

中文摘要 新竹縣配合環保署年度主題,111 年度環境教育專案計畫主要推行工作包括:1. 環境知識競賽地方行政支援計畫、2.環保志(義)工群英會地方行政支援計畫、3.寒 (暑)假期環境教育營隊、4.環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫,相關執行現況說明如後。 一、環境知識競賽地方行政支援計畫 為增加新竹縣國小、國中、高中學生及社會大眾對環境保護的正確知識, 以永續發展為目標,持續耕耘環保教育,藉由辦理環境知識競賽活動,網羅生 活化、在地化、全球性的相關考題,啟發民眾對於環保重要性的覺醒,並提升 其實踐環境行動的能力與行為意向,使環境教育及環境保護知識推廣能根基於 民眾之日常生活。今年度環境知識競賽於 111 年 6 月 15 日至 9 月 15 日開放報 名,共分國小、國中、高(中)職及社會(含大專院校)組四組別,報名人數共計 324 人。並於 9 月 24 日(六)假中國科技大學新竹校區辦理環境知識競賽地方初 賽,活動當日共有 226 人出席,報到率為 70%。初賽當日各組別選出前一至十 名優勝者,其中前一至五名優勝選手將代表新竹縣參加 11 月 19 日全國決賽。 二、環保志(義)工群英會地方行政支援計畫 為凝聚本縣環保志(義)工的向心力,提倡運動風氣,促進身心健康,擴展人 際關係並激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,以利協助本縣各項環保工作之推動,特於 111 年 8 月 20 日(六)假敏實科技大學志清堂舉辦新竹縣環保志(義)工群英會地 方初賽,活動秉持「樂趣為主,競賽為輔」理念,配合環保署決賽規則,規劃 四項競賽項目,依序為「環保啦啦隊」、「環保金頭腦」、「環境保衛戰」、「資源 分類王」,截止報名共有 8 組志工隊伍報名參賽。初賽結束,優勝隊伍為「環保 啦啦隊」—信勢社區發展協會、「環保金頭腦」—橫山社區發展協會、「環境保 衛戰」—竹北社區發展協會以及「資源分類王」—新國社區發展協會。前述優 勝隊伍代表新竹縣參加 111 年 10 月 29 日(六)環保署辦理全國決賽,為竹縣爭 取加佳績。 三、寒(暑)假期環境教育營隊計畫 本計畫活動辦理目的,希望透過「永續世代」之推廣理念,落實環境教育 持續扎根,並以深耕環境教育為目標,提升民眾環境教育素養,讓學員能從活 動中學習尊重自然環境,觀察環境中的人事物,感受人與自然環境之間的互動, 增進彼此之間的連結,落實日常生活中的環境教育,以達永續發展。營隊依據 參與學員年齡,規劃不同課程,分為兩梯次辦理。第一梯次學員年齡為國小四 年級以上至國二以下,課程主題以「實作、體驗、生命經驗分享、食農教育」 為規劃理念,引導孩子以知覺感受環境教育的多元面向;第二梯次學員年齡為 國三以上至高中全年級,活動規劃以提升環境素養為目標,並加入職場生涯經 驗分享,啟發學員提前規劃職場生活藍圖。兩梯次共有 60 名學員參與,讓真正 關注環境教育的年輕學子,能藉由營隊課程增廣視野與素養,回到校園或工作 崗位後將所學傳遞給他人,做個深具影響力的環境教育種子。 四、環境教育繪本徵選及推廣計畫 本計畫透過「Draw 出想像」-111 年新竹縣環境教育繪本創作,以徵選方式, 挑選出適合幼兒園學童閱讀之優良環境教育讀物,並透過圖書館、幼兒園及醫 療院所等發送作為推廣宣傳,並鼓勵運用環境教育繪本,為學童打開環境保護 視窗。環保繪本徵稿時間為 3 月 4 日至 6 月 15 日止,提供三項創作主題供參賽 者擇定。本次徵選共有 38 件作品投稿,得獎作品首獎《是誰回來了?!》、貳獎 《花園小偷三八阿花》、參獎《春雨阿婆》、肆獎(佳作)《轉生魔法商店》。其中 《春雨阿婆》繪本獲得環保署辦理「111 年度環境教育繪本嘉年華會」人氣繪本 獎佳作,為新竹縣獲得殊榮
中文關鍵字 環境知識競賽、環境教育營隊、環境教育繪本


專案計畫編號 111-01 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5011 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 吳岳侖
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 姚沛淯 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度新竹縣環境教育專案計畫期末報告.pdf 14MB

