

中文摘要 臺東縣以東海岸為最主要之觀光景點,過去因人文及地理環境因素,在環境衛生上顯得較為髒亂,在臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)及各單位歷年努力規劃管理下已有顯著之改善,為使臺東縣轄內海岸在有效之規劃管理及整頓下保持觀光環境的整潔,期藉由本計畫之推動,達到環境清潔工作加強執行、海岸線管理權責清楚以及遏阻隨意棄置垃圾…等目的,加強當地民眾及遊客對於海岸線環境衛生之重視。本計畫自111年1月17日起至12月31日止,計畫目標及完成進度為100%,各項工作成果摘要說明如下: 1. 環境清潔維護工作共分為三項工作內容: (1)僱工執行公共環境清潔維護工作提供至少969人日以上清潔人力,累積進度共計為989人日,總共清理出13,590.97公斤廢棄物(一般垃圾5,467.84公斤,資源回收8,123.13公斤)。 (2)清掃海岸線及道路1,193.5公里。 (3)清理公共環境髒亂點132處次。 2. 111年3月29日、5月31日、8月29日及11月3日完成跨局處溝通整合協調會議共4場,並於11月3日辦理跨局處業務交流會議。 3. 111年6月25日(大武)及10月2日(金樽)完成辦理淨灘共2場次,共計511人參與,清理398.93公斤海岸廢棄物(一般廢棄物199.43公斤、回收廢棄物199.5公斤)。 4. 完成縮時攝影架設共計853處次,發現污染行為並協助環保局蒐證裁處共計2件次。 5. 111年4月11日提送宣導品400份。 6. 完成提送新聞稿12則。 7. 本計畫於111年2月10日、3月4月、4月8日、5月5日、6月2日、7月5日、8月8日、9月6日、10月6日、11月8日、12月7日至機關辦理工作進度簡報。
中文關鍵字 跨局處、環境維護


專案計畫編號 110400130768 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/17 專案結束日期 2022/12/10 專案主持人 翁筱琪
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 歐妙驊 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年度向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫-期末報告.pdf 92MB

Salute to the Sea in 2011-Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Project-Changmen-Taitung County

英文摘要 The east coast of Taitung County is the main tourist attraction for the public. In the past, due to cultural and geographical factors, the environmental sanitation was relatively messy. There were significant improvements been made under the planning and management efforts of the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter abbreviated as EPB) and various organization units over the years. It kept eep the coast of Taitung County clean and tidy under effective planning, management and rectification. It was hoped that through the promotion of this plan, we would achieve the goals of strengthening the implementation of environmental cleaning works, clarifying the rights and responsibilities of coastline management, and curbing random dumping of garbage...etc. The plan helped strengthen the attention of residents and tourists to the environmental sanitation of the coastline. The implementation period of this plan started from Jan 17th to December 31, 2022. The total implementation rate of each work item reached 100%, and the summary of the implementation results is as below: 1. Environmental cleaning and maintenance work is divided into three tasks: (1)We hired workers to do cleaning and maintenance works in public environment, providing at least 969 man-days of cleaning manpower. And the cumulative progress were 989 man-days and total 13,590.97 kgs of waste cleaned up. (General garbage 5,467.84kgs, recycling 8,123.13kgs) 2. We completed total four cross-bureau communication and integration coordination meetings on March 29, May 31, Aug 29 and Nov 3rd, 2022. Also we held a cross-bureau business exchange meeting on November 3rd. 3. We completed total two beach cleanings on Jun 25 (in Dawu) and Oct 2nd (in Jinzun). Total 511 people participated and we cleaned up 398.93 kgs of coastal waste (199.43 kgs of general waste and 199.5 kgs of recycled waste). 4. We completed total 853 time-lapse photography setups, and we discovered two cases of pollution events and assisted the EPB collect the evidence and adjudicate. 5. We handed over 400 sets of promotional materials to EPB on Apr 11, 2022. 6. We finished submitting twelve press releases.
英文關鍵字 Cross bureau, Environmental maintenance