

中文摘要 臺東縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)之「土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」為每年重要的污染防治專案計畫之一,本年度工作目標包括:定期監測土壤及地下水品質、列管場址巡查與管制、污染查證及改善成果驗證作業等,以達成臺東縣土地資源永續利用之目標。 為此,環保局為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於111年度委託裕山環境工程股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「111年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺東縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),目前截至111年11月20日止,整體工作均符合合約規定,完成總進度99%,詳見摘表一所示。各項工作執行成果摘述如下: 一、土壤品質調查作業 111年度本計畫針對臺東縣下賓朗段18地號、臺東縣卑南鄉利泰段317地號、臺東縣關山鎮新福段317地號及臺東市永樂段371地號,共計4筆地號進行土壤品質調查作業,其中臺東縣下賓朗段18地號土壤重金屬鋅濃度279mg/kg、台東市永樂段371地號土壤重金屬銅濃度209mg/kg、鋅濃度283mg/kg超過農地食用作物監測標準,臺東縣卑南鄉利泰段317地號、臺東縣關山鎮新福段317地號均低於食用作物農地監測標準以下。 二、地下水品質調查作業 長馨加油站、三仙台加油站、瑞洋加油站及綠島火力發電廠已完成地下水品質調查作業,共計6口場置性監測井,其關切污染物VOCs及TPH均低於地下水污染監測標準。 三、監測井維護工作 本年度共完成34口監測井內部功能檢查、外觀巡查維護作業,各監測井狀況大多良好,主要為清除枯枝落葉、雜草及重新上漆;完成2口監測井設施修復作業(卑南國小及中華紙漿後門監測井)。完成8口監測井內部功能檢查作業(淞富汽車、綠島汽車漁港站4口、中華紙漿苗圃、志航加油站、建安加油站),針對微水試驗及井中攝影結果異常的監測井均已改善完成。 四、地下儲槽污染潛勢查核作業、網路申報查核及現場稽巡查作業 本計畫已完成01、05及09月網路申報查核,申報完備率均為100%,另現場稽巡查結果,部分加油站書面資料仍有缺失,經現場稽巡查人員糾正後均已改善完成,上半年度富池加油站、萬年加油站、永利加油站、富岡加油站、豐盛加油站、美得豐工加油站、日盛加油站等,加油機設施設備均有滲油之缺失,已於下半年查核時完成修繕。 五、地上貯槽系統法規符合度及輔導作業 本計畫111年度執行地上貯存系統法規符合度確認及輔導作業共計執行125家,未達管制標準不需列管共計50家(如更換加熱系統或拆除貯存系統及容量容量不超過200L);現場地上貯存系統設有防止濺溢設施符合法規規定業者共53家;需改善及輔導追蹤共計5家;改善完成共計17家。 六、土壤及地下水查證或驗證與緊急應變 (一)綠島漁港加油站驗證作業: 土壤中TPH超過土壤管制標準;地下水中苯超過第二類地下水污染監測標準,臺東縣環境保護局已請中油公司提出緊急應變必要措施計畫,改善期程一年為限。 (二)太平營區加油站查證作業: 土壤調查結果TPH及Vocs皆低於土壤污染監測標準。 (三)忠鴻瀝青廠緊急應變查證作業: 土壤調查結果TPH及Vocs皆低於土壤污染監測標準。 (四)臺東市台糖中興加油站緊急應變查證作業: 土壤調查結果TPH及Vocs皆低於土壤污染監測標準,查證過程中發現油槽區1.3米處有異物,研判為護槽且該站自主連續監測PID測值明顯上下浮動,故研判溢流之95無鉛汽油均在護槽內無向外擴散。 七、工業區管理作業 豐樂工業區於111年度5月24日進行地下水品質採樣作業,檢測結果FL01~FL05地下水採樣數據皆符合法規標準,豐樂工業區於7月27日完成網路申報作業,審查結果均為正常並完成紀錄備查。 八、辦理法規說明、教育訓練會議及新聞稿宣導 本年度共完成2場次法規說明會、2場次農民宣導會、5場次校園土水說故事活動、3場次親子說故事繪本宣導及2場內部教育訓練,並製作宣導文宣口罩1000份、宣導品造型毛巾600份及故事繪本400本,於宣導活動中發放,另發佈新聞稿6則於各大社群平台,以擴大宣導層面。 九、資料庫更新 本團隊已依據執行成果並於工作項目結束後30天內依規定將監測井維護保養成果、水質檢測成果、加油站查核成果等成果匯入環保署土壤及地下水資訊管理系統中。 十、協助列管場址管理 本團隊依據計畫執行成果於工作項目結束後30天內將監測井維護保養成果、水質檢測成果、加油站查核成果等成果匯入環保署土壤及地下水資訊管理系統中;本計畫為能使臺東縣環境保護局土壤及地下水監測資料庫更便於民眾操作及使用,今年度進行網頁介面系統更新,取消帳號密碼設定及增設部分檢測項目登載,使民眾更能了解臺東地區土壤及地下水品質現況。 十一、協助機關辦理土壤及地下水污染整治業務績效考評作業 現階段系統考評分數為64.33分,因考評系統端尚未將公告事業管理及地方特色作業與土水宣導業務列入計分,預計本年度可得100分。 十二、其他 完成承諾事項採購一台彩色雷射印表機一台;更新臺東縣環境保護局土壤及地下水監測資料庫操作介面使民眾在操作上更方便;綠色採購達2萬元以上;推廣並提升「TT-Push」使用率;完成沼液沼渣灌溉的農田共計42筆坵塊採樣及土壤重金屬XRF分析。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、查證、監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6920 千元
專案開始日期 2022/01/01 專案結束日期 2022/12/20 專案主持人 莊順
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳顯貴 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111年期末報告(定稿-全).pdf 28MB 111年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺東縣-期末報告(定稿)

Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Taitung County in 111.

英文摘要 The soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work plan of Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) is one of the important pollution prevention and control project plans every year, and the work objectives of this year include: regular monitoring of soil and groundwater quality, inspection and control of management sites, pollution verification and improvement achievement verification operations, etc., so as to achieve the goal of sustainable utilization of land resources in Taitung County. To this end, in order to continuously grasp the status of soil and groundwater pollution under its jurisdiction, the EPB entrusted Yushan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the team) to implement the "111 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Taitung County" (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) in FY111, and as of November 20, 111, the overall work has complied with the contract and