
大氣氧化能力對於空氣品質與 能見度影響解析

中文摘要 本計畫針對臺中地區展開研究,以分析不同季節的氣象條件對能見度、大氣氧化能力和空氣品質的影響,並深入研究相關因素及其影響機制。根據計畫成果,對空氣污染防制二期方案之八大面向提供相關建議。研究結果顯示,2012年至2021年期間,臺中市的能見度每年增加4.52%,而PM2.5每年降低4.94%,顯示了空氣品質和能見度的明顯改善。能見度不良日數和高PM2.5濃度日數均明顯下降。能見度劣化與PM2.5中的二次無機鹽類(主要是硝酸鹽)增加有關。二次無機鹽具有良好的吸濕性,形成正回饋循環,成為主導能見度劣化的重要物種。比較不同年份的PM2.5主要化學成分,有機物質在PM2.5中的質量濃度占比上升,顯示污染特性可能有所轉變。本計畫共經歷26起能見度劣化事件,96%的事件與大氣擴散條件有關,而12起事件伴隨著微粒的二次生成,顯示除了大氣擴散條件外,二次生成也是導致劣化事件的重要因素之一。 在大氣氧化能力方面,衛星反演結果顯示,近五年臺中地區冬季,臭氧生成受揮發性有機化合物 (VOCs)控制之區域面積逐漸上升。顯示臭氧生成主要受到VOCs的控制。此結果為未來改善空氣品質提供了方向,同時突顯了對VOCs排放源進一步監測和管控的重要性。 最後,本計畫已完成能見度預測模型,採用多元線性回歸和機器學習演算法建立高應用性的預測模型。模型考慮了氣膠組成、物化參數和人為波動參數,並在不同季節進行了分析。另利用衛星技術建立氣膠光學厚度的空間模型,提供高時空解析度的反演結果,有望改善衛星反演的不確定性,同時拓展觀測資料的空間覆蓋率,可應用於解析能見度。
中文關鍵字 大氣氧化能力,大氣能見度,氣膠,PM2.5,PM1.0


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 24020 千元
專案開始日期 2022/03/28 專案結束日期 2023/11/30 專案主持人 蕭大智
主辦單位 環境部大氣環境司 承辦人 周文安 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


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期末報告 大氣氧化能力對於空氣品質與能見度影響解析 成果報告(定稿版)-已壓縮.pdf 31MB 已壓縮較小容量上傳

Air Quality and Visibility in Relation to Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity

英文摘要 This project aims to analyze the influence of different seasonal meteorological conditions on visibility, atmospheric oxidation capacity, and air quality in the Taichung region. In accordance with the results of the project, provide related recommendations for the eight dimensions of the air pollution control plan. The results show a consistent annual increase in visibility of 4.52% and an annual decrease in PM2.5 of 4.94% from 2012 to 2021, indicating a significant improvement in air quality and visibility. The number of days with low visibility and high PM2.5 concentrations has decreased significantly. Furthermore, the period from 2017 to 2022 shows a transition from PM2.5-dominated events to PM1.0-dominated events, highlighting the greater contribution of PM1.0 to visibility degradation. Visibility degradation is found to be associated with an increase in secondary inorganic salts (primarily nitrates) in PM2.5. The inorganic salts, characterized by high hygroscopicity, create a positive feedback loop and are found to be critical species in driving visibility degradation. A comparison of the major chemical constituents of PM2.5 across years shows an increasing proportion of organic matter, suggesting potential shifts in pollution characteristics. Throughout the project, 26 visibility degradation events were observed, 96% of which were associated with stagnant dispersion conditions and 12 of which were associated with secondary particle formation, highlighting the importance of both atmospheric dispersion conditions and secondary formation in degrading visibility. Regarding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, satellite retrieval results show a gradual increase in the VOC-limited area for winter ozone formation in the Taichung region over the past five years. This implies that the ozone formation during this period is mainly controlled by VOCs. This result not only provides guidance for future air quality improvement, but also highlights the importance of further monitoring and control of VOC emissions. Finally, the project developed a visibility prediction model using a combination of multiple linear regression and machine learning algorithms for improved applicability. The model incorporates aerosol composition, physicochemical parameters, and anthropogenic variability parameters, taking into account seasonal variations. In terms of spatial analysis, a satellite-based model of aerosol optical thickness has been established to provide high spatio-temporal resolution retrieval results, aiming to reduce the uncertainty of satellite retrievals and extend the spatial coverage of measurements.
英文關鍵字 atmospheric oxidation capacity, atmospheric visibility, aerosol, PM2.5, PM1.0