

中文摘要 自107年起,行政院環境保護署透過全國地面水體垃圾攔除管理計畫盤整全國水體管理權責,擬定相關分工及作業方法,更於109年起配合向海致敬計畫推動河面清淨作業。本(111)年度持續強化全國地面水體垃圾管理作為,精進管理系統「地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統」及民眾網「嶼水相惜民眾資訊網」、更新陸域地面水體權責分工及水體垃圾調查方法、辦理110年度考核成績彙整與敘獎、111年度考核推動與填報追蹤、規劃112年度垃圾攔除考核辦法、辦理跨部會研商會議活動及配合其他行政協助事項等。 針對業務系統及民眾網,配合111年考核更新報表與儀表板、擴充管理單位權限、新增掩埋場圖層、擴充中英文民眾網「單位執行成果」頁面,另完成3場次系統操作說明會;針對陸域水體權責分工及調查方法,已完成3場次單位訪談,瞭解臺北市政府、農田水利署嘉南管理處及雲林管理處分工機制,並建議該些單位可分工執行作業填報。另蒐整國內全年調查成果及國外文獻9篇,包含歐洲、南美及亞洲資料。本年度亦完成110年考核成績計算,執行頒獎典禮授獎給22個單位;持續追蹤111年度考核狀況,其中納管共計49個單位,執行填報達46個單位,較去年成長1.3倍;亦提出112年考核辦法,更持續配合向海致敬等政策推動統計攔除作業成效,111年度截至10月底地面水體垃圾攔除量達4,430.07公噸。 於民眾宣導面,計畫於5月3日辦理1場記者會,公布110年執行優良單位並呼籲民眾垃圾不落溪;另強化權責單位交流,於8月辦理2天1夜成果分享及研商會議暨110年度考核頒獎典禮,與會人數70人,透過單位經驗分享強化攔除作業的合作交流。
中文關鍵字 水質保護、管考機制、地面水體垃圾攔除作業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 2600 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/09 專案結束日期 2022/11/20 專案主持人 顏笠安
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 葉俊閔 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告_111年度全國地面水體垃圾攔除管理計畫.pdf 9MB 成果報告(內文)

Inland Water Waste Removal Management Project- Year 2022

英文摘要 To address the issue of waste in water hindering the water flow and contaminates the water quality, the EPA has started to investigate methods for waste removal in waters around Taiwan since 2018, and clarified the responsibilities of relative authorities. In this project, the tasks continued to be carried out and the results are as followed: Main tasks include strengthening and maintaining the EPA’s “Inland Water Waste Removal Management System” and the “Cherish the Water Web", and tracing results reported by various agencies. The functions of the system and the GIS map were updated to improve accessibilities, and network security of the system was ensured, and new pages of the public web were developed. Moreover, three seminars on system operation were held. This project also hosted three interviews to related agencies for suggestions on the management system, where in conclusion the cooperation mechanisms were necessary. Important river baseline information was documented, and 9 literatures from abroad were collected including those from Europe, S.America and Asia. Moreover, compilation of data from 2021 and 2022 was completed, where 22 agencies were rewarded for their results last year. In 2022, 46 out of 49 agencies uploaded data to the system which the number grew 1.3 times than last year. An evaluation for 2023 was proposed and aligned with the ‘Salute to the Seas’ policy. To encourage public awareness, a press conference was held on May to announce 2021 operation results of the agencies and to make public appeal to ‘keep the waste from the streams’. Besides, a two-day inter-agency meeting and result sharing seminar was hosted where agencies discussed and shared experiences on mechanisms of river waste management and collaboration, which are conducive to improving Taiwan’s inland water management, a total of 70 delegates attended the meeting.
英文關鍵字 Water quality protection, management system, surface water waste removal operations