

中文摘要 (一)許可管制作業 111年1~11月總計完成121條許可製程查核,其中4條查核不符,查核符合率97%,比110年94%提升3%,另依據行業別技術手冊要求落實各項防制措施,例如澆鑄作業應有效收集等,另境內運作中鉛二級冶煉廠共4廠,皆已要求澆鑄作業有效收集完成,同時於9月配合南區督察大隊聯合稽查以及稽查檢測1廠,查核結果未依許可規定紀錄及操作已進行告發。 (二)各列管排放量差異分析 粒狀污染物:粒狀物空污費在107年第三季開徵108年度為第一個完整申報年度,110年申報量為718公噸比前一年度減少26公噸約3.5%,因本縣粒狀物以砂石業為主要排放來源,因此該行業處理/堆置量為固定源粒狀物排放量變動主要原因。 硫氧化物:硫氧化物在100~107年呈現緩慢減量趨勢,108~110年排放量持續呈現減少趨勢,主要為近5年配合環保署鍋爐汰換補助及排放標準加嚴共有203座鍋爐完成改善,因此造成排放量呈現明顯減少趨勢。 氮氧化物:109~110年則呈現增量趨勢,110年排放量增加主要行業為核三廠,該廠於110年5月因應興達電廠停機,配合用電調度柴油用電量為7873.79公秉,比前一年度1149.48公秉增加5.8倍,排放量因此增加78.7公噸,另崁頂焚化廠因氮氧化物監測係數增加該廠排放量亦隨之增加35.606公噸,為110年氮氧化物主要增量原因。 揮發性有機物:110年揮發性有機物之排放量更新後增加57.793公噸,以各行業別檢視發現排放量變化較大行業為汽車表面塗裝業,台灣本田公司推出新車種操作量比前年度增加,該廠排放量增加13.861公噸,另元晶太陽能科技股份有限公司屏東廠(太陽能產業因配合政府綠能政策產能增加)、國統國際股份有限公司(鋼鐵業需求增)、燁輝企業股份有限公司屏東廠(鋼鐵業需求增)等亦有明顯增量。 (三)空污費徵收作業 屏東縣目前列管需申報空污費之公私場所共526家(統計111Q3申報家數),111年度共計新增15家列管對象(12家新設工廠、3家清查列管對象),篩除10家列管對象(8家停業或停工工廠,2家拆除污染源),已完成4個季別共2101家次之空污費申報審查,合約量為1,700家次,達成率為124%。 空污費現場查核共170家,計畫之查核作業合約量為170家次,達成率為100%。 (四)稽查檢測及巡查作業 檢測作業已完成油品含硫份檢測6件、陳情抽測5根次、塗裝廠塗料成分檢測3件次、管道異味檢測12根次,稽查檢測污染源5根次皆為燃材鍋爐,檢測結果五福行、統固優質蛋白企業社、大成實業有限公司及統固飼料有限公司不符排放標準,統固優質蛋白企業社告發金額為20萬元,五福行告發金額為60萬元,其他兩件處分作業中。 陳情工廠管道異味官能測定完成12根次,抽測結果共6根次不符合排放標準,其中昱成、璇億及慈宏三家化製廠處分金額共168萬元,因長年管道異味無法符合規定,除持續配合南區稽查大隊進行各項稽查管制外,該三場亦已規畫改用廢氣焚化爐處理管道異味,以提升異味去除效率,目前已向農委會提出改善補助及設備規劃評估中,其餘永源有限公司屏東廠及瑞洋生物科技有限公司處分金額共110萬元,目前改善作業中,富廣鑫工業有限公司處分作業中。 111年已完成處分7件金額348萬元,4件處分作業中,比110年處分3件150萬金額增加132%。 共執行884廠次巡查作業,現場巡查明顯污染告發案件共4件,處分金額共47萬元,各項稽查管制工作反應在民眾滿意度調查結果,111年表示看過黑煙排放為不曾看過或很少看過比例達97%,比110年增加3%。 (五)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核 逸散性粒狀污染物管理辦法法規符合度111年查核符合率為93%與110年相當,不符管理辦法工廠共5家,皆要求限期改善完成,其中勵龍股份有限公司屏東廠計點18點已達處分標準,處分金額共10萬元。 (六)污染減量及污防書達成率 111年度減量工作合約規定至少輔導公私場所汰換鍋爐10座,共輔導21座鍋爐及1座加熱爐進行污染減量,及5家揮發性有機物減量協談,減量成果符合污防書設定目標。 111年則預計推動堆置場以外之破碎篩選設備於封閉式廠房內操作或以簾幕圍封半密閉操作,目前運作中51家砂石業者皆已完成施作或改善中。 111年四種污染物總計削減量139公噸,比110年107公噸增加30%。 (七)揮發性有機物管制 目前共完成67站次加油站抽測加油槍總數為637支,合格606支,合格率達 95.1 %,加油站氣漏測試作業,抽測結果均符合法規規定之標準值,總合格率為100%,民眾滿意度調查加油站加油時是否聞到油氣異味調查項目,111年回答表示不明顯或完全沒有為76.07%,比110年74.89%提升1.18%。 111年度檢測16場共5,050個設備元件,檢測濃度均小於2,000 ppm,近兩年檢測濃度均小於2,000 ppm無告發案件,顯示歷年來高強度稽查檢測及推動業者平日自主管理已有相當成效,本計畫為強化稽查力道,每年皆會與南區督察大隊搭配FLIR進行設備元件聯合稽查,112年工作重點則為推動設備元件加嚴標準,以進一步強化設備元件管制工作。 (八)空品不良日管制成果 本縣中級預警事件日需強制降載2%排放量總計12日,配合實施制訂防制計畫工廠共35家皆依空品惡化防制計畫操作,推估減量為粒狀物0.721公噸、硫氧化物6.139公噸、氮氧化物5.836公噸及揮發性有機物12.325公噸,另指定排放量前30大工廠制訂「各級空氣品質惡化應變防制計畫」共54廠完成,中級預警指定削減量將由2%提升至3%。 111年空品不良期間則持續推動境內主要工廠進行歲修作業,總計10廠次歲修日數123日,推估減量為粒狀物0.294公噸、硫氧化物4.168公噸、氮氧化物3.944公噸及揮發性有機物4.453公噸。 (九)未列管工廠清查 本年度配合合約工作內容需進行50家未列管之公私場所清查是否需列管工作,已完成50家次清查工作,進度為100%,清查結果共清查結果共2家需申請操作許可證,共1家需申請燃料使用許可證,共12家需申報空污費。 (十)陳情工廠輔導 藉由微型感測器及陳情工廠加強稽查,另外則會同南區督察大隊及本局其他科室針對境內高污染潛勢屏南工業區,分別於9月及10月各執行1次聯合稽查,以及推動屏南工業區鍋爐將燃油汰換為燃氣鍋爐等管制作為,111年1~11月工業區陳情件數為72件,比去年同期78件減少8%陳情案件。 而針對本縣屢遭陳情及重點管制對象執行成果彙整如下 (1)夜鷹早鳥再升級—蹲點埋伏及成立學者輔導團 畜牧場管制除延續前兩年做法,稽查方式針對屢遭陳情對象蹲點埋伏,以杜絕業者偷排廢水情事發生,針對有異味污染畜牧場則成立專家學者輔導團協助改善。 1~11月會同本局空污科、水污科及稽查科針對境內畜牧業蹲點埋伏稽查1468家次,為進一步精進查核作業111年增設46台異臭味感測器於33處畜牧場聚落,藉由增設之NH3/H2S異味感測器已查獲5家周界異味不符標準畜牧場,總計畜牧業陳情案件共299件,比110年同期411件減少27%。 (2)工業區陳情管制-科技執法再升級,工業區微型感測器運用稽查 針對境內工業區微型感測區濃度高值區域工廠,透過污染事件頻率、熱區及潛勢分析,配合工業區廠商互聯網並結合民間團體進行污染源監督,運用攜帶式科學儀器追查可疑來源,針對列為重點對象不定期突擊稽查,精準打擊污染源以降低中高污染事件。 111年運用微型感測器監測進行各項稽查及輔導作業,加強工業區微型感測器濃度高值區域稽查及檢測,合計查獲16件次違反空污法案件,其中4件告發中,目前總告發金額為282萬元,比110年49萬增加476%,亦針對上述工廠總計邀請專家學者進行輔導共11廠,1~11月中高濃度告警事件共568件,比去年同期1984件減少71%。 (3)化製廠異味改善 境內昱成、璇億及慈宏三家化製場已規劃增設廢氣焚化爐處理蒸煮機產生之廢氣,每廠廢氣焚化爐本體經費預估為1000萬元,而農委會將補助30%經費約300萬元,計畫書已由農業處送至農委會編列補助預算,預計補助經費在112年中央總預算通過後,於112年第一季開始施作。
