

中文摘要 111 年臺東縣環境稽查管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為環境污染管制作業、環 境污染案件宣導及檢測作業三部分,計畫執行期程自111 年1 月1 日起至111 年12 月31 日止,整體進度達成率100%,計畫執行成果摘要重點如下: 一、 執行環境污染管制作業: 1. 建置露天燃燒案件及雜草叢生陳情案件地主資料庫:本計畫共完成建 置共551 筆,其中露天燃燒共232 筆(含燃燒稻草案件2 筆、廟會活 動焚燒紙錢案件24 筆);雜草叢生陳情案件共319 筆(公有地共56 筆、 私有地共244 筆、公私混合地共19 筆)。 2. 協助陳情案件油煙(防制)輔導工作:篩選110 年餐飲油煙屢遭陳情業 者名單,篩選方式以重複被陳情次數較高業者作為主要巡查名單,並 於期初篩選出30 間餐飲業者作為訪查對象,第1 次查核結果其中有 1 間店面已遷移、3 間未營業、6 間歇業無法進行,其餘20 家皆已完 成第1 次現場查核作業,記錄相關防制設備之裝設與周界異味判定, 於5 月30 日提送第1 次查核結果予臺東縣環境保護局審查,已於12 月25 日完成第二次複查,實際完成查核計有30 間,在營業型態店面 29 間、攤販1 間,而大部份業者皆有安裝抽油煙機和靜電集塵器或 簡易式水洗桶,在查核項目計分8 分以上18 間、8 分以下12 間,其 中以梧桐素廚以查核項目計分12 為最高,現場查核後發現該業者僅 安裝抽油煙機與擋板,而餐廳的排煙管平行排放於店家後方,其餘防 制設備如管末處理設備皆無安裝,又屬於住宅密集區,有空氣污染之 疑慮,針對缺失未完成改善者,統計累計點數達8 分以上之業者名單 及缺失態樣,將移交臺東縣環境保護局空氣噪音防制科進行稽查輔導 作業。 3. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點,架設縮時攝影機:本計畫共架設137 處次,涉 有違規行為人且有明確車牌(得以車追查行為人事證)裁罰共10 件、 不裁罰共2 件(行為人辨識不清1 件、同一行為人併案處理1 件)、移 送內政部警政署保安警察第七總隊第九大隊臺東分隊偵辦共4 件,總 計裁罰金額共12,000 元。 4. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點進行巡查工作:本計畫共巡查270 處次,查有棄 置廢棄物情形共49 件,已完成清除改善共45 件(含併陳情案共1 件)、 限期改善共4 件。限期改善4 件分別為臺東縣太麻里鄉-秀山段879 地號對面溪谷邊坡、臺東市豐原里-豐嘉段175 地號對面、臺東市豐 原里-中華路四段810 巷70 號旁左側300 公尺處(路頂段456 地號)、 臺東市新園里-新園橋旁防汛道路底(利嘉溪畔熱點02),土地管領 單位為臺東縣政府(建設處水利科),因水利科表示111 年度以無節餘 經費辦理廢棄物清運,俟112 年度經費狀況再行辦理,此先予以結案 並列管追蹤。 5. 針對禽畜糞產源或使用巡查工作:為避免民眾或農民使用未完全腐熟 的生糞誤當肥料,本計畫共巡查221 處次,在禽畜糞產源-畜牧場巡 查16 處次,主要查核項目以禽畜糞處理管道、流向等,並向業者宣 導勿提供未熟化的禽畜糞給民眾使用及須向農政單位申請清運三聯 單,查核8 處畜牧場自行處理所產生之禽畜糞、2 處畜牧場設置堆肥 熟化廠、2 處畜牧場設置堆肥熟化房舍、4 處畜牧場無設置堆肥熟化 房舍;有農政單位申請清運三聯單共4 處,分別是東益牧場、維閣牧 場、益豐牧場及富成畜牧場;在農耕地巡查205 處次,主要查核使用 肥料種類、現場環境狀況等,並宣導勿使用未熟化生禽畜糞,現場皆 無發現使用生禽畜糞情形,詢問部分農民使用的肥料種類:有機肥料 29 處、混合有機質肥料(農業動植物殘渣、粕、微生物、礦物等混合 堆積發酵、腐熟等過程調配製成)14 處、化學肥料2 處、有機和化學 肥料1 處。 6. 違規廣告物巡查:本計畫共巡查108 處次,共發現335 件廣告物【有 與主管機關申請懸掛共14 件、違規廣告物共321 件】,巡查人員現 場拆除共231 件、移交綜合計畫科清潔人員拆除共3 件、通知業者拆 除共87 件。依據巡查統計顯示,違規廣告型態分別為張貼共90 件、 懸掛共245 件【包含懸掛其他材質之廣告(如:塑膠瓦楞板等)共200 件、 布條共18 件、旗幟共27 件】,其中以懸掛其他材質之廣告物(如:塑 膠瓦楞板等)最為常見。其中依廢棄物清理法裁罰共7 件,並依電信 法第8 條規定函文通知電信事業單位,停止提供該廣告物登載電信號 碼之電信服務(即停話)共6 件,累計裁罰金額共18,000 元。 7. 本計畫完成3 件異味污染物官能測定,在7 月22 日賴永美養豬場檢 測異味值為12、8 月30 日加和牧場檢測異味值為21 及10 月6 日日 峰畜業牧場檢測異味值為17,皆為合格,未超過排放標準值。 二、 執行環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業: 1. 本計畫完成辦理專責人員教育訓練2 場次,共計54 人參與,辦理主 題為「公害污染陳情案件管理系統」,針對系統的介面、各項功能之 操作及相關報表下載、資料查詢之功能;「事業廢棄物及露天燃燒法 規」透過實際案例分享,並以實際案例帶入法規的方式,說明事業廢 棄物與露天燃燒法規說明及執行業務的運用和問題解決方法。 2. 本計畫完成辦理限制露天燃燒宣導會議3 場次,共計137 人參與,講 座為臺東區農業改良場副研究員張繼中及朝陽科技大學環境工程與 管理系教授張簡水紋,宣導主軸為稻草及廢樹枝葉、棄(落)果循環再 利用及空氣污染相關法規等議題,減少因焚燒所帶來的空氣污染的危 害。 3. 111 年3 月24 日完成購置宣導品1.5 萬元並提送至臺東縣環境保護 局。 4. 本計畫完成每月村里長或陳情人關懷訪談48 件次,對於陳情案件處 理結果皆為滿意。 5. 環保專業證照訓練:已由臺東縣環境保護局指派人員參加「公私場所 噪音狀況檢查或鑑定人員訓練」課程,並於5 月18 日取得證照。 三、 其他行政配合事項 1. 本計畫完成提供24 則新聞、機關臉書(FB)及TTPush 推播素材。 2. 本計畫完成彙整重大污染案件共計18 件:(1).臺東市公所資源回收場 露天燃燒案件、(2).臺東市石山段324-3 地號傾倒廢土、廢棄物案件、 (3).臺東市順蓮製冰工廠氨氣外洩案件、(4).臺東市建農段756 地號空 地遭堆置廢棄物案件、(5).關山鎮忠鴻瀝青廠股份有限公司黏油外溢 污染案件、(6).台糖中興加油站油管破裂外洩起火事件、(7).耀巨企業 有限公司棄置廢棄物事件、(8).關山鎮新福段1183 地號棄置土木或建 築混合物、(9).成功鎮新港段新港小段923 地號棄置廢棄物、(10).祥 德禮儀社棄置廢棄物、(11).沛恩室內裝修企業社棄置廢棄物、(12).嘉 群交通股份有限公司運並掩埋廢棄物、(13).新開園育苗整地工程掩埋 廢棄物、(14).兆銘工程行載運廢棄物、(15).永潔清潔社司機載運廢棄 物、(16).鴻鼎興營造有限公司載運廢棄物、(17).子棋工程行司機棄置 土木或建築廢棄物混合物、(18).開酈不動產有限公司棄置土木或建築 廢棄物混合物及廢瀝青混凝土。 四、 承諾事項 1. 技佳公司承諾111 年辦理綠色採購2 萬。
中文關鍵字 環境污染、露天燃燒、雜草叢生、油煙(防制)輔導、縮時攝影機、易遭棄置廢棄物地點、禽畜糞產源或使用巡查、違規廣告物、異味污染物官能測定、限制露天燃燒宣導會議


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 廖君庸
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 羅培卿 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 111環稽期末報告.pdf 37MB

111-Taitung County Environmental Audit and Control Plan

