

中文摘要 臺中市位於我國樞紐位置,境內設有化學碼頭及多處工業園區,舉凡電鍍產業、化工業、倉儲業、運輸業乃至於科技產皆蓬勃發展。本團隊承接臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)委辦「111年度臺中市毒性及關注化學物質源頭管理計畫」,藉由執行毒性及關注化學物質「災害防救」與「運作管理」相關業務,協助環保局強化臺中市列管毒性及關注化學物質運作廠家之平時營運與應變作為;同時透過執行化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查與辦理各項教育宣導行銷活動,掌握臺中市化學物質運作情形及買賣流向,提高民眾對於化學物質使用管理及危害辨識觀念,截至期末進度為止,本計畫總執行進度為100%,契約規定各項業務執行成效如下: 一、強化毒性及關注化學物質災害防救:(1)辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場所現場輔導(含無預警測試)12場次,業者改善回傳率100%(2)辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場廠及相關災防機關通聯測試524件次,通聯正常且無異動佔97%(3)辦理毒性及關注化學物質災害防救(含疏散避難)演練1場次,共動員18個單位投入70位應變人員參演。 二、推動毒性及關注化學物質管理:(1)辦理毒性及關注化學物質運作場所查核440場次,查核當下符合規定佔98%(2)辦理毒性及關注化學物質專案查核或現勘62場次,共計辦理6項專案僅3件違規(3)辦理固定式偵測設備即時監控預警機制1式,監管期間接獲14件異常警報通知。 三、辦理化工原料或相關業者等行業輔導訪查:(1)辦理化工原料或相關業者(依本局所提供之名單)輔導訪查354場次,運作環保署化學局調查的28種物質業者佔90%(2)辦理毒性及關注化學物質暨化工原料或相關業者系統建檔802件次,統計年度違反事實有告發行為共計13件。 四、辦理相關教育宣導行銷活動或訓練:(1)辦理毒性及關注化學物質宣導活動4場次,共計360家業者414人出席(2)辦理食安宣導活動2場次,共計宣導對象達177人(3)辦理毒性及關注化學物質暨食安相關議題宣導行銷電子報2則及圖卡2則。 五、臨時其他毒性及關注化學物質相關交辦事項:如每月定期召開工作會議與提交月工作報告、協助回覆臺中地區性聯防組織LINE群組訊息、彙整關注化學物質(如一氧化二氮、氟化氫及硝酸銨)運作業者相關資訊、協助臺中市111年度災害防救業務毒化物訪評及考核資料彙整、配合環保署化學局全國聯防組織功能查核、配合環保署化學局廠家深度輔導訪查、協助參與111年度中區聯防組織訓練研討會、協助局務會議毒化物相關簡報製作。 本團隊依契約規定執行各項業務,藉由計畫執行過程落實毒性及關注化學物質運作管理安全、提升應變時之緊急應變能力,並透過化工原料實地訪查與各項教育宣導活動辦理,建立一般民眾對於化學物質正確使用觀念,進而確保人民生命、環境及財產之安全。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 2725 千元
專案開始日期 2022/05/24 專案結束日期 2022/12/31 專案主持人 温承翰
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 羅莉莉 執行單位 鼎薪防災科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 202301301520020309.pdf 19MB

Inspection and Management Project of the concerned and toxic chemicals in Taichung city of the year 2022

英文摘要 Taichung city, located in the center of Taiwan, is built with chemical part and multiple industrial parks, which leads to the development of various industries such as plating, chemical, warehousing, transportation and technical industry. Our Environmental Incident Specialist Teams team undertakes the commission of transacting the “Inspection and Management Project of the concerned and toxic chemicals in Taichung city” from Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of Taichung. By executing the “disaster prevention” and “standard operation procedure” protocol, our team helps the EPB strengthen the supervision to the daily management and emergency response of the factories and companies with business related to concerned and toxic chemicals. In the meantime, we tutor the corporation connected to the field of chemical substance and host a wide variety of educational advertising campaign to properly inspect the market of chemical substances in Taichung and enhance people’s understanding to the usage and identification. So far, to the end of final process, the plan has reached the progress of 100%. The result of each operation regulated by the conducted code are as following: 1.Strengthen the disaster prevention and response operation of toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances: (1) Conduct unexpected examination and on scene tutorship of toxic and concerned chemicals for 12 times. (2) Completed toxic chemicals operating places, test and database the communication with others relative disaster departments for 524 documents. (3) Hold the toxic chemical disaster response (including evacuation and sheltering) prevention for1 documents. 2.Promoting the management of toxic and concerned chemical substances operation: (1) Inspect the toxic chemical substances for 440 documents. (2) Inspect the city's toxic chemical substance manufacturing 62 documents. (3) Set up a real-time monitoring and early warning mechanism for fixed detection equipment. 3.Execute chemical industry visits (1) 354 counseling visits to chemical materials and dyestuff industries. (2) Establish environmental protection inspection punishment controlled system and database to a total of 802 documents. 4.Organize related educational advertising campaign or training: (1) Organize 4 advertising activities of toxic and concerned chemical substance (2) Conduct 2 educational and training sessions of the manufacturers operating toxic chemical substances and food safety risk chemical. (3) Execution of Toxic Chemicals and Food Safety Marketing Campaign. Other provisional instruction of toxic and concerned chemical substances: host the monthly meeting and complete the report of the progress, assist the administration of Taichung city in aggregating data of yearly examination and disaster prevention of toxic substances in the 110th year of the Republic Era, estimate the number of professional operators and responder at the operating scene of toxic and concerned chemicals, establish communicating group in the Taichung region, aggregating the data of business related to concerned chemicals such as Nitrous oxide, hydrogen fluoride and ammonium nitrate. Our team executes all the mission based on the newest order. By closely following the conduct code, we are able to propyl manage the safety and enhance the emergency response of the public to the concerned and toxic chemical component. Through the real-time examination and various education propaganda, we successfully establish correct understanding to the usage of chemical component in the public, which then protect people’s life, environment and property.
英文關鍵字 toxic chemicals