中文關鍵字 許可、空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 14875 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111期末定稿.pdf 14MB


英文摘要 The project items include assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, licensing checks, inspection of surrounding factories, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems check, case counseling, regulatory factory database update works, on-site permitting documents, examination, flue monitoring and examining works, decree revision workshop, and fugitive particulate matter management practices conformity check, and poor air quality of emergency response, and hazardous air pollutants surveys. This project has progressed in line with expectations. The following description Summary of Results. 1.Permit review: A total of 121 processes was checked, with the 35% of a total process number. The results of all checked processes indicated that there were 4 unqualified processes, in terms of qualified rate of 97%. In September, the project team collaborated with the Southern Branch bureau of Environmental Inspection to carry out joint inspections of specific factories. The results of the inspection were not in accordance with the operation, and the sanction was reported. 2. Analysis of Pollutant Discharge Changes Particulate Contamination:As of November 30, 2022, particulate emissions have been reduced by 26 tons per year in the overall control process. The reduction was mainly due to reduced production or work in the sand and rock quarrying and processing factories. Sulfur oxides:The reported emissions of sulfur oxides in 2020-2022 continued to show a decreasing trend. Emission reductions mainly refer to the industrial boiler enhancement subsidy and the need to meet the stack emission standard. Nitrogen oxides:The reported emissions of nitrogen oxides in 2021-2022 continued to show an upward trend. The main reason is that the pollution of Reduction of diesel consumption of turbo generators at Taiwan Power Company Anshan Nuclear Power Plant. Volatile organic compounds:After the database update and maintenance operations, volatile organic compounds 57.793 ton increments. In which a substantial change in emissions of pollution, automotive surface coating industry, Honda Motor Co, Ltd. The Taiwan coating amount of increase, resulting in pollution, increased to 13.861 tons. 3. Air Pollution Control Fee Collection System: By the third quarter of 2022, the number of air pollution control fee system regulators is 526. Increased control of 15 factories and screening of 10 plants compared to 2022. Completed the check of the air pollution fee declaration of the 2101 factories, and the achievement rate was 124%. 4. Emission Standard inspection: According to statistics until November 30, 2022, 10 of the discharge pipeline inspections performed due to public incidents were punished for exceeding the emission standards. All of them are required to complete the improvement within a time limit. 5. Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources: In terms of implementation of the Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. The qualified rate of regulations increased from 53% in 2010 to 93% in 2022. This year, the results of the inspection of one of the factories were not in accordance with the operation, and the sanction was reported. Will continue to advocate the factory should strengthen equipment inspection and maintenance work, and with other related project plans to strengthen the frequency of illegal factory inspection. Promote factory self-restraint, thereby improving regulatory compliances. 6. Stationary sources of air pollution reduction practices: In 2022, tutored 5 factories to reduce pollution emissions. Implement boiler replacement or improvement policies. A total of 22 boilers completed improvements in 2022. In addition, promote the implementation of composite control measures in sand and rock quarrying and processing factories. The 51 sand and rock quarrying and processing factories have been completed or are in the process of being upgraded. 7.Control VOC Emissions from Gas Stations At present, the inspection of 637 fuel guns in 67 gas stations has been completed, and 606 of them are qualified, with a pass rate of 95.1%. The project team competent authority performs random inspection of the equipment component of the stationary pollution source. A total of 5,050 equipment components will be tested in 2022. All detected concentrations are lower than 2000 ppm. Demonstrate the effectiveness of control factory self-restraint, thereby improving regulatory compliances. 8.Control results of poor air quality AQI days On days with poor air quality, designated factories implement pollution prevention plans, and the project team shall also go to the site to carry out patrol inspection. And then our team also carried out inspection of 35 factories during the poor air quality days. Estimation of reduction in pollutant emissions after implementation, Par.0.721 tons, SOx 6.139 tons, NOx 5.836 tons and VOCs 12.325 tons. Continue to promote the annual inspection of factories during the poor air quality. A total of 123 days of annual inspection for 10 factories. Estimation of reduction in pollutant emissions after implementation, Par.0.294 tons, SOx 4.168 tons, NOx 3.944 tons and VOCs 4.453 tons. 9. Inventory of unregulated factories Inventory operations for unregulated factories that have newly obtained legal certificates or temporary certificates. In 2022, the inventory of 50 factories has been completed, of which 12 factories have been included in the EPA's air pollution control database. 10. Inspection of Nuisance Factories Petition. The smell of animal husbandry and the stinking factory is often criticized. Our team cooperates with the Environmental Protection Agency implemented the Nighthawk Early Bird Program in order to strengthen inspections and inspections of the animal husbandry and the stinking factory to improve odor complaints. The rate of petitions in nuisance factories has been drastically reduced by 17~27% compared to the same period last year.
英文關鍵字 Permit