

中文摘要 本計畫依計畫工作目標分為「提升環境保護許可管理資訊系統(EMS)、事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(IWR&MS)及資源再利用管理資訊系統(RMS)服務品質」、「辦理擴大列管作業及強化GPS系統自主管理功能」、「提供免付費諮詢專線服務」及「強化資訊安全防護、確保事業廢棄物相關資訊系統(EMS、IWR&MS、RMS及GPS)正常運作及「落實資訊接露及提升行政效率」等五項核心。 藉由優化系統效能及改善作業流程來提升系統服務品質,為本計畫重視目標之一,除了配合監資處進行效能調教外,另自主監控系統及調校效能,並逐步更新系統編譯程式。此外因應疫情,研析與開發以醫療事業廢棄物為主之有害事業廢棄物電子化遞送聯單。於配合環保署推動許可整合方面,於EMS系統開發整合諮詢平台,加速審查作業。在提升資源再利用管理作為,完成產品最終流向申報功能及對外查詢表,強化再利用產品之最終流向管理作業,讓整體廢棄物生命週期管理得以更臻完善。 為加強清運機具管制目的及符合實際運送情形,本年度新增及調整勾稽樣態,並持續抽測監控各車機供應商之妥善率符合合格標準;並針對圖台進行優化,提供使用者可跨瀏覽器操作及使用各項功能。另為提升環保機關有效管理,完成調整跨縣市調閱相關車輛軌跡服務及優化警示區提醒功能,以利環保管理單位管控追蹤。 本計畫同時提供事業廢棄物免付費諮詢專線服務,平均每月協助4,300件許可申請、申報及系統操作等疑問,並持續更新問答集,提供業者更完善事業廢棄物管理知識庫,為持續提供更專業之諮詢服務。 為強化系統資訊安全防護,本計畫訂定各項定期排程及備份作業之流程,定期掃描及修正系統弱點,為系統資訊安全建立完善防護機制,確保系統資料之安全性、可用性及完整性,持續配合環保署及自主管理弱點掃描作業,以強化系統之安全度。同時配合環保署導入ISO27001相關作業,協同辦理各項文件之統整與建立。 資料統計與行政支援部分,完成110年年報編撰及IWR&MS更新12次事業廢棄物申報數據統計等作業,並協助環保署辦理GPS專案勾稽及至少378件以上之統計案及臨時需求,以輔佐環保署管理政策之推動作業。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物、廢棄物清理申報、GPS即時監控


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 19900 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/19 專案結束日期 2022/11/20 專案主持人 陳緯豪
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 陳奕睿 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年事廢應用維護計畫成果報告(公開版).pdf 33MB 去除個資之完整資料

The Industrial Waste Management Information System Maintenance and Application Project of 2022

英文摘要 The project goal contains five core objectives as “enhancement of the Environmental Management System (EMS), the Industrial Waste Report and Management System (IWR&MS), and the Resource Management System (RMS)”, “implementation of expanded control operation and reinforcement of the Global Positioning System (GPS) self-management function”, “provision of toll-free consultation hotline service” and “strengthening information security, ensure normal operation of industrial waste related information system (EMS, IWR&MS, RMS and GPS)”, as well as “implementation of information disclosure and improvement of administrative efficiency”. Optimization of the system efficiency and improvement of the process flow to enhance the system service quality is one of the important targets valued by this project that through cooperation with the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management in the adjustment of performance effectiveness as well as through the adjustment of self-monitoring system effectiveness, the system compiler has been upgraded step by step. Additionally, in response to the pandemic situation, the project has researched and developed the delivery manifest in electronic format for hazardous industrial waste delivery reporting service particularly for medical waste. In coordination with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in promoting the integration of permits, the project has established an integration consultation platform in the EMS to expedite on the review process. In terms of improving resource recycling management, the project has established the function for products final flow reporting and external inquiry forms to enhance recycled products final flow management operation, so as to accomplish even better management for the complete lifecycle of industrial waste. In order to strengthen the purpose for the management of waste collection and disposal vehicles to comply with their actual transportation condition, the project in this year has newly increased and adjusted the auditing patterns with continued random sampling and monitoring of the vehicle suppliers’ rate of compliance with the required standards. The project also optimized the geographic information system to provide users with cross browsers operation and other functions. In order to enhance effective management for Environmental Bureaus, the project has completed the adjustment for cross counties and cities reviewing of relevant vehicles tracking service and optimized the advisory area waring function to facilitate environmental management units in their control and monitoring. The project provided toll-free service hotlines for inquiries on industrial waste. On an average, 4,300 inquiries were received per month regarding permit applications, reporting, and system operation. The project also continuously updated the FAQ section to provide a comprehensive knowledge base for industrial waste management and to provide more professional consultation services as well. In order to improve the system information security, the project has laid down scheduled checks and backups operation process flow, with regular system vulnerability scanning and correction, to build sound protection mechanism for the system information security, to ensure the system information safety, availability and integrity. The project has continued its coordination with EPA and independent vulnerability scanning management to enhance the system security level. The project also cooperated with EPA in introducing the ISO 27001 practices and in collaboration to carry out the integration and establishment of all documentations. In terms of statistic works and administrative supports, the project has completed the edition of the 2021 annual report and updated the statistical data 12 times for industrial waste reported in the IWR&MS systems. The project also assisted EPA in conducting GPS project auditing and carried out at least 378 statistical cases of ad hoc requests to support the promotion of EPA management policies.
英文關鍵字 Industrial wastes, Waste Clearance Reporting, Waste Clearance Reporting, GPS real-time monitoring