111 Hsinchu County Environmental Education Project Plan

英文摘要 In line with the annual theme of the Environmental Protection Agency, Hsinchu County's 111 annual environmental education project plan mainly implements the following tasks: 1. Local administrative support plan for environmental knowledge competition, 2. Local administrative support plan for environmental volunteers (volunteers), 3. Han ( Summer) vacation environmental education camp, 4. Environmental education picture book selection and promotion plan, the relevant implementation status is explained below. 1. Environmental Knowledge Competition Local Administrative Support Plan In order to increase the correct knowledge of environmental protection among elementary school, junior high school and high school students in Hsinchu County and the general public, with the goal of sustainable development, we will continue to cultivate environmental education and organize environmental knowledge competitions. The activities include life-oriented, localized, and global-related test questions to inspire the public to awaken to the importance of environmental protection and enhance their ability and behavioral intention to practice environmental actions, so that environmental education and environmental protection knowledge promotion can be based on the public's awareness of the importance of environmental protection. daily life. This year's environmental knowledge competition is open for registration from June 15 to September 15, 2020. It is divided into four categories: elementary school, junior high school, high (middle) vocational and social (including colleges and universities), with a total of 324 applicants. people. On September 24th (Saturday), the local preliminary round of the Environmental Knowledge Competition was held at the Hsinchu Campus of the University of Science and Technology of China. A total of 226 people attended the event on the day of the event, with a registration rate of 70%. The top one to ten winners of each group will be selected on the preliminary day, and the top one to five winners will represent Hsinchu County in the national finals on November 19. 2. The Local Administrative Support Plan of the Association of Environmental Volunteers (Volunteers) is to gather the centripetal force of environmental volunteers (volunteers) in the county, promote sports culture, promote physical and mental health, expand interpersonal relationships, and inspire a sense of honor among environmental volunteers (volunteers). In order to facilitate the promotion of various environmental protection work in the county, the local preliminary competition of the Hsinchu County Environmental Protection Volunteers Association will be held on August 20, 2011 (Saturday) at the Zhiqing Hall of Minshi University of Science and Technology. The event adheres to the principle of "fun first, "Competition as a supplement" concept, in line with the Environmental Protection Agency's final rules, four competition events are planned, in order: "Environmental Cheerleaders", "Environmental Protection Golden Mind", "Environmental Defense War", and "Resource Classification King". There are 8 teams in total by the time of registration. The labor team signed up to compete. At the end of the preliminary round, the winning teams are "Environmental Cheerleaders" - Xinshi Community Development Association, "Environmental Protection Golden Minds" - Hengshan Community Development Association, "Environmental Defense Battle" - Zhubei Community Development Association and "King of Resource Classification" - Xinguo Community Development association. The above-mentioned winning teams represented Hsinchu County in the National Finals held by the Environmental Protection Agency on October 29, 2011 (Saturday), striving for better results for Hsinchu County. 3. Winter (summer) holiday environmental education camp program The purpose of this program is to implement the promotion concept of "Sustainable Generation" to continue to take root in environmental education, and to enhance public environmental education with the goal of deepening environmental education. Competencies allow students to learn to respect the natural environment through activities, observe people and things in the environment, feel the interaction between people and the natural environment, enhance the connection between each other, and implement environmental education in daily life to achieve sustainable development. . The camp plans different courses based on the age of the participating students, which are divided into two levels. The first level of students is from the fourth grade to the second grade of elementary school. The theme of the course is "Practice, Experience, Life Experience Sharing, Food and Agriculture Education" as the planning concept, guiding children to perceive the diverse aspects of environmental education through perception; the second level The age of the trainees is from the third year of junior high school to the full year of high school. The activity planning aims to improve environmental literacy and includes sharing of career experience to inspire students to plan their career life blueprint in advance. A total of 60 students participated in the two levels, allowing young students who really care about environmental education to broaden their horizons and literacy through the camp courses, pass on what they have learned to others after returning to school or work, and become an influential person Environmental education seeds. 4. Environmental education picture book selection and promotion plan This plan uses "Draw out of imagination" - 111 Hsinchu County environmental education picture book creation to select excellent environmental education books suitable for kindergarten students to read, and through Distributed through libraries, kindergartens and medical institutions as promotional materials, and encourage the use of environmental education picture books to open a window for environmental protection to school children. The call for environmental picture book submissions is from March 4 to June 15, and three creative themes are provided for contestants to choose. A total of 38 works were submitted for this competition. The winning works included the first prize "Who's Back?!", the second prize "Garden Thief Sanba Ahua", the participating works "Spring Rain Grandma", and the fourth prize (excellent work) "The Magic of Reincarnation" shop". Among them, the picture book "Grandma in the Spring Rain" won the Popular Picture Book Award at the "111 Environmental Education Picture Book Carnival" organized by the Environmental Protection Department, and won the honor for Hsinchu County
英文關鍵字 Environmental Knowledge Competition, Environmental Education Camp, Environmental education picture books