英文摘要 The 2022 Taitung County Environmental Audit and Control Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) mainly focuses on environmental pollution control operations, environmental There are three parts in publicity and testing of environmental pollution cases, and the implementation period of the plan is from January 1, 2022 to December 111 As of March 31st, the overall progress rate is 100%. The key points of the plan implementation results are as follows: 1. Implementation of environmental pollution control operations: 1. Build the landowner database for open burning cases and overgrown weeds cases: the project has completed construction A total of 551 items were placed, including 232 items of open-air burning (including 2 items of straw burning cases, temple fair activities, etc.) 24 cases of burning paper money by hand); 319 cases of overgrown petitions (56 cases of public land, A total of 244 private land, a total of 19 public-private mixed land). 2. Assisting in the counseling work of oil fume (prevention) in petition cases: Screening for 110 years of food fume The list of applicants, the selection method is to use the industry with a higher number of repeated petitions as the main inspection list, and At the beginning of the period, 30 catering companies were selected as the interview objects, and the results of the first inspection included 1 storefront has been relocated, 3 stores are closed, 6 stores cannot be closed temporarily, and the remaining 20 stores have been closed Completed the first on-site inspection operation, recorded the installation of relevant control equipment and the determination of perimeter odors, On May 30, the result of the first inspection was submitted to Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau for review. The second re-inspection was completed on May 25th, and there were actually 30 check-ups completed. There are 29 shops and 1 vendor, and most of them have installed range hoods and electrostatic precipitators or For simple washing buckets, 18 units scored above 8 points and 12 units scored below 8 points in the inspection items. China-Israel Wutong Vegetarian Kitchen has the highest score of 12 in the inspection item. After the on-site inspection, it was found that the business only Range hoods and baffles are installed, and the smoke exhaust pipes of the restaurant are discharged parallel to the rear of the store, and the rest of the anti-corrosion There is no installation of equipment such as end-of-pipe treatment equipment, and it belongs to a densely populated area with air pollution. Doubts, for the lack of unfinished improvements, the list of operators with accumulated points of 8 points or more and missing state, will be handed over to Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau Air Noise Control Division for audit guidance Operation. 3. Set up time-lapse cameras at places prone to dumping waste: a total of 137 places were set up in this plan, involving There are violators and clear license plates (according to the personnel certificate of the car tracing behavior), a total of 10 penalties, A total of 2 cases were not sanctioned (1 case where the perpetrator was not clearly identified, 1 case where the same perpetrator was dealt with together), Send a total of 4 cases to the Taitung Branch of the Ninth Battalion of the Seventh Corps of the Security Police of the Police Administration of the Ministry of the Interior for investigation and handling. A total of 12,000 yuan will be fined. 4. Inspection work on places where waste is easily disposed of: this plan has inspected a total of 270 places A total of 49 cases of waste disposal, 45 cases have been cleared and improved (including 1 case with petition), A total of 4 items were improved within a time limit. 