

中文摘要 本計畫執行內容包括研提環境部中長程整體科技發展規劃、辦理政府科技發展相關先期規劃及執行管考事宜、推廣環境部科技計畫執行成果等三大面向。中長程科技發展策略方針規劃方面,本計畫第一階段主要作業為蒐集國外環保科技發展資料,彙整環境永續科學技術白皮書各議題之科技發展策略與預算規劃,彙編環境永續科學技術白皮書草案。第二階段延續第一階段之作業內容,透過環境部內研議及專家諮詢等方式,辦理專家諮詢會議,透過外部專家建議,研商需求討論,梳理缺口並確立方向,滾動式修訂環境部科技發展策略,更新修正「環境永續科學技術白皮書暨科學發展計畫(113-116)」。 政府科技發展方面,本計畫協助環境部辦理科技計畫先期作業,113年度共13件計畫,申請額度共9億4,818萬9,000元;114年度共16件計畫,申請額度共8億7,186萬1,000元,各年度皆協助環境部提交總體說明書1份,爭取科技預算。科技計畫審議作業部分,協助辦理環境部主政審之112度科計計畫共8件,行政院核定額度為8億8,818萬9,000元;113度綱要計畫共11件,行政院核定額度為8億7,186萬1,000元。 辦理科技計畫績效評估與評核作業,110年度績效評估作業,環境部主政審查科技計畫共9件。111年度績效評估作業,環境部主政審查科技計畫共4件,各年度皆完成彙編年度科技計畫成果1份,並完成110年及111年年終評核,評核結果皆為甲等。 科技成果推廣方面,111年完成辦理1場次環境科技論壇,共計251人參與,完成彙整16篇成果報告、64張海報及論文集1本,並製作論壇專文1篇,111年度論壇專文皆完成上傳至環境部全球資訊網提供大眾點閱。112年完成辦理1場次環境科技論壇,共計267人參與,完成彙整18篇成果報告及論文集1本,製作論壇專文1篇,達成擴散科技計畫研發成果之預期目標,整體計畫執行成果豐碩。
中文關鍵字 中長程科技施政策略、環境科技、環境科技論壇


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 5271.956 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/08 專案結束日期 2023/11/20 專案主持人 戴士恩
主辦單位 環境部綜合規劃司 承辦人 賀志殷 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 MOENV-111-112年科技發展策略規劃及計畫管理整合計畫.pdf 8MB

Technology Development Strategic Planning and Program Management Integration for 2022-2023 Projects

英文摘要 The primary tasks of this project covered three aspects, namely planning the mid- and long-term science and technology development for the ministry of environment, formulating early planning and implementation details for government science and technology development, and promoting the implementation results of MOENV science and technology projects. In terms of science and technology development planning, the main tasks in the first phase of this project are to collect foreign environmental science and technology development data, compile science and technology development strategies and budget planning for each topic of the environmental sustainability science and technology white paper, and compile a draft of the environmental sustainability science and technology white paper. The second phase continues the work content of the first phase. Through internal deliberations and expert consultations, special consultation meetings will be held. Through external expert suggestions, discussion needs will be discussed, gaps will be sorted out and directions will be established, and the technology of the Ministry of Environment will be revised on a rolling basis. Development strategy, update and revise the "White Paper on Environmental Sustainability Science and Technology and Scientific Development Plan (113-116)". For government technology development, this program assisted the MOENV in the early stage of the science and technology projects. In 2024, a total of 13 projects with an application grant of NT$948,189,000 were approved. In 2025, a total of 16 projects with an application grant of NT$871,861,000 were approved. Every year, this project assisted the MOENV in submitting a comprehensive project introduction to obtain a budget for science and technology projects. As for the science and technology project review, this project assisted nine MOENV projects in applying for 2023 grants and obtained a total amount of NT$888,189,000. For 2024 grant, four projects were applied, and a total amount of $871,861,000 was approved by the Executive Yuan. Regarding the performance evaluation and assessment of science and technology projects, a total of nine science and technology projects under the MOENV were reviewed in 2021, while four projects were reviewed in 2022. An annual result report on science and technology projects was published each year, and the annual assessment of 2021 and 2022 was completed. The results were all graded A. As for promoting the implementation results of MOENV science and technology projects, this project organized the Forum on Environmental Technology with a total of 251 participants in 2022. A total of 16 oral presentations, 64 posters, and one conference proceeding were published. One monograph about the forum was written. In 2023, the forum invited a total of 267 participants and 18 presentations. A conference proceeding and One monograph of the forum were published. All papers of the Forum every year were uploaded to the MOENV official website for public access, achieving the expected goal of sharing the research and development results of the projects. The overall performance of this project was favorable.
英文關鍵字 The medium- and long-term science and technology policies, Environmental Technology, Forum on Environmental Technology