

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1)環境監測作業(2)固定污染源稽查檢測作業(3)工業區污染源追蹤及判定(4)審查及建置空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書(5)執行固定源逸散性對象專法查核及CCTV布建連線。 本計畫合約期程為111年4月27日起至111年11月30日,各項工作成果說明如下:一、環境監測作業 本年度戴奧辛、重金屬及HAPs環境監測位置為南部科學園區(南科育成中心),分別於6月份至11月份,每個月份各監測1點次。依監測結果分析重金屬及戴奧辛來源初步判斷為台灣穗高科技股份有限公司二廠、台灣穗高科技股份有限公司,現階段已針對台灣穗高科技股份有限公司二廠及台灣穗高科技股份有限公司執行重金屬排放管道檢測作業,符合排放標準,環境監測戴奧特徵剖面圖比對台灣穗高戴奧辛檢測特徵剖面圖,結果顯示為相似;另HAPs部分測得物種主要為毒化物,並來自生技廠、積體電路業、面板業及光電業等所使用之原物料而產生,比對南科公私場所毒化物列管狀況顯示,大部分公私場所許可資料並未納入,以橫向聯繫至其他相關計畫執行調查作業。二、固定污染源稽查檢測作業 HPAs稽查檢測結果發現一根次甲苯、二甲苯檢測結果超過有害空氣污染排放標準,且乙苯未符合未來實施第二階段有害空氣污染排放標準,後續已提報環保局執行告發處分,其中一根次數據結果分析後發現有害空氣污染排放標準排放量低於檢測方法偵測極限值(MDL),因此無法判定是否符合,後續已將分析結果提供給環保署作為未來制定相關法規依據;重金屬戴奧辛稽查檢測部分,結果皆符合排放標準。三、工業區污染源追蹤及判定(一)保安工業區3D-光達 已於111年8月11日至111年9月1日完成連續20天監測,監測期間發現東北方位置紅外線攝影機有拍攝到不明白煙產生,經比對當日光達掃描訊號及附近微型感測器資料顯示為福甲金屬廠區外排放管道所產生,已將相關資料提報給其他計畫,並執行後續現場查核作業。(二)佳里工業用地OP-FTIR及CC-FTIR OP-FTIR已於111年8月31日至111年9月14日完成連續至少7天監測,量測期間共測得17種背景濃度,主要超過嗅覺閥值或周界標準之物種為甲苯、乙酸乙脂、氯化氫及酚,指向工廠為強新工業、鉅橡企業及華寶樹脂,後續已針對上述工廠執行CC-FTIR管道成分分析及現場稽查。CC-FTIR已針對OP-FTIR檢出物種來源工廠及區內常被陳情對象執行管道成分分析,分別為華寶樹脂、翡麗雅特、鉅橡企業及強新工業,華寶樹脂監測結果,主要異味污染物為四氫呋喃、甲苯,該廠原使用生物濾床未來將汰換為RCO,建議業者針對主要測得物種進行防制設備參數調整,達最佳處裡效率;翡麗雅特監測結果,主要異味污染物為煤油、乙二醇丁醚及乙酸乙酯,現場發現洗滌塔之洗滌液明顯異味產生,初步推斷換水頻率不足或未更換新水,已要求業者確實更換;鉅橡企業於本次監測並未測得目標物種酚及甲醇,但於廠區內有明顯漿糊味(酚+甲醇),結果顯示該廠對於製程污染源之廢氣收集效率不佳導致逸散至廠外;強新工業於本次監測並未測得目標物種氯化氫,巡查廠區並無異味發生,經了解當氯化氫發生高值時,該廠進行氯化氫儲槽灌裝作業,為單一事件。(三)UAV無人機飛行 本年度針對保安工業區、佳里工業用地、柳營科技工業區及南部科學園區執行日夜間共18次飛行,依據監測結果針對物種濃度相對高的區域進行調查,並執行後續稽查檢測及巡查作業,經巡查結果後發現1家污染源廢氣為直接逸散,並未依許可條件部分收集至防制設備,已要求限期改善;另抽測1家排放管道HAPs抽測,結果顯示各項物種皆符合排放標準。四、審查及建置空氣污染突發事故緊急應變措施計畫書111年度共列管93家需提報緊急應變措施計畫書之業者,依空污事故緊急應變作業辦法規定,若有新增列管物種或發生重大空污突發事故須重新提送計畫書,111年度共8家新增列管,1家新增管制物質重新提送,因基本資料或原物料等變動則有38家申請核備,完成演練家數共69家,已於12月初發文提醒業者於年底前完成演練以免受罰。五、執行固定源逸散性對象專法查核及CCTV布建連線 現階段已完成逸散性粒狀物查核總次數為319次,其中5月份查核符合率為64%,6月份查核符合率為77%(含5月份缺失複查),7月份查核符合率為89%(含6月份缺失複查),8月份查核符合率為86%,9月份查核符合率為96%(截至9月23日及含8月份缺失複查)10月份查核符合率為92%(含9月份缺失複查),11月查核符合率為100%(截至11月3日,含10月份缺失複查),缺失工廠部分皆已改善完成。本年度已針對固定污染源逸散性管制對象架設共14處CCTV監控系統設置與操作作業,缺失項目主要已堆置區逸散及廠區出入口車行路徑,針對兩處設置CCTV進行連續性監控,監控期間缺失率有大幅下降趨勢。
中文關鍵字 重金屬、戴奧辛、有害空氣污染物、CCTV