4 improvements within a limited time limit are Taimali Township - Xiushan Section 879, Taitung County Opposite to the valley slope, Fengyuanli-Fengjia Section 175, Taitung City, Fengyuan, Taitung City Yuanli - 300 meters on the left side of No. 70, Lane 810, Section 4, Zhonghua Road (Road No. 456 at the top of the road), Xinyuanli, Taitung City - the bottom of the flood control road next to Xinyuan Bridge (Lijia Creek hotspot 02), land management The unit is Taitung County Government (Water Conservancy Division of Construction Department), because the Water Conservancy Division stated that there was no surplus in 2011 The funds are handled for waste removal, and the funds will be processed after 2012, and the case will be closed first Side-by-side tube tracking. 5. Inspection work on the source or use of poultry manure: in order to avoid the use of incompletely decomposed manure by the public or farmers The raw manure was mistakenly used as fertilizer. This plan inspected 221 places in total, and inspected the source of poultry and livestock manure-livestock farms. 16 inspections were carried out, the main inspection items were the pipelines and flow directions of poultry and livestock manure, and the inspection was announced to the industry. Do not provide unripe poultry and livestock manure for public use and must apply to the agricultural administration unit for clearance and transportation List, check 8 livestock farms to process poultry manure produced by themselves, and 2 livestock farms to set up compost Maturation plants, 2 livestock farms with compost curing houses, 4 livestock farms without compost curing Houses; there are 4 places where the agricultural administration unit has applied for a three-way bill of clearance, namely Dongyi Ranch and Weige Mu Farm, Yifeng Ranch and Fucheng Livestock Farm; inspected 205 farmlands, mainly using Fertilizer types, on-site environmental conditions, etc., and publicize not to use immature raw poultry and livestock manure. No use of raw poultry and livestock manure was found, and some farmers were asked about the type of fertilizer used: organic fertilizer 29 places, mixed organic fertilizer (agricultural animal and plant residues, meal, microorganisms, minerals, etc. mixed stacking fermentation, decomposing and other processes) 14 locations, 2 chemical fertilizers, organic and chemical fertilizers Fertilizer 1 place. 6. Inspection of illegal advertisements: 108 places were inspected in this plan, and a total of 335 advertisements were found [Yes A total of 14 pieces of advertisements and 321 pieces of illegal advertisements have been applied for suspension with the competent authority], and the inspectors are now A total of 231 cases were demolished, 3 cases were handed over to the cleaning staff of the Comprehensive Planning Section, and the operators were notified to demolish Except for a total of 87 pieces. According to inspection statistics, the types of illegal advertisements were posted a total of 90 pieces, A total of 245 pieces of hanging [including hanging advertisements of other materials (such as: plastic corrugated board, etc.) a total of 200 pieces, There are 18 pieces of cloth strips and 27 pieces of flags], among which advertising materials of other materials (such as: plastic Glue corrugated board, etc.) is the most common. Among them, a total of 7 cases were punished according to the Waste Disposal Law, and according to the telecommunications Article 8 of the law stipulates that the telecommunications institution shall be notified by letter to stop providing the electronic signal for the advertisement. A total of 6 pieces of telecommunication services (i.e. suspension of calls) were issued, and the cumulative amount of fines was 18,000 yuan. 7. The plan completed the sensory testing of 3 odor pollutants, which were inspected at Lai Yongmei Pig Farm on July 22. The odor value measured on August 30 was 12, and the odor value detected on the Jiahe Ranch was 21 and on October 6. The odor value detected by Feng Animal Farm was 17, all of which were qualified and did not exceed the emission standard value. 