

中文摘要   環保署為正視船舶及航空器排放問題及順應臺灣2050淨零排放路徑之國家重點政策,落實移動污染源多元化管理並與國際接軌,於本計畫針對相關污染源完成資料週期性更新及策略滾動檢討。執行重點係以提升港區清冊之廣度、深度及應用面為主軸,參考國際最新做法更新港區及航空站清冊,檢視既有排放量推估模組正確性,並將推估範疇擴大至我國領海,完整揭露國內水域船舶之排放。於排放量應用上透過時間及空間之分配結果,進而檢視各項污染管制措施之效益。於策略檢討方面,除檢視國際公約內國化法情形,並持續追蹤最近生效之章程決議案,蒐研國際間及亞洲鄰近國家最新污染管制措施,提供國內可行之管制措施建議,結合環保署重點推動之岸電政策,研提國內岸電推動計畫。   移動污染源空氣污染防制費目前係依油燃料種類等項目向銷售者徵收,徵收之空污費依法每月撥交予地方政府20%,專款專用於空氣污染防制工作,本計畫爰依法辦理空污費初審、查核、撥交等行政工作。另執行移動污染源燃料現場查核作業,共計完成車用汽柴油各7組和航空及船舶燃油各3組樣品採樣及檢驗工作,且各測項均符合「移動污染源燃料成分管制標準」;彙整國內外油品管制規範及替代燃料推動相關資料,已蒐集煉油製程對汽柴油各成分項目影響、國內外酒精汽油及生質柴油等其替代品現況趨勢、地方環保局移動污染源油品稽查專案成果資料並進行分析,以作為後續移動污染源空污改善政策研擬之用。   本年度計畫工作成果摘述如下:   (一)港區、航空站及領海排放量推估相關工作,已完成110年相關參數蒐集並完成110年各污染源屬性資料庫、活動強度資料庫、排放係數及排放量資料庫之建置工作。   (二)歷年排放趨勢部分,受到新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情持續影響下,航空站排放量相較疫情前各污染物整體約降低49%,呈現大幅度之下降趨勢,船舶排放量排放趨勢則無明顯變化。   (三)彙整全國排放清冊(TEDS 11.1)與本計畫清冊建置成果,檢視港區及航空站於所在縣市污染排放貢獻情形,其中船舶NOX和SOX排放量於基隆市及高雄市貢獻占比較高,SOX分別為12.9%及9.6%、NOX分別為45.3%及18.1%。   (四)完成防止船舶污染國際公約附則六之船舶排放控制要求內國法化情形及相關部會權責劃分,僅船舶引擎排放標準國內尚未納入規範;完成盤點國際間硫排放控制區劃設情形及方法,可分為透過國際海事組織公告劃設及單行法劃設,建議我國可參考歐盟、中國及韓國,透過單行法劃設硫排放控制區。   (五)彙整國際間岸電推動進程及追蹤國內高壓岸電使用情形,分析國內岸電推動之課題及挑戰,並考量國內各港發展趨勢及岸電權責分工,建議國內岸電政策需跨部會共同推動,並提供各項優惠措施提升航商使用意願。   (六)空氣污染防制方案之港區污染管制執行情況,截至111年11月減速達成率為47.01%,高雄港第四貨櫃中心高壓岸電停泊期間成功連接岸電艘次總計達28艘次,使用率較109年大幅提升。   (七)規劃船舶空污費徵收流程,參考現行固定污染徵收費率,初擬收費費率,並依據船舶使用岸電及超低硫燃油等污染減量措施,規劃分級徵收制度以鼓勵低污染排放船舶進入我國。   (八)分析亞洲鄰近國家港埠業務相關收費,納入船舶空污費徵收後,預期增加約8%-11%船舶進港費用,對於港灣整體競爭力預期將有一定程度之衝擊。   (九)完成110年11月至111年11月移動污染源空氣污染防制費初審及查核作業,檢核結果皆無異常,並協助地方政府撥交事宜;維護移動污染源空氣污染防制費申報系統,4次系統弱點掃描皆為無風險;執行110年11月至111年10月移動污染源空氣污染防制費徵收及縣市發油量查核,共計完成31次,審查結果皆無誤。   (十)針對車用汽、柴油中對人體健康具有危害風險之苯及多環芳香烴,以及為細懸浮微粒前驅物之硫成分,協助研擬以「移動污染源燃料成分管制標準」為基礎,並以國內油品業者申報檢測數據作為計算因子之移動污染源空氣污染防制費費率公式調整規劃。   (十一)完成車用汽、柴油共14組,以及航空燃油及船舶燃油共6組,總計20組樣品之採樣及檢驗作業,其檢測結果均符合「移動污染源燃料成分管制標準」。   (十二)彙整國際各國油品管制標準,考量我國車用汽、柴油之市場需求及環境因素,整體而言我國目前汽、柴油之管制標準已符合國際趨勢。   (十三)彙整國際船舶燃油最新管制政策,煉油製程對汽、柴油各成分項目影響,國內外超低硫燃料油(硫含量≤0.1% m/m),以及國內外生質燃料推動現況及新興生質燃料趨勢等相關資料。其中生質燃料市場於109年受COVID-19疫情略受影響,但至110年已逐漸恢復,亦著重於生質航空燃油之發展。   (十四)完成訪問國內3家航商及2家油品供應商,彙整航商及油品供應商對超低硫船用燃油之看法及建議,其中航商之意見皆為將依法行事,但需先完善國內港區內相關配套措施,而油品供應商則受限於現有煉製技術及製程,無法全面供應超低硫船用燃油,若要全面供應須先執行環境影響評估程序,亦無法於短時間內全面供應超低硫船用燃油。   (十五)因應海洋委員會海巡署可適時協助環保主管機關執行船舶稽查作業,爰協助於「船舶污染改善與稽查原則」中新增離岸稽查作業相關事項,以落實船舶污染稽查作業。
中文關鍵字 排放清冊、港區污染、管制策略、空氣污染防制費、燃料查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 17300 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/19 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 蘇淳太
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 周穎志 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A041-111年港區及航空站污染減量策略推動暨移動污染源空氣污染防制費及燃料查核計畫.pdf 22MB

