:
1. Promoting the strategy about climate change: For 2050 net zero and sustainable
development, this program already held four meetings to discuss the “Climate
Change - Mitigation and Adaptation” issue to help all of the departments of
Chiayi city government make the strategy of gashouse reducing and low carbon,
Call meeting five to discuss and make the strategy even better.
2. Promoting a Sustainable community with a low-carbon strategy: For the resident who lives in Chiayi city, this program already holds one workshop and activities to show people how to save energy and reduce carbon. This year, the program already assists four communities to get the Proven Program of low carbon community, and also help the communities which got the Proven Program keeping low carbon actions, increased green area 115.64 square meters, carbon sequestration34.7kg CO2e, used recycled items 142kg, carbon reduction is 110.65kg CO2e.
3. Promoting the cooling of buildings' carbon reduction actions: Urban heat island effect happens in the big city, the program planting trees on the roof of the school, to reduce air conditioning use, to help the school save energy and reduce carbon, increased green area 72 square meters, carbon sequestration110.65kg CO2e.
4.Promoting a Sustainable school with a low-carbon strategy: The Chiayi city government encourages seven schools to create a low-carbon school environment by holding a workshop or planting trees, this year already held two workshop for schools and 40 trees planted at schools.
5. Promoting climate change policy and actions of Chiayi City: Promoting the low carbon actions by the Chiayi City government, this year had 5 news 9 posts on social media for 5 news releases and 9 Facebook post, to teach people what is 2050 net zero and how we can do for that.