completed 99% of the total progress, as shown in Abstract Table 1. The results of the implementation of the work are summarized below: 1. Soil quality investigation operations In 111 years, this plan carried out soil quality investigation operations for the 18th place of Xiabinlang section of Taitung County, the 317th place of Litai section of Beinan Township, Taitung County, the 317th place of Xinfu section of Guanshan Town of Taitung County and the 371 place number of Yongle section of Taitung City, a total of 4 land numbers, of which the soil heavy metal zinc concentration of 279mg/kg in the 18th section of Xiabinlang section of Taitung County, the concentration of heavy metal copper in soil of No. 371 in Yongle section of Taitung City was 209mg/kg, and the zinc concentration was 283mg/kg exceeding the monitoring standards for edible crops in farmland. The No. 317 of the Litai Section of Beinan Township, Taitung County, and the No. 317 of the Xinfu Section of Guanshan Town, Taitung County are lower than the monitoring standards for edible crop farmland. 2. Groundwater quality investigation operations Changxin Gas Station, Sanxiantai Gas Station, Ruiyang Gas Station and Green Island Thermal Power Plant have completed groundwater quality investigation operations, with a total of 6 on-site monitoring wells, and the pollutants VOCs and TPH of concern are lower than groundwater pollution monitoring standards. 3. Maintenance of monitoring wells During the year, a total of 34 monitoring wells were inspected for internal functions, inspection and maintenance of appearance, and most of them were in good condition, mainly to remove dead branches and leaves, weeds and repaint. Completed the repair of 2 monitoring well facilities (Peinan Elementary School and China Pulp Backdoor Monitoring Wells). The internal function inspection of 8 monitoring wells (4 Songfu Automobile, Green Island Auto Fishing Port Station, China Pulp Nursery, Zhihang Gas Station, Jian'an Gas Station) has been completed, and the monitoring wells with abnormal micro-water tests and photographic results in the wells have been improved. 4. Underground storage tank pollution potential inspection operations, network declaration and inspection and on-site inspection operations In the first half of the year, Fuchi gas station, Wannian gas station, Wynn gas station, Fugang gas station, Fengsheng gas station, Meidefeng gas station, Risheng gas station, etc., the fuel machine facilities and equipment were missing oil leakage, and the repair was completed in the second half of the year. 5. Compliance with regulations and guidance for above-ground storage tank systems In the 111 years of this plan, a total of 125 above-ground storage system regulatory compliance confirmation and guidance operations were implemented, and a total of 50 companies did not meet the control standards and did not need to be managed (such as replacing the heating system or dismantling the storage system and the capacity did not exceed 200L); The on-site above-ground storage system is equipped with spillage prevention facilities, and a total of 53 companies comply with laws and regulations; A total of 5 companies need to be improved and counseled; A total of 17 improvements were completed. 