Program on promoting emission mitigation at harbor and airport area and auditing air pollution fee and fuel of mobile source.

英文摘要   In order to meet the national key policy of Net-Zero Emission Roadmap by 2050, Taiwan EPA continuously monitors the emission from ship and harbor area. This program helps EPA to focuses on updating the emission inventory at territorial sea and harbor area, by reviewing the latest international practices and control strategies, improving current emission estimation measures, and investigating the control effect of emission mitigation strategies. This program recommends several control strategies and plans to EPA to implement the shore power policy as well.   This program helped EPA to audit the air pollution fee from mobile sources, and allocated 20% to local government on air pollution control. As for the one-site fuel inspection of mobile sources, this program finished 7 sets of gasoline, 7 sets of diesel, 3 set of aviation fuel, and 3 sets of ship fuel inspection. These tests all meet the regulatory standards of “Amendment to the Standards for the Composition of Mobile Pollution Source Fuels”. This program also provides measures of control policies on mobile source by reviewing the international regulations and refining processes of petroleum, trends of alternative alcohol and biofuel, and even the fuel inspection of mobile source by local government.   The achievements of this program are summarized as follows:   1. Emission inventory of harbor area, airport area, and territorial sea was finished for 2021. Affiliated data like attribute of sources, activity factors, emission factors, emission was collected for the data bank.   2. The emission from airport during COVID-19 pandemic period was estimated 49% lower than before the epidemic. On the other hand, the emission from ship showed no significant difference.   3. The estimated emission from harbor showed that NOX and SOX emission at Keelung and Kaohsiung were higher than the others, and accounted for 12.9% and 9.6% of total SOX and 45.3% and 18.1% of total NOX, respectively.   4. Most requirements from Annex VI of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) was legalized in Taiwan except the emission standard of ship engines. The divisions of sulfur control area in many countries were also reviewed, and could be designated through the International Maritime Organization or special enactment in Taiwan as well.   5. Through surveying the promotion of shore power in many counties and challenge we face in Taiwan, inter-ministerial collaboration and incentive measures to ship companies are necessary.   6. The implementation of NIP this year until November 2021, 47% of ships reduced their speed while approaching to Taiwan, 28 ships at Container Terminal 115 and Terminal 116 of Kaohsiung Harbor connected to shore power while berthing. The usage is significantly increase comparing to 2020.   7. Collecting procedures and charging rate of air pollution fee are preliminarily proposed. The charging fee is based on the reducing-emission measures of ship, like shore-power connection and low-sulfur fuel, to increase the willingness of ships to reduce their emission while approaching to Taiwan.   8. After surveying harbor charge of several countries, it is expected the competitiveness of Taiwan will be impacted if the entry fee of harbor is increased by 8 to 11%.   9. Audit of the air pollution fee of mobile sources from 2021 November to 2022 November was finished in this program. This program also helped to transfer the allocated fee to local government. As for maintaining the Air Pollution Fee Declaration System of mobile sources, 4 times of system weakness scanning showed that there is no medium to high risk to the system. This program also finished 31 times inspection of county-issued fuel amount and air-pollution fee charging, and no error were found.   10. Since there are several air pollutants like sulfur, benzene, and PAHs in gasoline and diesel, calculation formula adjustment of air pollution fee based on the fuel contents and “Amendment to the Standards for the Composition of Mobile pollution source Fuels” for mobile sources is proposed.   11. 14 sets of gasoline and diesel tests, and 6 sets of airline and ship fuel tests were finished in this program. All 20 sets of fuel sample met the “Amendment to the Standards for the Composition of Mobile pollution source Fuels”.   12. After reviewing the fuel control standards in many countries, the control standard in Taiwan has reached international level.   13. After reviewing the control standards, markets, and promotion of biofuel in many countries and Taiwan, the market of biofuel was affected during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, but has recovered from 2021.   14. After interviewing with 3 ship companies and 2 fuel suppliers, their view points on low-sulfur fuel were proposed. Supporting system in harbor area should be finished. Low sulfur fuel is still insufficient to supply because the refining industries are under the EIA.   15. Since the Coast Guard Administration, Ocean Affairs Council can assist the to implement ship inspections, offshore audit operations will be considered in the revision of Ship Pollution Improvement and Audit Principles.
英文關鍵字 Emissions Inventory, Port Area Pollution, Control Strategy, Air Pollution fee, fuel audit