

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容可劃分為「低碳永續家園運作體系」、「輔導社區建構低碳永續行動」、「辦理氣候變遷教育培訓及宣導」、「推廣建築綠化降溫工作」、「推動因地制宜之低碳行動」、「推動溫室氣體管制執行方案」以及「推動事業溫室氣體盤查登錄作業」等7大項工作。 有關低碳永續家園認證作業,臺東縣歷時8年時間,今年度成功取得臺東縣層級銀級認證,並於今年度再新增3鄉鎮市12村里入圍、4村里銅級及1村里銀級,轄內累積已有11鄉鎮市、85村里報名,其中鄉鎮市層級成績6銅5入圍、村里層級成績3銀24銅58入圍,村里參與率已達61.2%、認證率達19.4%(高於全國平均15.8%);此外,今年更協助3處村里參與環保署「低碳有你 村里行動」競賽,獲得1處優等、1處入圍、1處參與專業獎佳績。 就輔導社區建構低碳永續行動部分,持續以低碳永續家園六大運作機能為原則,協助輔導轄內10處社區/部落執行低碳永續行動,執行內容包含建築綠化降溫、隔熱改善、農業廢棄物再利用及其他具備實質減碳效益之低碳永續行動項目,總計減碳量約可達1萬7,554公斤CO2e。另辦理共享之春工作坊及淨零碳排推動講座,藉由社區間相互交流彼此成長,落實低碳行為推廣工作,藉此將低碳永續理念推廣與落實至民眾日常生活中。 推動因地制宜之低碳行動,以鹿野鄉為淨零碳排示範區盤查溫室氣體結構,並研提淨零碳改造路徑與短中長期規劃,就短期目標以轄內7個部落5處文健站建築進行近零建築診斷評估與改造,總減碳量為5,190.1公斤CO2e。另以臺東市區街角、閒置空地、髒亂點進行市容改造工作,綠化面積總計1,603平方公尺、經推估年減碳量達9,057 公斤CO2e,除美化市容、改善髒亂點外,更提升臺東縣優質居住環境形象。 溫室氣體管制執行方案,以延續臺東縣溫室氣體管制執行方案為主要工作,協助彙整各局處推動策略、召開跨局處會議,完善並提交臺東縣第二期(110~114年)執行方案。推動事業溫室氣體盤查登錄作業,清查轄區內領有固定污染源許可證溫室氣體排放源11家次。透過書面與現場查核排放源排放數據與相關設施資料,檢核場所燃料申報數據及實際用量,藉此掌握臺東縣溫室氣體排放情形。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體管制、低碳永續家園、淨零碳排、市容改造


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 7400 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 吳奉書
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃瑀溧 執行單位 環榮永興股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 B_111臺東低碳定稿_內文.pdf 26MB 111年臺東縣推動低碳永續家園執行計畫期末報告(定稿本)

111 Taitung County Promotes Low Carbon Sustainable Homes Implementation Project

英文摘要 The work of this project can be divided into seven major tasks, including "low-carbon sustainable home operation system," "counseling communities to build low-carbon sustainable actions," "handling climate change education, training and promotion," "promoting green building," "promoting localized low-carbon actions," "promoting greenhouse gas control implementation plan," and "promoting business greenhouse gas inventory and registration operations. Regarding the low-carbon sustainable home certification operation, Taitung County has spent eight years to successfully obtain silver-level certification at the County level this year, and has added 3 townships and 12 villages to the list this year, and 4 villages to the bronze level. Among them, 6 bronze and 5 finalists at the township level and 2 silver, 25 bronze and 58 finalists at the village level, with a participation rate of 61.2% and a certification rate of 19.4% (higher than the national average of 15.8%). In addition, we assisted 3 villages to participate in the EPA's competition this year, winning Excellence Award, finalist and professional award. In terms of providing guidance to communities in building low-carbon sustainability initiatives, we continue to use the six key functions of a low-carbon sustainable home as the principle to help 10 communities/tribes in the region to implement low-carbon sustainability actions, including green building cooling measures, thermal insulation improvement, agricultural waste reuse and other low-carbon sustainability action projects with carbon reduction benefits, with a total carbon reduction of approximately 17,554 kg CO2e. In addition, we held a workshop and a seminar on net zero carbon emission to promote low-carbon behavior through mutual exchange and growth among the community, so as to promote and implement the concept of low-carbon sustainability into people's daily lives. To promote localized low-carbon action, Luye Township was used as a demonstration area for net-zero carbon emissions, and the greenhouse gas structure was inventoried, and a net-zero carbon transformation path with long-term planning was proposed. Taitung city street corners, idle vacant lots, and dirty spots are being renovated, with a total greening area of 1,603 square meters and an estimated annual carbon reduction of 9,057 kg CO2e. In addition to beautifying the city and improving the messy spots, it also enhances the image of quality living environment in Taitung County. Greenhouse gas control enforcement plan to continue Taitung County greenhouse gas control enforcement plan as the main work, to assist in consolidating the promotion strategies of various bureaus, convene inter-bureau meetings, improve and submit the second phase (110~114 years) of Taitung County enforcement plan. Promote the business greenhouse gas inventory registration operation, inventorying 11 greenhouse gas emission sources with stationary source permits in the area. Through written and on-site checks of the emission and related facilities data , check the fuel declaration data and actual usage of the establishments, in order to grasp the greenhouse gas emission situation in Taitung County.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland, greenhouse gas management, Net Zero Emissions, Urban Renovation