

中文摘要 面對氣候變遷的嚴峻,環境關懷已是每位地球村公民所應具備的基本素養,對永續發展的追求,更成為全球的共同目標。在審視臺灣環境教育在理論面、實務面及價值內涵的發展,為能更積極擴大環境教育的參與層面與多元可能性,追求環境教育的創新與永續發展,環保署積極推動臺丹環境教育合作,並與丹麥外交部駐臺機構丹麥商務辦事處促成與全球設計界諾貝爾獎美譽Index Award的主辦單位The Index Project共同合作,期許未來臺丹雙方能在跨文化與跨領域的環境教育設計上有更多合作的空間。為能讓環境教育成果更為具體化、擴大理念影響力,持續辦理環境關懷設計競賽,導入「務實、動手實作與問題導向」的思維,輔以創新的教學方式帶入我國環境教育,以培養民眾與青年學子對於「環境關懷」、「跨界創新」與「創意務實」觀念的認同與實踐;透過設計競賽的推廣與辦理、設計競賽成果展、入圍作品最佳人氣獎票選活動、Index Award 2023國際競賽的參與相關媒體的宣傳等,開啟環境教育的跨領域互動,豐富與創新臺灣環境教育的發展。
中文關鍵字 環境教育,永續發展,環境關懷設計


專案計畫編號 MOENV024112001 經費年度 111 計畫經費 11184 千元
專案開始日期 2022/04/14 專案結束日期 2023/10/31 專案主持人 陳俊智
主辦單位 環境部環境保護司 承辦人 張文芬 執行單位 台灣設計跨界交流協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2022臺丹環境教育合作暨環境關懷設計競賽專案工作計畫成果報告.pdf 30MB

2022 Taiwan and Denmark environmental education partnership & environmantal caring design competition

英文摘要 Facing the severe climate change, everyone should have concerned for the environment and pursue the development in environmental sustainability. In order to promote environmental education and innovation in all aspects. The EPA enthusiastically pressed ahead with the cooperation of environmental education between Taiwan and Denmark to improve the development of Taiwan environmental education on the theoretical, practical, and valuable level. The Index Project worked with Taiwan on the program. Caring for the Environment Design Competition is held to promote the innovative designs in environmental education and also provide students a chance to learn practical skills and improve their problem-based thinking. Through the innovative teaching methods of environmental education, young people and students can know more and also take part in the campaign with the concept of "environmental care", "cross-field innovation" and " practical creativity". The whole program includes the design achievement exhibition, public voting prize, Index Award 2023 international competition and the cooperation between Taiwan and Denmark environmental education. Hoping these activities will open the door of cross-field interaction and greatly improve the development of Taiwan's environmental education.
英文關鍵字 environmental education, sustainability, caring for the environment design