

中文摘要 本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7) 檢查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)擴充開發環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(9) 開發環保署環評最新會議紀錄專頁。(10) 開發環評書件進階(模糊)查詢功能。(11) 開發環評書件之個案審查歷程以視覺化排版呈現。(12)針對環保署及地方環保單位環境影響評估承辦同仁,召開1場次書件系統功能說明會(如遇疫情因素影響,得以視訊或其他方式召開會議)。 (13)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新230件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計111件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、系統、資料庫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 2850 千元
專案開始日期 2021/12/29 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 林偉田
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 陳冠宇 執行單位 智通工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 正式報告全文檔.pdf 14MB

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project

英文摘要 This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Expand and develop the function of online collection of written review opinions for EIA cases,(9)Develop web pages for the latest minutes of the environmental impact assessment meeting, (10) Develop advanced (fuzzy) query functions for EIA documents, (11) The case review process of developing EIA documents is presented in a visual layout, (12) Holding a meeting of system functions briefing, (13)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 230 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 111 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental impact assessment, Application, Database