2. Carry out publicity and testing of environmental pollution cases: 1. This plan has completed 2 sessions of education and training for dedicated personnel, with a total of 54 people participating. Titled "Public Nuisance Pollution Petition Case Management System", aiming at the interface of the system and the relationship between various functions Functions of operation and related report download and data query; "Industrial Waste and Open Burning Act "Regulations" through the sharing of actual cases, and the way of bringing actual cases into regulations to explain the waste of enterprises Explanation of waste and open burning regulations and implementation of business operations and problem solving. 2. The program completed 3 publicity meetings on limiting open burning, with a total of 137 participants. The seat is Zhang Jizhong, associate researcher of Taito District Agricultural Improvement Field, and Chaoyang University of Science and Technology Environmental Engineering and Zhang Jianshuiwen, professor of the Department of Management, advocated that the main axis of publicity is the recycling of straw, waste tree branches and leaves, and discarded (fallen) fruits. Use and air pollution-related regulations and other issues to reduce the risk of air pollution caused by harm. 3. On March 24, 2011, 15,000 yuan of publicity materials were purchased and delivered to Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau. 4. This plan has completed 48 caring interviews with village chiefs or petitioners per month. The results are all satisfactory. 5. Environmental protection professional certificate training: Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau has assigned personnel to participate in the "public and private place Noise Condition Inspection or Appraisal Personnel Training" course, and obtained the license on May 18. 3. Other administrative cooperation matters 1. After the completion of this project, 24 news, agency Facebook (FB) and TTPush push materials will be provided. 2. A total of 18 major pollution cases have been collected in this plan: (1). Taitung City Office Resource Recovery Site Open-air burning case, (2). Case of dumping waste soil and waste at No. 324-3, Shishan Section, Taitung City, (3). Ammonia gas leakage case of Shunlian Ice Factory in Taitung City, (4). No. 756, Jiannong Section, Taitung City Cases of piled waste on the ground, (5). Viscous oil spillage of Guanshan Town Zhonghong Asphalt Plant Co., Ltd. Pollution cases, (6). Taisugar Zhongxing gas station oil pipe rupture leaked and caught fire, (7). Yaoju Enterprise Co., Ltd. disposal of waste incidents, (8). Abandoned civil engineering or construction at land No. 1183, Xinfu Section, Guanshan Town Building mixture, (9). Disposal of waste at Land No. 923, Xingang Section, Xingang Section, Chenggong Town, (10). Xiang Disposal of waste by De Li etiquette Society, (11). Disposal of waste by Peien Interior Decoration Company, (12). Jia Qun Transportation Co., Ltd. transported and buried waste, (13). Landing of Xinkaiyuan Seedling Nurturing and Site Preparation Project Waste, (14). Zhaoming Engineering Company carrying waste, (15). Drivers of Yongjie Cleaning Agency carrying waste Objects, (16). Hongdingxing Construction Co., Ltd. carrying waste, (17). Drivers of Ziqi Engineering Co., Ltd. Civil engineering or construction waste mixture, (18). Kaili Real Estate Co., Ltd. abandoned civil engineering or construction Waste mixture and waste asphalt concrete. 4. Commitments 1. Jijia Company promises to handle 20,000 green purchases in 2022.
英文關鍵字 environmental pollution, open burning, Overgrown, Fume (prevention) counseling, time-lapse camera, Vulnerable waste sites, Inspection of the source or use of poultry manure, Illegal advertisements, Functional determination of odor pollutants, Limit Open Burning Advocacy Conferenceof odor pollutants