6. Soil and groundwater verification or verification and emergency response (1) Green Island Fishing Port Gas Station Verification Operation: TPH in soil exceeds soil control standards; The benzene in the groundwater exceeds the monitoring standard for Category II groundwater pollution, and the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau has asked CNPC to propose an emergency response necessary measures plan, and the improvement period is limited to one year. (2) Verification operations of gas stations in Taipingying District: Soil survey results TPH and Vocs were below soil pollution monitoring standards. (3) Emergency response verification operation of Zhonghong asphalt plant: Soil survey results TPH and Vocs were below soil pollution monitoring standards. (4) Taitung City Taitung City Tai Sugar Zhongxing Gas Station emergency response verification operation: The soil survey results TPH and Vocs were lower than the soil pollution monitoring standard, and during the verification process, it was found that there were foreign bodies at 1.3 meters in the oil tank area, and the PID measurement value of the station independently and continuously monitored the PID fluctuated significantly, so it was judged that the overflow of 95 unleaded gasoline did not spread outward in the protective trough. 7. Industrial park management operations Fengle Industrial Park carried out groundwater quality sampling operation on May 24, 111, the test results FL01~FL05 groundwater sampling data were in line with the regulatory standards, Fengle Industrial Park completed the online declaration operation on July 27, the review results were normal and the records were completed for reference. 8. Handling explanations of laws and regulations, education and training meetings and press releases This year, a total of 2 legal explanatory meetings, 2 farmers' advocacy meetings, 5 campus soil and water storytelling activities, 3 parent-child storytelling picture book publicity and 2 internal education and training sessions were completed, and 1,000 copies of advocacy masks, 600 copies of promotional towels and 400 picture books of stories were produced, distributed in advocacy activities, and 6 press releases were issued on major social platforms to expand the level of advocacy. 9. Database Updates Based on the implementation results and within 30 days of the end of the work project, the team has transferred the results of monitoring well maintenance, water quality testing, and gas station inspections into the EPD's soil and groundwater information management system. 10. Assist in the management of the site Based on the results of the implementation plan, the team will integrate the results of monitoring well maintenance, water quality testing, and gas station inspection into the EPD's soil and groundwater information management system within 30 days after the completion of the project. In order to make the soil and groundwater monitoring database of the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau more convenient for the public to operate and use, this year the web interface system was updated, the account password setting was cancelled and some testing items were added, so that the public can better understand the current situation of soil and groundwater quality in Taitung area. 11. Assist organs in handling performance evaluation operations for soil and groundwater pollution remediation At this stage, the score of the system examination is 64.33 points, because the evaluation system has not yet included the announcement business management and local characteristic operations and soil water advocacy business in the score, and it is expected that 100 points will be scored this year. XII. Miscellaneous Complete the commitment to purchase a color laser printer; Updated the operation interface of the soil and groundwater monitoring database of the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau to make the operation more convenient for the public; Green procurement of more than 20,000 yuan; Promote and increase the use of TT-Push; A total of 42 blocks were sampled and XRF analysis of heavy metals in soil was completed in the farmland irrigated by biogas slurry.
英文關鍵字 soil, Groundwater, Investigation, Verification