

中文摘要 本計畫包含三大項計畫目標:(一)研提農藥及動物用抗生素調查篩選機制;(二)建立農藥及動物用抗生素於水體、底泥及魚體含量之檢測方法;(三)農藥及動物用抗生素之環境流布調查與研析。計畫目標一為研提農藥及動物用抗生素調查篩選機制,農藥調查篩選機制流程參考「111年化學物質環境流布背景專案工作計畫」中毒性化學物質環境流布調查規劃篩選原則並考量農業部「高危害性農藥辨識原則」,篩選出風險較高農藥進行環境流布調查規劃;依據國際間動物用抗生素關注清單及國內動物用抗生素使用量與相關研究報告篩選動物用抗生素為標的分析物質。計畫目標二為建立農藥及動物用抗生素於水體、底泥及魚體含量之檢測方法,因國內目前尚未公告底泥或水生生物樣本之多重農藥或動物用抗生素殘留分析標準檢驗方法,因此農藥分析參考食藥署方法及文獻發表之檢測技術,動物用抗生素參考自美國環保署及文獻發表之檢測技術。另水體樣本參考我國環境部「水中殘留農藥檢測方法」及美國環保署「使用高效液相層析串聯質譜儀(high performance liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry, HPLC-MS/MS)檢測水、土壤、底泥和生物固形物中的藥物和個人護理用品」之分析方法進行修正後檢測。計畫目標三為農藥及動物用抗生素河川流域流布調查,彙整農業部農糧署110年農耕土地面積統計資料,以台灣本島中西部為農耕土地占比高的區域,且考量經濟部水利署主要河川流域資料,選擇二條河川(濁水溪與北港溪)作為調查區域,進行河川水體、底泥、土壤或水生生物之採樣規劃。此外,本工項已辦理「農藥與動物用抗生素調查物質篩選機制」專諮會1場次,最後以專諮會最後定版之篩選機制對指定的農藥與動物用抗生素完成河川調查優先順序之篩選及修正採樣規劃,而後進行120個樣品採樣,並完成農藥及動物用抗生素之殘留檢測。本計畫針對農藥及動物用抗生素檢驗結果進行數據分析,並據以研提農藥及動物用抗生素之管理策略與提出建議,作為未來探討環境中農藥與動物用抗生素殘留之依據。
中文關鍵字 環境流布,農藥,動物用抗生素,河川,底泥,魚體


專案計畫編號 經費年度 111 計畫經費 6350 千元
專案開始日期 2022/11/22 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 陳秀玲
主辦單位 化學署評估管理組 承辦人 邱美璇 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 111A283-農藥及動物用抗生素環境流布調查-詳細版摘要.pdf 0MB

The investigation on environmental distribution of pesticides and antibiotics for animals in Taiwan

英文摘要 This project encompasses three major objectives: (1) To establish a screening mechanism for investigating pesticides and veterinary antibiotics, (2) To develop methods for detecting pesticide and veterinary antibiotic levels in environmental matrices, (3) To conduct an environmental survey and analyze the distribution of pesticides and veterinary antibiotics in Taiwanese river basins. The first objective involves the creation of a screening mechanism for pesticide investigation. The process for pesticide investigation referred from the principles outlined in the "Environmental Distribution of Chemical Substances Background Investigation Project in 2022," which incorporates screening criteria for the environmental distribution of pesticides outlined by the ministry of Agriculture. This process is designed to identify high risk pesticides for planning environmental distribution investigations. For veterinary antibiotics, target analytes are selected based on international lists of important veterinary antibiotics, domestic antibiotic usage, as well as those mentioned in related researches. The second objective is to establish analysis methods for detecting pesticide and veterinary antibiotic levels in alterative environmental media. Due to the absence of available standard testing methods for analyzing multiple pesticides or veterinary antibiotics in sediment or aquatic biological samples in Taiwan, the pesticide analysis referred to the methods provided by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and published reports. For veterinary antibiotics, the analytical methods referred to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and published techniques. Additionally, the analysis of water samples is modified based on the "Residue Pesticide Detection Method in Water" from Taiwan's Ministry of Environment and "Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HPLC/MS/MS" from USEPA. Finally, it involves a survey of the distribution of pesticides and veterinary antibiotics in river basins. This includes the compilation of statistical data on agricultural land areas from the Department of Agriculture in Taiwan in 2021. Two river basins are selected in the central and western regions of Taiwan because of these districts have a high proportion of agricultural land, and they located in the major river basins from the Water Resources Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. All sampling design, and sampling process are developed for river water, sediment, and aquatic organism. Throughout this project, an expert consultant committee on the " Screening Method in Pesticides and Veterinary Antibiotics " has been completed. This committee recommended an updated screening method to prioritize and adjust the sampling plan for designated pesticides and veterinary antibiotics in river investigations. So far, the analysis of pesticide and veterinary antibiotics measurements have been finished. Finally, the analytical results can be used to develop management strategies and recommendations, as well as laying the groundwork for future discussions on the presence of pesticide and veterinary antibiotic residues in the environment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental distribution, Pesticides, Veterinary antibiotics, River, Sediment, Fish