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14341 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/27 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 張育誠
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林冠宏 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度臺南市固定污染源有害空氣污染物稽查管制暨逸散性粒狀物科技執法計畫(定稿本)-公開版.pdf 21MB

2022 Control and inspection of Stationary sources on Hazardous Air Pollutants and Fugitive Particulate Emissions of Monitoring Technology Equipments Plan in Tainan City

英文摘要 This plan includes work items as follows: (1) Monitoring of hazardous air pollutants; Monitoring of heavy metals in the air and factory chimney detection; Monitoring of dioxin in the air and factory chimney detection; (2) Using standard air pollutant testing methodto inspect plumes of stationary sources; (3) Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution; (4) Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution; (5) Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emissions amd this project established 14 connections of the CCTV fugitive dust monitoring system with the AI identification function of road pollution.This project, started from 27th April 2022 till 31th November 2022, was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan city. Summaries of work items are as follows:1.Dioxin monitoring and inspection operations This project was monitored that dioxin between June and November, which located at Xinshi District (The SME Incubator of Tainan Science Park). The results preliminarily revealed that both of dioxin, furans, and PCBs didn’t obvious the high level in general air quality monitoring stations of the country. In addition, the project also tested the pipeline dioxin, which results showed that didn’t appear the emission standards. The results of heavy metals were conformed to the previously. The concentrations of aluminum, copper, manganese, and hexavalent chromium were high. Among results, the heavy metals were contributed toward some specific factories in the industrial zone Therefore, the results of the pipeline heavy metals were revealed that matched the emission standards. The project also detected some industries, such as the electric arc furnace steelmaking industry, garbage incinerators, which followed the emission standards.2. Hazardous air pollutant detected operations The HAPs were detected at two locations and four months duration. The results showed that values of most species, such as volatile organic compounds (87 items), aldehydes and ketones (16 items) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (17 items) were lower than the minimum concentration of the calibration line, but those values were higher than the MDL concentration. The main species, such as acetone, toluene, propane, and methylene chloride, were measured in the Annan District. The characteristically species of acid-base gas (10 items), such as ammonia, were detected. 3. Using scientific instruments to trace the source of pollution This plan selects one industrial zone to implement pollution source tracing, from a large scale to the factories, and at the same time conduct preliminary inspections of the factories to confirm the facts of pollution.According to the results of the inspection, 2 companies in Jiali Industrial Area violated laws and regulations, showing that the use of scientific instruments does have its effect.4. Review of the plan for emergency response to air pollution In response to the implementation of the "Administrative Measures for Emergency Response Measures for Air Pollution Sudden Accidents", we have mastered the list of public and private places under the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction. A total of 93 places have been reviewed.5. Reinforcing control of fugitive particulate emissions amd this project established 14 connections of the CCTV fugitive dust monitoring system with the AI identification function of road pollution. This work item is to inspect the premises which have been specified by Management Regulations of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions of Stationary Source and to help them improving the discrepancy. 319 patrols were paid , the compliance rate of the regulation was 88%. Through the technology monitoring of this project, including CCTV, AI identification of road pollution and notification system. Compliance rate of the regulation was increased.
英文關鍵字 Heavy metals, Dioxin, HAPs, CCTV